My House is a Mess

Thank goodness it's Friday.  I've been back at work for four weeks now and every single one of them have been crazy busy.  Recovery is still very up and down.  Last week I thought I'd turned a corner and it was officially better, then Monday I had pain that I didn't expect, Wednesday the swelly belly was back with a vengeance but today I'm feeling okay.  I'm wearing pants with a zip for the first time in a month and I confess that I've already let out the top button.  I tried.  I have my 7 weeks post op doctors appointment today.  I am thrilled to be getting off early.

MJ is going to miss my Birthday this year which is a bummer but he's doing his best to make up for it.  He got me these adorable Sperry's.  My Birthday isn't for almost two weeks but since he'll be gone I opened it early and there are a few more things on the way.  My sister wanted a pair a few years ago and I told her they were ugly.  Then later on, I changed my tune and wanted a pair becausue I think they will be really comfortable and cute for vacation.  I totally forgot about wanting them but he remembered!  He didn't even know what kind to get so he googled boat shoes and found these which are totally perfect for me because they have pink in it.  He is seriously the best gift giver.  

I am in love with these shoes and my husband for getting them for me
And now, I have five more Friday confessions.

My sister bought me a Handy Stitch upon request about a million years ago.  Now every time I see an infomercial I feel like it's taunting me because it says how easy it is and mine is sitting in a box somewhere because I couldn't even figure out how to use it.  Maybe I should have asked for the Chia Pet instead; or maybe not because I'm really bad with plants and I probably would have killed it. 

I confess that I had over 600 photos on my i phone.  I didn't have enough storage to do my update and I was getting messages that I couldn't take a picture because my cloud is too full.  If I don't understand the cloud how can I even clear it?  The husband aka tech support had me delete a bunch of pictures and I'm now down to 225.

If I wear sandals or shoes without socks to the movies I bring a pair with me to put on in the theater.  I'm always cold and I want to enjoy my movie so I do what I gotta do.  50% of the time I forget to take them off and look like a major fashion victim wearing bright polka dot socks with slip on shoes.  Tonight we are going to Cinepolis Luxury Cinemas to see 300 Rise of an Empire and I'm wearing the socks but I always bring a blanket.  After going a few times we finally discovered that the armrest between those giant recliners comes up.  The blanket makes the whole experience that much better and it fends off the AC blast.

My husband finds popcorn, napkins, string cheese wrappers and Fiber 1 cereal bits in and under the couch and it's all my fault!  It's not intentional.  I'm a neat freak in so many ways but in this one area I am apparently not.  I was once banned from eating Fiber 1 on the couch and if I don't clean up my act he will do it again. 

Speaking of which my house is filthy!  It hasn't been this bad in the four years that we've lived there.  I'm usually very OCD about such things but events beyond my control have prevented me from cleaning.  I had surgery and then MJ jumped in and cleaned.  I was planning to pick it back up but it never happened.  After going back to work and realizing I wasn't as healed as I thought I needed to rest on weekends.  Saturday was supposed to be MJ's last day here and I wanted to spend those last hours with him not cleaning house.  I don't clean on Sundays so that was that.  This weekend I have no choice.  It has to be done.  I will say that I think it was good for me to see that the world won't end if the house is a mess.  A messy house tends to agitate me and put me in a really bad mood.  It was so far gone and I felt so helpless to do a thing about it that I had to let it go.  Sometimes other things are just more important.  I want a maid!!

Linking up with Leslie @A Blonde Ambition

That Damn Parade

MJ suggested we spend his last day at home doing a picnic since his flight to Germany didn't leave until 8p.  Even if I was all done packing if it was me I would have needed the day to think about packing and I would be too anxious for a picnic but MJ is different then me.  He doesn't worry.  We loaded up our picnic supplies, stopped at Albertson's for snacks and then headed for our favorite spot in Balboa Park.  The only problem was that we couldn't get there.  There were roads blocked off and detours every where we turned because of a St Patrick's day parade.  Why is there a St Patrick's Day parade?  It's not a national holiday.  Maybe I was just annoyed that it thwarted our plans, but I seriously don't understand why such a parade even exists.

