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Why I Don't Want the iPhone 6

My iPhone 5 kept blocking me from taking pictures and giving me that annoying message that my storage was full.  I'd delete a bunch of stuff.  MJ would delete a bunch of stuff.  It would be fine for a while and then it would happen all over again.  I was really frustrated, but probably would not have done anything about it and then one day I came home from work and MJ had an iPhone 5s at home waiting for me.  He already knew I didn't want the 6.  I have my reasons.
  • Now that my storage issues are fixed the iPhone 5s is working just fine.  I get the updates.  It does everything I need it to do.  I talk, I text, I social media, I emoji and I take really good pictures during the day.  Night time shots are still iffy.  Maybe they fixed that on the 6s, but it's a cell phone.  It's not a camera and at the end of the day I'm okay with that because I have a DSLR and a point and shoot.  The funny thing about it is that nobody comments when I pull out the cell phone or the DSLR, but when I show up with the point and shoot it's like oooooh what is that?  An actual camera?  How does that thing work?  People are so used to using cell phones as camera's that they forget that people used to actually carry around an actual camera.  For taking pictures.
  • The 6s is just too darn big.  Even the "small" one.  I like to pretend that my phone is still a phone and with a "phone" of that size it is much harder to do that.  The big one looks like my iPad.  It looks ridiculous when people talk on it, and the smaller one is still too big to put in your pocket.  It's just too big.  I know the tech trend is tiny, tiny, tiny but this is just pushing it and I don't appreciate that Apple has taken away my choice to have a cell phone that is a reasonable size.
  • I like my cell phone case.  I know that may be a silly reason, but I really like my cute personalized case.  I've had it for over two years and I don't want another one.
  • My iPhone 5s fits really nicely into my SPIbelt and I don't think even the little 6 will.  I know, I know, another silly reason, but a reason nonetheless.  I'd have to wear a full on fanny pack if I upgrade to the 6s. Oh, never mind.  I wouldn't have to resort to that.  They have already made the SPIbelt for iPhone 6 and other large phones. Well, of course they have, but I'd have to buy it.  I would add my cell phone arm band here as another reason except I lost it.  I usually am pretty good at keeping up with my stuff so I still keep hoping it will turn up one day and when (if) it does I'll officially add it to the list. 
  • I really hate how they force you into new chargers.  I inherited a car phone charger when MJ got his fancy Audi with one built in.  This is probably standard on all new cars now, but I wouldn't know because my car is a 2007 that runs just fine so I'm not getting a new one thank you very much.  Of course it has an adapter because the outlet changed when iPhone went 4 to 5s.  I like that I have the same charger for my iPad and phone right.  It's super convenient for traveling.  
  • The iPhone 6 is really freakin' expensive.  The cost of cell phones is getting outrageous.  I admit, that I haven't really known exactly how much my phones cost because MJ usually facilitates the process.  I'm so old school and stubborn that I want to hang onto whatever old thing I'm working with as long as possible.  The 6s starts at $649.  I think that's how much my iPad was!  I'm pretty sure my iPhone's were at least half that price.  It is just getting really really pricey for a cell phone that you carry everywhere and need so much.  The risk of loss is so great.  What if you lose it or drop it in the toilet?  It happened to my little sister.  I know you can walk into the store and walk out without paying a dime, but just because I didn't pay up front doesn't mean I'm not paying for it.  My cell phone bill will increase for the next two years, and forever if I'm roped into buying the next one. 
Think of all those iPhone docking stations in hotel rooms that had to be replaced and all the useless car chargers over the years because Apple moved onto bigger and better? Well, I don't plan on moving onto bigger and better until I have to.  I got my first smart phone from MJ for Christmas in 2010.  That was the 4.  It was time and I was so ready.  I smashed that old razor flip phone to bits.  Really.  I smashed it.  I was so excited to be on my phone using apps, surfing the net before bed and using it as my alarm clock in the morning like MJ.  I held onto that one until the 5 came out and we were able to sell our old phones for the same price as the new one on Gazelle.  It was basically a free phone.  What happens when they stop selling the iPhone 5s? Your only option is a $650 phone if you want Apple? Just wow.  I got the 5s in a 32 GB when storage became a problem and I plan on riding that phone into the sunset the same way I plan to with my 2007 Honda Civic.

It is tempting.  The pics that actually move.  Those commercials with the pretty pastel pink i Phones floating through the air.  I said, whatever.  They can't have changed that much, and then the commercial said, "The only thing that's changed is everything."  How can you not be at least a teeny tiny bit tempted by that?  Everything.  They are so good.  Well, I'm holding out.  Some people need a new iPhone every time a new one comes out.  The genius Verizon iPhone forever plan capitalizes on that need, that desire.  Some people like to wait in line for days camped out in the cold to be the first to get it.  One girl even sent a robot.  Did you see that news story?  I am not one of those people.  I didn't get a DVD player until they stopped stocking the VHS tapes at Blockbuster.  I wasn't the last, but I certainly was far from the first to get a smart phone.  I used My Space way beyond when it was still considered cool, and it took me years and years to finally buy a romper.  I'm slow to the punch.

