Two for the Price of One (or Not)

My long weekend was nice and mostly uneventful.  I cleaned house, got my oil changed and exercised.  We did loads and loads of laundry and marathon watched the latest season of Scandal.  We still need to get caught up on The Bates Motel before season 2 of Orange is the New Black comes out.  We also went to the movies to see Neighbors (really good) and ate giant hamburgers at Nicky Rotten's afterwards (also really good).  
At the Drive In
Does anyone still have a drive in movie theater in your city?  Do you ever go?  There are exactly two in all of San Diego county that I know of.  It has been a really, really long time since I went and MJ hasn't been to one since he's lived here.  One of MJ's friends mentioned that he was going on Sunday.  We have an extra day.  Why not?  So we decided to go too.

It was my idea to wear pajamas.  "Everybody does it," I said like the drive in theater expert I am not; but since he's never been to one here he believed me.  To get "dressed" I changed out of the pajamas I'd been wearing all day and into other (warmer) pajamas.  For the low, low price of $8.00 per person we got to see Blended and Godzilla.  They had one other double feature showing behind us.  They do reserve the right to check your trunk so don't even think about trying to smuggle in extra bodies.  You could get caught.

I used to go with my parents when I was a kid.  The one we went to had several more screens and has long since closed but many, many years later nothing had changed.  Well, one thing has.  Back in the day they didn't have the technology (or whatever it is that makes this happen) to broadcast the movie sound over your AM radio station airwaves in your car.  Each car had to pull up near a metal pole that has these heavy squarish metal speakers hanging from it.  Each speaker was attached to the pole with a wire and had a hook on it that allowed you to hang it from your car window so you could hear the movie sound.  Even as I'm writing this it sounds so incredibly antiquated and is coming from such a deep part of my memory that I almost feel like I'm making it up.   It sounds almost as ridiculous as two tin cans and yarn, but it's all real.  I'm just old.  Anyway, aside from that there is still the drive up booth where you pay, the crunch of gravel under your tires as you claim your spot, dark shadowy figures roaming around in pajamas, bathrooms with really long lines in between movies and the snack bar building with presumably overpriced yet comparatively cheaper then actual movie theater popcorn, candy and hot dogs.  I don't know for sure because we brought our own snacks.  I'm not sure what the policy is on alcohol.  I didn't bother to look that up, but we brought a bottle of wine, popcorn and candy.

There is something so old school about the whole drive in experience.  It's a shame most of them have shut down over the years.  I guess that's partly why. Maybe it's a little too old school for some people but we had fun.
Keeping it classy in Joe Boxer
Another thing that hasn't changed is my inability to stay up for the 2nd movie.  The first movie can't start until after dark  Blended started at 8:30pm.  There were only 3 previews which is a huge improvement from movie theaters but between that and intermission the 2nd movie didn't start until around 10:45pm.  I tried even though I knew I wouldn't make it.  Maybe 1/4 of the way through it was a wrap.  I laid  my head down on the pillow I'd shoved between the seats on top of the center console and there it stayed until I felt are car moving again when it was time to go home.

Which is really too bad because I wanted to see Godzilla more then I wanted to see Blended and it's not really two for the price of one if you only saw one.

Mommy for Hire

Remember that photo shoot I did last year for a company that makes baby products?  With modeling I've found that the pics usually pop up after you finally start checking back for the pics and forget that you ever did the shoot in the first place.  MJ mentioned it to me the other day so I went to the website to check and what do you know.  Here they are.
Photos are property of Tiny Love
These pictures look so carefree and easy but getting them was anything but.  This baby was maybe 15-20 lbs.  Not heavy at all but after holding and bouncing him for hours my arms were shaking with fatigue.  The picture below wasn't easy either.  I was on a blanket on a really hard concrete floor.  Laying on my side for a long period of time got uncomfortable and they had to re adjust our clothes every few minutes.  Meanwhile, baby isn't always doing what they wanted.  I was so worried that they wasted their money on me, all the pictures were crap and they weren't going to use any so I was thrilled to see these.
via Tiny Love
I am not a mom.  I just get paid to look like one sometimes. 

