Why I Don't Want the iPhone 6

My iPhone 5 kept blocking me from taking pictures and giving me that annoying message that my storage was full.  I'd delete a bunch of stuff.  MJ would delete a bunch of stuff.  It would be fine for a while and then it would happen all over again.  I was really frustrated, but probably would not have done anything about it and then one day I came home from work and MJ had an iPhone 5s at home waiting for me.  He already knew I didn't want the 6.  I have my reasons.
  • Now that my storage issues are fixed the iPhone 5s is working just fine.  I get the updates.  It does everything I need it to do.  I talk, I text, I social media, I emoji and I take really good pictures during the day.  Night time shots are still iffy.  Maybe they fixed that on the 6s, but it's a cell phone.  It's not a camera and at the end of the day I'm okay with that because I have a DSLR and a point and shoot.  The funny thing about it is that nobody comments when I pull out the cell phone or the DSLR, but when I show up with the point and shoot it's like oooooh what is that?  An actual camera?  How does that thing work?  People are so used to using cell phones as camera's that they forget that people used to actually carry around an actual camera.  For taking pictures.
  • The 6s is just too darn big.  Even the "small" one.  I like to pretend that my phone is still a phone and with a "phone" of that size it is much harder to do that.  The big one looks like my iPad.  It looks ridiculous when people talk on it, and the smaller one is still too big to put in your pocket.  It's just too big.  I know the tech trend is tiny, tiny, tiny but this is just pushing it and I don't appreciate that Apple has taken away my choice to have a cell phone that is a reasonable size.
  • I like my cell phone case.  I know that may be a silly reason, but I really like my cute personalized case.  I've had it for over two years and I don't want another one.
  • My iPhone 5s fits really nicely into my SPIbelt and I don't think even the little 6 will.  I know, I know, another silly reason, but a reason nonetheless.  I'd have to wear a full on fanny pack if I upgrade to the 6s. Oh, never mind.  I wouldn't have to resort to that.  They have already made the SPIbelt for iPhone 6 and other large phones. Well, of course they have, but I'd have to buy it.  I would add my cell phone arm band here as another reason except I lost it.  I usually am pretty good at keeping up with my stuff so I still keep hoping it will turn up one day and when (if) it does I'll officially add it to the list. 
  • I really hate how they force you into new chargers.  I inherited a car phone charger when MJ got his fancy Audi with one built in.  This is probably standard on all new cars now, but I wouldn't know because my car is a 2007 that runs just fine so I'm not getting a new one thank you very much.  Of course it has an adapter because the outlet changed when iPhone went 4 to 5s.  I like that I have the same charger for my iPad and phone right.  It's super convenient for traveling.  
  • The iPhone 6 is really freakin' expensive.  The cost of cell phones is getting outrageous.  I admit, that I haven't really known exactly how much my phones cost because MJ usually facilitates the process.  I'm so old school and stubborn that I want to hang onto whatever old thing I'm working with as long as possible.  The 6s starts at $649.  I think that's how much my iPad was!  I'm pretty sure my iPhone's were at least half that price.  It is just getting really really pricey for a cell phone that you carry everywhere and need so much.  The risk of loss is so great.  What if you lose it or drop it in the toilet?  It happened to my little sister.  I know you can walk into the store and walk out without paying a dime, but just because I didn't pay up front doesn't mean I'm not paying for it.  My cell phone bill will increase for the next two years, and forever if I'm roped into buying the next one. 
Think of all those iPhone docking stations in hotel rooms that had to be replaced and all the useless car chargers over the years because Apple moved onto bigger and better? Well, I don't plan on moving onto bigger and better until I have to.  I got my first smart phone from MJ for Christmas in 2010.  That was the 4.  It was time and I was so ready.  I smashed that old razor flip phone to bits.  Really.  I smashed it.  I was so excited to be on my phone using apps, surfing the net before bed and using it as my alarm clock in the morning like MJ.  I held onto that one until the 5 came out and we were able to sell our old phones for the same price as the new one on Gazelle.  It was basically a free phone.  What happens when they stop selling the iPhone 5s? Your only option is a $650 phone if you want Apple? Just wow.  I got the 5s in a 32 GB when storage became a problem and I plan on riding that phone into the sunset the same way I plan to with my 2007 Honda Civic.