We drove in circles until we finally figured out a way to get into the park and then couldn't find a parking spot so we went with plan B.  Mission Bay.  It's near the water which means that it was probably going to be chillier but we were determined to have our picnic.  There was plenty of parking but then when we opened the trunk we realized that the wine had leaked out of the plastic container.  It was an ENTIRE bottle of wine.  What a waste.  When you think you are going to have wine on your picnic and then find out that you are not it's very disappointing.
Windy City
It was close to 80 degrees at Balboa Park but it was cooler by the water as expected.  The sun was bright and warm but the wind was chilly.  I put on MJ's sweatshirt that I found in the back seat.  We soldiered on and ate our picnic snacks sans wine.  I pulled up the other side of the blanket to cover our legs and we laid there in the sun holding hands.  It's always nice to be outdoors and I'm fine as long as we are together, so it was a nice picnic but between the loss of wine and the chill factor we've had better.
Chillin in the Sun
We left around 1:30pm and had a few hours to relax and for MJ to finish up some packing.  I think that sun did me in because I could barely keep my eyes open for the rest of the day.  MJ loaded up his luggage in my car and then the unthinkable happened.  He couldn't find his wallet.  He remembers having it in the car when we left the Park so we have no clue what happened to it.  We turned our house upside down over an hour looking for it.  It was nowhere to be found so MJ called off the search and called the travel agent to get his flight rescheduled.  He has two separate passports but no military ID means no military travel.  He spent another hour cancelling credit cards and e mailing about the change of plans.  We hadn't eaten all day so I went out and got us the under 500 calorie black bean bowl from El Pollo Loco and donuts.  MJ specifically requested them an I agreed that a day like that definitely called for donuts.  I finally had my wine and then we fell asleep watching Anchor Man 2.  That movie is funny but really silly to the point of being so ridiculous that I probably could have done without watching it at all.  We woke up on the couch and I couldn't believe it was only 11:30pm.  It felt more like 4am.  

I'm glad I get to keep him for a little longer but losing a wallet is always a bad thing.  It really wasn't our day.  And it all started with that damn parade.

On a side totally unrelated note I wrote this entire post standing up, including picture downloading and collaging.  I have no idea why.

Starbucks Public Service Announcement

I knew something was up the minute I saw it. Not a whole lot gets by me when it comes to food.
Today's new and slightly smaller sandwich
Today is a long day for me so I treated myself to a reduced fat turkey bacon breakfast sandwich from Starbucks.  It helps get me out of bed because I know if I linger for too long I won't have time to stop.  I lingered for a bit longer then I should have anyway and then didn't put my lunch together the night before as per usual so I barely made it.  I like using the Starbucks app to pay.  MJ is a gold star member and I probably never will be but I have been using Starbucks gift cards that I've won in giveaways for a while now and when they run out I'll probably re load.  When I opened my Starbucks app there was a very important message. 

Usually it's just free downloads that I never download.  Does anybody download the free music?  It could be my new favorite song but I never get around to doing it. 

The message said free Grande hot coffee on them from March 12-14th with the purchase of a breakfast sandwich.  I had to look at my calendar since I never know the date.  March 12th!!!  I never get the coffee so this was a nice treat.
New sandwich on top vs old nutritional info on bottom
When I got back to the office and unwrapped my sandwich I noticed that it looked different.  It's a little smaller and paler.  It just didn't look as robust and hearty as it did the last time I got one so after I finished eating I did what any rational human being would do and went online to check out the nutritional information.  Sure enough; what used to be 320 calories is now 230 so we are being charged the same amount for a smaller, albeit healthier sandwich.  Which is fine I guess, because healthier is always good.  In addition to a lower calorie count the sodium and carbs went down too.  It's still good, but not quite as good as I remember.  The bacon is different and the cheese less gooey.  I think those extra 90 calories made a big difference.  I might be more willing to branch out get the breakfast wrap more often now that my go to sandwich isn't the same.
Old Version
So consider this a public service announcement about Starbucks.  I might be the only one who cares so acutely about the change in nutritional content of one of their sandwiches but almost everybody likes free stuff so go get your free coffee with breakfast sandwich purchase at participating stores while supplies last.

My Husband is Not My Brother

It's still warm.  It was in the 80's over the weekend so I took advantage of it and wore my new favorite wardrobe item-a dress.  I feel like we skipped Winter and are jumping straight ahead to Spring.

I don't know my parent's exact age.  I only know if they tell me and then afterwards I usually forget.  I don't feel bad about it because half the time I can't remember how old I am but the other side of it is I don't like to think of my parents getting older.  By  not knowing their age I am trying to trick myself into believing that they will be around forever and ever.  It's easy to trick yourself when your parents don't look old.  I mean, they have aged in the last 20 years but they still look great and go to the gym more then we do.  My beautiful mom turned another year older on Sunday and we celebrated with them on Saturday.

My mom was looking for a new blush so we went straight to Mac and I bought her that and the blush brush as an add on to her Birthday gift.  How many times in my life has it been the other way around?  Too many to count; so it feels good to buy something for her while we are out shopping.