Our Water is Cold

I love my state and I love my city. It's beautiful.  Every year people come from all over to vacation here and I consider myself lucky to be able to call it home.  There are so many things to see and do here.  Sometimes I forget that when I'm hoarding time off from work to use for getting myself out of town.  We had family here, so I released my death grip on two vacation days and we had ourselves a staycation. 
View of the San Diego Skyline from Coronado
Our first outing was the San Diego Zoo and then we spent two nights on Coronado IslandMJ caught this amazing pic on night #1.   The moon was brighter then I've ever seen it.

We could not have asked for better beach weather.  It warmed up every single day until it got into the 100's by the coast just in time for our beach day.  I like my beach days hot because no matter how warm it gets Southern California water stays cold.  I usually barely dip my feet in but since it was so hot I wanted to do more then that.  The first 5 minutes or so is kind of painful as your feet gets used to the ice cold water.  The first time it hits your girly parts is a shock too but after that it feels really good to be out there.  I had a lot of fun splashing in the waves until my feet went numb.  It started to feel like I was walking on stumps so I had to get out for a while and then went back in.

MJ, his mom and cousin Rai had a lot of fun body boarding.  This is totally out of the question for me since I can't swim but they had a good old time disappearing under the waves.

You can't spend all day at the beach without some sort of shade.  At least I can't.  Baking in the sun like a rotisserie chicken for hours on end is not my style.  Shade AND sun screen is a must.  We were able to stay out there way longer then we would have without it.  
MJ's cousin Rai and her little boy
MJ and his nephew
We spent most of the day at the beach then transitioned to the pool for a few hours which is really the best way to do it.  Sand is a beast.  It gets EVERYWHERE and there is no escaping it!!  After dealing with sand all day the pool feels so fresh and clean.  We rinsed off and enjoyed more water fun before heading back to the beach house. 
Me getting dumped on
This water feature was so much fun.  You can't see it in the picture but there are about 6 buckets at the top that swing back and forth as they fill up with water that squirts into each one.  Once they fill up they randomly tip over dumping a bucket load of water on your head.  I have a hard time easing myself into pool water.  It's always too cold for me so I forced myself to get dumped on there and then getting in was really easy.  I loved it at least as much as the kids did.  The little one couldn't get enough of splashing in the mini fountains that circled the edge.   
MJ and his mom

Santa Monica Pier
On Saturday we went to LA.  The main purpose was to go to Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles but since we couldn't spend almost two hours driving there only to eat and turn around we stopped at the Santa Monica Pier first.  We walked around and MJ's nephew rode a few of the rides.  We had to lead him out of there crying because four rides is never enough.  Something tells me that 10 rides would not have been enough either.  
1.  Coronado Beach is my favorite beach.  The part we go to is only accessible via Naval Air Station North Island so there is very little traffic and way less people then you find at public access beaches. 
2.  The Beach Cottage was so cute with 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom and a full kitchen.  There is the hotel and there are beach cottages.  You have to reserve a cottage at least 6 months in advance in order to get one because there aren't that many.  They are staggered so that everyone has a beach view.  This was another one of MJ's great ideas and I think we should make it a yearly thing.  
3.  Can I just stay here forever and never go back to work?  Pretty please. 
4.  We ordered pizza the first night and MJ grilled Carne Asada Tacos for dinner the 2nd night.  Perfectly paired with a pale ale beer he brought back from Germany.  Usually "his" beers are way too heavy for me but I liked this one.
5.  We stopped at In & Out for breakfast on the way home from Coronado.  When you are on vacation you can do things like that.  I haven't had In & Out since I was a kid.  It was on my not allowed to eat list (along with too many other things) for a long time.  I've been missing out.
6.  The iconic meal from Roscoe's Chicken & Waffles.  This is not my plate.  Trust me to go there and not order chicken and waffles but everyone else did.  People love the combo but I'm not sure it's my thing.  I ordered a chicken sandwich-which was one of the best I've ever had, with fries.    