It is tempting.  The pics that actually move.  Those commercials with the pretty pastel pink i Phones floating through the air.  I said, whatever.  They can't have changed that much, and then the commercial said, "The only thing that's changed is everything."  How can you not be at least a teeny tiny bit tempted by that?  Everything.  They are so good.  Well, I'm holding out.  Some people need a new iPhone every time a new one comes out.  The genius Verizon iPhone forever plan capitalizes on that need, that desire.  Some people like to wait in line for days camped out in the cold to be the first to get it.  One girl even sent a robot.  Did you see that news story?  I am not one of those people.  I didn't get a DVD player until they stopped stocking the VHS tapes at Blockbuster.  I wasn't the last, but I certainly was far from the first to get a smart phone.  I used My Space way beyond when it was still considered cool, and it took me years and years to finally buy a romper.  I'm slow to the punch.

I was the first person in my entire family to get a cell phone.  That however, does not make me a trailblazer.  It just makes me old.

What do you think about the newest iPhone?         


  1. I actually work for a cellphone company, but I hate the craze as well. People are so dumb when it comes to phones and having to have the latest device. I meet so many customers that should not be making the financial choice to purchase a $700 phone but they do it anyways.

  2. I always keep my phone as long as possible too- as long as it can function properly I am happy! I finally got the 6 (I think it's the 6) after having my 4 for over 3 years I think and the camera was soooo bad. And WHAT, someone sent a robot to get their new phone??? lol

  3. I love having the latest phone. I have a 6, and I was iffy about the size at first but I got used to it really fast. I agree, the Plus is HUGE and not for me at all. The charger is the same for the 6 as it was for the 5 but my iPad still uses the old charger and it is annoying! iPhones have always been super expensive, but the phone companies have always subsidized the cost for consumers. I'm not sure why things are changing - I have Sprint and we now "rent" our phone rather than owning it outright - but it doesn't bother me because I always sell my phone back to them for credit anyway. I drink all the Apple kool-aid, though, so I'm definitely biased :)

  4. I have the iPhone 6 Plus and I love it. But I hadn't updated iPhones in almost 5 years before I got this new one. I am not someone who feels the need to spend the money rushing out to get a new phone whenever it comes out.

  5. I just recently got the 6s but only because Sean purchased it for me as an anniversary gift. I shattered the screen on my 5s and it still worked so I was not going to get a new phone. But Sean hated to see it so he bought me one.

    I actually hate to admit it but I love it, lol. It's bigger but not so noticeable to me and the camera is so much better!

  6. I'm an avid supporter of android and not apple even though my hubby owns a mac. It definitely looks very flashy and tempting but i'll pass.

  7. Cece,

    I hear you on keeping up with the phones but let me tell you I got an Iphone 6 and that phone is the bomb.com. I don't have the newest one (6s). Before that, my hubby had an Iphone 5 and I was never impressed with the camera. You know I take a gazillion pics of my family. The camera on the 6 is so good that I don't even use my normal camera anymore, like seriously. Before I got it, I was bashing Iphones :), then I got it and I don't even know how I used to live without it. We got it for free because I never had a smartphone and our company was trying to convince me. I probably wouldn't have gotten it if I had to pay for it but I am so glad I did.

  8. My 4 year-old Samsung cell phone has been on the fritz since about March, so I'm longing to replace it. I was hoping that when the iPhone 6s came out that the prices of the 6 would drop enough that I could finally afford it, but that hasn't happened yet. I'd love to keep my current phone, but it doesn't seem to want to work anymore...

  9. Honestly the size of the 6 wasn't so drastic after a few days! I do upgrade every two years only when it's part of my plan. It can do ridiculous to get caught up in all the new technology! Lolz...I'm glad I'm not the only one to get attached to phone cases!


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