My mom's choice for dinner was Benihana and it was a good one.  Neither one of my parents have been there and the last time MJ or I went was a long long time ago before we even met.  If you've never been there-it's a Japanese restaurant where they cook your entire meal on a giant grill right in front of you.  They also sing and give you a free dessert on your birthday.  The food was really good and we all had a really fun time.

They also take your picture and give it to you for free.  I was waiting for the lady to tell us that it would be $10 if we wanted to buy the picture but there was no charge and they even give you a code so you can get it online.  And while we are on the topic; what's up with places charging you exorbitant prices for pictures when everyone has digital cameras and can take it themselves for free?  I don't even know what to do with actual in my hand picture anymore.  I tend to stuff them into our wedding album that we keep downstairs on the lower shelf of our coffee table.

We were seated with another couple celebrating their Birthday and at one point the woman says to us, "How many years apart are you?"  I looked at MJ and we start laughing because it was clear to me that she thought we were brother and sister and that my parents were our parents.  It was a little awkward because we are very married and then she was apologizing.  I don't know if I felt worse for them or for us but we all just laughed it off.  I wasn't offended but it was awkward.  We started elbowing each other.  I asked mom to make him stop, we kissed (on the lips for emphasis) and made up and that was the end of it.  It's not the first time someone thought we were related.  I see couples that look related and I kinda think it's funny but I would NEVER ask someone such a question unless I knew for sure.  It's not as bad as someone asking how far along I am when there is no baby in sight though.  That would be much worse.

Must Have Spring Dresses

Fit & Flare Belted Ponte // Tie Waist Jersey // Oxford Shirtdress
I'm not a dress person.  At least I wasn't but now I can't believe that I've waited this long to like them.  It's actually not too surprising because I'm always late when it comes to fashion.  Not that dresses are  a new trend or anything considering that women have been wearing them since the beginning of time.  I'm a casual girl and dresses have always felt too dressy.  I like to be comfortable and I think there is a part of me that wants to blend into the wall a little bit. To me, a woman in a dress stands out. I do not want to stand out.  I needed loose fitting things for work and now suddenly a whole new world has opened up to me. I might have gone a little crazy, but I never expected that I would find so many I liked.  I have a bunch of dresses in my closet that I haven't even popped the tags on but that's all changing now. Simply put. I love them now. Dresses can be casual.  They are comfortable and  easy. It's all one piece so you don't even have to coordinate a top and bottom. These are all leggings friendly too so I can wear them year round.  It takes me a while to come around to certain things but once I do I'm all in.
Fit & Flare Jersey // Floral Print Crepe // Stripe Waisted Chambray
I really love it when shopping is just meant to be and this shopping trip is a perfect example.  Let me explain. First, I have surgery which results in a Buddha belly.  I decide to go shopping for comfortable legging and boots friendly dresses at Old Navy on my lunch break.  You know those retail sales e mails that a lot of people think you should unsubscribe from when you are on a budget so as not to tempt yourself into shopping when you shouldn't?  Well, not hours after my mini shopping spree I get an e mail from Old Navy advertising 40% off all dresses and free shipping with a purchase greater then $50 online only for a limited time only.  Nine hours to be exact.  I just spent $125.14 cents on 5 dresses none of which were on sale but I did get a 10% military discount.  I'm not going to let that stop me from taking advantage of the deal so I order every single dress I bought in store plus one more online for only $2.00 more.  One thing I don't like about online shipping is that I like to try on every single thing first so I don't have to deal with the return hassle, but I've already tried 5 of the 6 on so I already know exactly which sizes to get.  On top of all that magic I earned an additional cash back bonus of $5.84 using my Discover card to shop online.  Cha ching.  Those pesky junk mails actually can come in handy.  If it's a store you really like and can technically afford to shop in, you might as well know what sales are happening.  Unless you have no self control.  Then it's probably not a good idea.

And there you have it from a non fashion blogger.  Must have Spring dresses.  I know this because I bought them all.
Maxi Skirt-Roxy-similar here // actual here
But the whole meant to be thing doesn't stop there.  I returned the original dresses to Old Navy and on a whim decided to check Marshall's for leggings which is right next door.  I ran smack dab into my first Maxi skirt ever.  A Roxy Maxi in my size for only $19.99.  I bought my first maxi dress over the summer and have been wanting a skirt ever since.  You all know how random Marshall's can be.  I was really, really surprised to find it there and it has to be because I wasn't looking for it specifically and if I'd gone even a day later it probably would've been gone.  And it looks like it was made to go with the super soft black shirt that I bought at Old Navy when I only meant to return the dresses.  Like I said, it was meant to be.

I guess I shouldn't make up my mind that I hate something before I've actually tried it.  I do this a lot.  Especially with food.  MJ if you are reading this please note that this new found realization does not extend to food even though I am well aware that it probably should.