I will say that the kids were a little bit much to handle for 10 days.  Sunday morning I came downstairs and the 3 year old was buzzing.  Literally buzzing.  Like bzzzzz, bzzzzzz, bzzzzzzz and he would not stop.  All I could think was make it stop!!  There was an obnoxious sounding cartoon on TV and I'm a little Tea Cup on repeat coming from a toy tablet.   It was an is this really my house twilight zone moment.  The upside is that I HAD to get out of the house so I went to the gym for the first time since January and burned 650 calories.  I can pretend that I would have gone anyways but I'm not so sure!  They want to come back again without the kids and I'm totally okay with that. 

I'm an introvert.  The prospect of having that much company all day every day was really overwhelming for me.  I like my routines and I have a general fear of having them interrupted.  I like to watch House Hunters while I eat breakfast.  I enjoy silence and need alone time to recharge.  Throw kids in the mix and I was more then a little freaked out.  I like my house clean and tidy.  Kids are anything but.  Of course I worried for nothing.  I mean, that's what I do; even when I know it's going to be okay.  Once they got here I was glad to see them.  It was a perfect excuse for a staycation which felt less like a staycation and more like a vacation.  We had such a nice time that drool on the couch from a teething baby is really just water under the bridge.  

Having house guests is kind of like the So Cal ocean.  Our water is cold but once I dip my toes in and go for it, I find that it's a lot more fun then I thought it would be when I was staring at it from a distance.

I'm Not A Mother

Last weekend was full but fun. I found myself wide awake on Monday morning when it was time to get up for work (surprisingly) only to find myself crashing hard by 12pm. It's a short week for me.  I will survive.
The Zoo Crew

MJ's mom and cousin are in town and they brought the kids.  The #1 ranked Zoo in the United States is in our backyard.  MJ has never been, which makes no sense especially since military gets in free.  I haven't been in a million years myself so it was a perfect group outing for Saturday.  We loaded ourselves into the rented mini van and spent the day walking miles and miles all over the world famous San Diego Zoo.  The place is huge.  Just when you think you saw all the animals you wanted to see you realize you missed out on the Kangaroo's and the Rhinoceros's.  These animals are so interesting to look at.  I could probably stare at the Gorilla's for hours.  I love the slow rhythmic way they move.  Not quite upright but also not quite downright as they use their front knuckles to get where they are going.  Their faces are so serious and their eyes so intelligent.  What are they are thinking about-besides why the F are all these people staring at us and what do they want?  Giraffe's have the cutest faces.  They are like a horse gone wrong but not because their long legs and neck transform them in their own unique and beautiful way.  The Rhinoceros walked in circles and the Kangaroo's just laid there.  I was really excited to see pouches but these didn't have them.  MJ has seen ones taller then him roaming around in the motherland of Australia so he probably was not too impressed but they were still cool to see. 

The San Diego zoo is exhausting.  The San Diego Zoo with little ones is REALLY exhausting.  That day alone totally validated our decision not to have any.  At one point the 1 year old and the 3 year old were wailing at the same time.  The little one was kind of cranky all day and the 3 year old hit his face on metal hand rails twice in a row after repeatedly being told not to run off. The weather was not too hot, not too cold; just  perfect for a long day outside.  We covered as much ground as we could but when the kids got too tired it was time to go.

I'm really proud of myself for resisting the urge to take a million animal pics that will only take up space on my hard drive and be really boring to look at later. 
Me and my two mom's (Mom in Law and Mom)
On Sunday we all went up to spend it at my Mom's.  My mom is still on crutches because she had foot surgery a few weeks ago and my Dad is out of town visiting his mom.   She really appreciated us being there and taking care of everything.  We kept it simple.  MJ grilled Hamburgers and Hot Dogs and we got sides from Fresh & Easy.

Both of the kids have the same name.  The bigger T came inside with two flowers from outside and said Happy Mother's day.  He tried to give one of them to me but I said I'm not a mother, and handed it to my mom in law.  I was the only female there that wasn't a mother.  Story of my life; but he didn't understand that.  Not five minutes later he came back inside with one for me and said Happy Mother's Day.  How sweet.  I guess he didn't want me to be left out.  You can't refuse such a sweet gesture so I laughed and took it.  We put them in our hair.

The little T is really sweet too.  He's just as squishy and cuddly as he can be. Kids definitely have their adorable moments but it's still nice to be able to send them home.

