I've always wanted the chance to point my finger at a map and go. You'd think I'd have my answers lined up, but when MJ said we could go wherever I want.
I knew I wanted to go back to Paris, and I liked it that we could take the train from Stuttgart and bypass the airport ordeal. I knew that I had to go to Santorini. That was a no brainer. I also knew that Prague needed to be on that list, but where else? Since it would be Summer, and I've never been to a European beach, I thought it would be nice to throw a beach vacation in the mix of all that city stuff.
The Balearic Islands are so far South, who knows when we'd make it down there next, so it came down to Majorca or Ibiza. Ibiza is known for partying and when I started researching it I found that it was pretty expensive. We are not party people so as cool as it might sound to say I took a pill in Ibiza (even if it was just a vitamin), I did not want to pay the party people price. I zeroed in on Palma, but we decided to stay in Colonia Sant Jordi in the South because it is close to one of the most beautiful beaches in Majorca. After the locations were decided, MJ came up with a schedule of dates and that's how our European vacation itinerary came to be.
We had one day between Santorini and Majorca. One day. I did laundry, we repacked, and then we were off to the Stuttgart airport for a direct flight from to Palma. It felt like we were just at the airport...because we were. At this point I was delirious with happiness. I had just been to Santorini. My travel dream had come true, and I still had two trips ahead of me.
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Platja D'es Moli De S'estany, Colonia Sant Jordi, Mallorca |
MJ insisted on a rental car. In retrospect, I know this was a good idea, but I am always going to be resistant to spending more money. Just on principle. Our flight was delayed. Ugh. We had a pretty late arrival, but as soon as we walked in the door to our hotel, I knew it was another slam dunk and I was so excited. Hotel El Coto is beautiful. The bed was so big. The biggest bed of our vacation so far. The bed and the king size pillows were foam, and so soft. Still no drawers, but we had multiple shelves for storing our clothing and a good sized closet. The bathroom was big and beautiful.
we had a huge balcony that unfortunately, we never took full advantage of. The balcony even had drying racks for wet bathing suits and towels. It was fabulous.
At Hotel El Coto breakfast is served outside on the patio overlooking the beautiful pool area. We had the option of including it in the price of our hotel stay. That seems to be the thing in Europe. Half board to include dinner was also an option, but I chose not to because part of the fun of traveling is picking different places to eat meals. I didn't want to have to eat at the hotel every night, even though, from what I read, Hotel El Coto is known for their gastronomy.
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Colonia Sant Jordi |
Just a three minute walk from our hotel is one of the most beautiful and most perfect beaches I have ever had the privilege of splashing around in. The sand is fine and white. The ocean floor is sandy and smooth. The water is clear and aqua. When you first get in it is slightly chilly, but after that it feels warm. The other thing I loved about this beach is that there were no waves, and I could go pretty far out before the water went over my head. I floated on my back staring at the sky totally at peace and relaxed. I looked hard for fish, but all I saw were these tiny little things that didn't scare me at all. In my opinion this is the most perfect best beach ever. Better than Hawaii. For €18 a day we rented a little hut with two padded loungers. Every time the sun moved, we just adjusted our chairs so we always had shade. It was perfect. We sat there for hours! MJ and I both finished our books. It was great.
After the beach we went in search of dinner. Just down the street is the main part of town where there are shops and plenty of restaurants to choose from. We ate we ice cream every single day we were there.
Once again, we really didn't make any plans. This vacation was really about the beach, but wanted to spend one day exploring Palma, so on day 2 we headed North. I loved the Old Town. I really don't ever get tired of exploring the narrow alley ways and cobble stoned streets of Europe. I finally got some Paella. Then we went and found our beloved ice cream. It was hot. Another hot sweaty day as a European tourist in the summer, but it was a good day and I was having the time of my life. There was still plenty of daylight for some pool lounging by the time we came back. Gotta love those long European days. The sun doesn't even start to set until about 8ish. We spent our evening at the pool, and then did our usual search down the street for dinner where we joined the rest of the happy, sun drenched, hair still wet from the beach vacationers.
Our last day in Coloni Sant Jordi was very similar to what we did in Santorini, but instead of a pool + jacuzzi day we did a beach + pool day. We started out at the beach. We already knew to find the lady so that we could pay rent on our little sun hut, so I found a hut, and MJ went off to pay. As we were setting up, this man comes along and we showed him our ticket only to be told that we had to leave. It was impossible for us to stay there. We must go to the other end of the beach if that's where we bought our ticket. What? So MJ goes and tells the lady, who speaks zero English. She got on her cell phone, and told the man we were all good and paid up. They really need to work on streamlining their system. Anyway. Once that was settled we got on with spending the rest of the day between our loungers and the beautiful aqua water of Es Trenc Beach, the so called Caribbean beach of Majorca.
Okay, so here's the deal about the beach. When I booked the hotel I did so for it's proximity to Es Trenc Beach. When I asked the front desk what beach was right out the door, she told me Es Trenc, however MJ looked it up on map quest and found that Es Trenc is about about a 20 minute drive from the hotel. I figured that the reason for the discrepancy is that Es Trenc beach is very long. It probably runs quite aways up the coast. However, when you look at google maps on your phone it shows the sandy area where we were as Platja D'es Moli De S'estany. The next sandy area to the north was called Platja Es Peregons, and then the very next sandy area north of that is Platja d'es Trenc. So, even when I realized that perhaps we were not technically at Es Trenc, I didn't care because our beach was so beautiful and so perfect. I'm guessing it probably looks pretty similar to Es Trenc, and with a better set up because I was reading that Es Trenc isn't what it used to be. The parking has become expensive and there are no chairs to rent.
The only thing Platja D'es Moli De S'estany was lacking was a bathroom. There was an outdoor restaurant that may have had one, but our hotel was so close I chose to use the pool bathroom there. About half way through the day we switched over to the pool for more relaxing. Hotel El Coto's pool is great. There is a deep end, a shallow end, and a separate little wading pool. The greenery is pretty. The outdoor bathrooms are elegant. The chairs are padded, and you can get drinks delivered while you lounge. It was perfect.
I admit, it was really nice to be in a Spanish speaking as opposed to German or any other language country, because I took Spanish in high school and it was so much fun to see how much I remember. Words I didn't even know I knew came to me, and it's a heck of a lot easier to read between the lines in Spanish. With German. Forget about it. You can't figure anything out.
Our beach vacation was a hit. My only wish is that we had a little bit more time there since we got in late, and had to leave right after breakfast the day we left. I always want more time though! Also, not one single picture was taken of MJ and I together the entire time. I was so over asking for pictures. I just gave up, and it's not the biggest deal, but as expected I kinda regret that. I also regret not taking my bikini top off at the beach. You know, live a little. Maybe next time.
I'm so glad we stayed in Colonia Sant Jordi. More good food. Cute little town. Another luxurious, clean, and comfortable hotel. Another perfect vacation.