You Either Got It or You Don't

My first thought.  Wow. Just wow. The kid's hair is wild and she's so young that she doesn't even have all of her teeth but if I weren't looking at her I'd think she was a 30-40 something singing in some fancy Jazz club in New York city.  This is a perfect example of someone who is literally born to do something.  I'm not saying that she doesn't have to practice or that she won't have to work hard at it but at that age or any age you don't sound this way unless you were gifted with a talent.

My second thought is why not me?  I love Karaoke but I can't sing to save my life and I'm certain that even if I worked at it 8 hours a day 5 days a week I would never sound even close to this.  I don't have to be a singer, it just  would have been nice to have been born with some natural talent besides being the only one in the room that will notice a spider or maintain muscle tone even if I don't work out.  Seriously.  I thought really hard-those are the only things I could think of and they aren't even talents!!  Am I really jealous of an 8 year old?

You either got it or you don't and Angelina Jordan REALLY has it.  She's adorable.  The rat nest hair could be her signature look, she'll eventually have all of her teeth and hopefully she is off to a great career doing something she is not only uniquely talented at but that she enjoys.  Basically living the dream.


16 Good Movies You've Never Heard Of

I'm a movie lover.  I've had a movie by mail delivery service since Blockbuster's heyday back in 2004. I loved them until they made me mad and I had to quit them for Netflix.  Then they went out of business and I like to think I had something to do with it.  Independent films are hit and miss.  Some are just really really bad.  Some did everything right but something about it didn't quite come together.  Some are so good it's a shame they didn't get more attention and those are the ones I love to find.   Between being off work for three weeks and MJ being gone I had the opportunity to do a lot of movie watching.  Here are some Netflix diamonds in the rough that I found recently.  These are all movies that you may have never heard of and are available in the streaming section of Netflix.  Grab a bowl of popcorn and enjoy!!

I was initially attracted to this because Juno Temple is in it.  I really liked her in Killer Joe (another must see).  She's a really good actress who plays a lot of really interesting characters.  She doesn't seem to go for the blockbuster movies and I really like that.  Once it started I realized that Milla Jovovich was in it and I love her so it was win win after that.  The movie is filled with awesome hits from the 80's so if you love 80's music that alone will pull you in.  The two lead characters are really deep and layered.  They are thrown together and it was really interesting to watch their relationship evolve.  I watched this one night in bed on my ipad.  I was already crying and then when Don't Cry Out Loud came on I pretty much lost it.  I was just crying alone in my bed like some crazy woman.  If you watch nothing else on my list watch this one!!

I've loved Jennifer Connelly since Labryinth.  It also has Lily Collins, Greg Kinnear and Kristen Bell.  It has a coming of age story kind of feel spread across three totally different age brackets.  If you enjoy writing or want to be a writer this might inspire you a little bit.  My favorite quote is when Bill Borgens (played by Greg Kinnear) says:  A writer is the sum of their experiences. Get some.  I think all of us as bloggers can relate to that one.

This movie was okay.  I guess I just expected it to be better.  I wasn't the biggest fan of Kirsten Dunst's character.  She was just too, TOO if that makes any sense.  I found myself getting really tired of hearing her speak towards the end and I ended up kind of despising the other three girls too.  They were all just so selfish.  Rebel Wilson was the nice girl in the movie.  She's normally typecast to be really rough around the edges so it was nice to see her play a different character even though she swung the other way and was way too nice that it was annoying.  

This one had a really dark ending.  The lead character played by Orlando Bloom was obviously very messed up in the head as you find out as the movie goes on.  He was a good doctor but he does something that totally violates that hippocratic oath that all doctors are sworn to.

This movie was quirky, cooky and very good.  Jeff (Tobey Maguire) makes one mistake after another as his life spins out of control and it's like watching a train wreck by the end of it.  It was over the top but just enough so that it made the movie stand out as something different and not something totally stupid.  I really like Elizabeth Banks, Tobey Maguire and Ray Liotta.

It's very character driven as opposed to story line driven and that can make a movie kind of slow at times.  I like Kate Bosworth so decided to give it a chance and see it through to the end anyway. 

I love Robin Wright Penn and Naomi Watts.  These ladies are in their mid-late 40's and they still have amazing bikini bodies.  It was perfectly cast as it was realistic to think that both of them could hook the interest of younger men in such a bizarre love square.  Yes, love square.  It's not exactly a triangle.

The story line started out one way and then half way through totally changed focus.  I liked seeing Eva Mendes play such a complex interesting character.  Most people like Ryan Gosling but I like Bradley Cooper more and they are both in it.  MJ is a very tough movie critic and even he liked this one. It's the only one on the list that I did not watch alone.

This movie was very real.   I totally related to Bill as he struggled to figure out how he fit into his own life.  His character was grounded in reality so even though he was a 40 something male I found that I could still relate to him.  My favorite quote from the whole movie is when Bill says, Working sucks. No matter what you do you make sure you make a lot of money doing it. Because it all sucks.  Elizabeth Banks again!  Love her.  (I don't know if this is in Netflix anymore.  I couldn't find it listed.)

How I live Now
I've liked Saoirse Ronan since I first saw her in Atonement.  This movie definitely had an odd sort of indy feel to it.  There were parts that I wasn't really sure what to make of but the acting was really good.  The storyline was typical in that it was the whole end of the world thing but it had a different vibe that set it apart from others like it.

This movie was gross because of what happens to the lead character.  She contracts some horrible disease and the changes that she goes through are disgusting.  Some of the acting wasn't the greatest but it had me really intrigued and wanting to know more all the way up until the end when they did something I hate in a movie.  I was really mad but at the same time I still felt it was a unique enough movie to add to the list.

I consider myself a hardcore horror movie lover and if that is not your thing then this movie might be a little much for you.  There is cannibalism involved.  I really liked it but this kind of movie is not for everyone so proceed with caution.  I would also put Chained in this category.  Deeply disturbing and definitely not for everyone.

It's basically a prank call gone way too far that ultimately results in a criminal arrest.  As I was watching the movie I couldn't believe what these people were doing just because someone on the phone told them to.  It seems like something that could never happen but apparently it's loosely based on a true story.  It's pretty disturbing to think of the power that an authority figure can have over people pushing them to do things that they know is wrong.  I have never heard of any of the actors in this movie.

This one had a really shocking ending and left me wondering WHY but it was a really good movie.  If you liked Frieda Pinto from Slumdog Millionaire she's the female lead in this one.  If you haven't seen that movie I don't know where you've been! It was great.  Trishna follows the story of a girl growing up poor in rural India and follows her journey as she works to help support her family and falls in love with a rich boy from the upper class.

The Truth about emanuel
This one was pretty good too.  Jessica Biel plays one of the lead characters.  It's about a girl dealing with the death of her mother who meets someone who is also dealing with a death.  They have a connection and help each other in a way they probably never expected.

I've been a Dakota Fanning fan since she stole the show with Sean Penn in I Am Sam.  She was amazing as a little girl and still is.  Her sister Elle Fanning is the same.  I guess they were born for it.  This is your typical girl dying of a terminal disease falls in love with boy story.  I've seen it a million times and there is another one that just came out called Fault in Our Stars.  Such a sad, sad storyline but people like it so they keep making them.  Dakota works an English accent in this one and had me in tears at the end.  If a movie like this doesn't make you cry they did it wrong.

Don't waste your time on Slightly Single in LA.  It's just off.  Lacy Chabert of Party of Five fame must be getting hard up for roles. Drinking Buddies was not so great either.  It was just so dry.  Olivia Wilde what were you thinking? Anna Kendrick you can do better.  I'm thinking these are both movies that could have and should have been better but something about them fell flat.  It happens.

Other DVD's that I've watched recently (not available on Netflix streaming):
The Book Thief is a very special movie and is definitely a must see.  The story, the acting, the emotion.  It was all good.  I cried and cried at the end.  A super scary one is Evil Dead.  If you have a taste for chilling horror flicks this is a good one.  It even had me covering my eyes.  I also liked  People Like Us (more Elizabeth Banks). 

Yes.  I watch A LOT of movies!  If you have already seen these or end up watching any of them I'd love to know what you think.