I was the first person in my entire family to get a cell phone.  That however, does not make me a trailblazer.  It just makes me old.

What do you think about the newest iPhone?         

More Apple Stuff

I don't read nearly as much as I used to.  Months ago Mj was showing me all these free books I could get on Amazon.  I found one I liked and then he didn't save it so he went searching for it and found it again.  I don't know what the point was.  I don't have a Kindle and chances are I wasn't going to go out and buy the book in the store.  I should have known that he would make sure I'd get to read that book.

I posted this pic on Instagram and got 17 likes. That's a lot of likes for me.  I normally don't get enough likes to group it together so that it says 17 likes.  You know what I mean?  I usually only have enough so that each one is listed individually.  Anyways.   I may not be very popular but Apple is.  They make stuff that people really like.  Yes, it's expensive.  Yes, they piss people off the way they dole out their new release functions piece by piece to induce customers to shell out money to upgrade to the next best thing.   They are innovative and they make quality products so people line up for everything they have to sell. 

I wasn't always an Apple person.  When Mj met me I had a broke down desk top PC on it's last legs and a $40 cell phone bill from T-Mobile.  I actually really liked that phone.  It was not a smart phone but it was my first cell phone with color on the screen and I liked the way it slid up and down to talk and access the keyboard.  My three years old desktop was slowing down on me and I was stressing out about the cost to renew my anti virus protection.  I renewed it that year but I didn't have to the next because Mj knocked my socks off and sent me a MacBook for my Birthday while he was deployed in Kosovo.  I still remember how exciting and revolutionary it felt to sit on my bed and compute at the same time.  I would have never bought a Mac.  They are too expensive and I am resistant to change.  With an Apple head for a  husband it definitely helped make the transition easier and I found using a Mac is actually pretty simple.

That year my slider phone stopped working and Mj found me a cheapo hot pink razor phone on e Bay to replace it.  Oh, how I despised that phone.  I hated it so much I smashed it to bits with a hammer when I got a new one.  You can see that here.  It was totally non functional and I can't believe how many people had been chomping at the bit to get it in their hot little hands when they first came out.  Why?  It was the worst phone ever.  People used to laugh because Mj had an i phone and I had a crap phone.  That year he surprised me with an iPhone for Christmas.  I said good bye to my crappy razor phone, hello to the smart phone world of Apple and never looked back.  It's the only kind I've ever owned since and it's been perfect for me.

I'm cheap frugal, especially when it comes to technology.  I'm just not willing to spend a lot of money on things I barely understand how to operate anyways.  I'd rather shop.  I probably would have never invested in a Mac and it would have taken me a lot longer to give up that cheap cell phone bill and finally get a smart phone.  I was just thinking that every Apple thing I've ever owned came from Mj and then I remembered my iPod.  That was my first Apple purchase.  Figures it's the one thing I don't use anymore.

Me, with an iPad mini?  It sure is cute but, I don't NEED an iPad.  And that's where Mj comes in.  He's so thoughtful about making sure I have what I need and want even if I won't do it for myself.  He has one and he wanted me to have one too.  He decided to make it an early Christmas present so I can use it when we go on vacation after Thanksgiving.  The day he decides to bring it home just so happens to be the one fluke of a day I got off early and beat him home so it kind of threw off his plans to have it all set up for me.

I love this man to pieces and I am thankful for him every day of my life.  Not just when he's buying me stuff from Apple. 

New Clothes or New Technology?

Aldo "Perchinski" [Photo Source: ]
I'm not that person who is always up on the latest technology.  I got a DVD player when I could no longer find VHS at Blockbuster and I got my first smart phone last year.  When this whole H.D. thing started to take off I thought it was cool and all but not something that I really needed or even wanted and insisted that having just one Blue Ray player in the house was plenty.  I mean, "What's the difference anyways?"   
Steve Madden "Branddy"  [Photo Source:]
I don't spend much time thinking about gidgets and gadgets.  I'm more likely to be thinking about those Steve Madden boots that I saw at Macy's and I've had my Fall shopping list set since last year.  I very excitedly checked some clothing items off my list at Kohl's with a 20% off coupon.  Then I just had to get the knee high boots I've been wanting.  When I get it in my head that I want something I'm on a mission.  I researched, bought and returned boots for a week until I got the perfect two pairs.  The Aldo's were not on sale unfortunately, but I had a $20 off coupon for the Steve Madden's.
Samsung HD TV
 Mj on the other hand is not concerned about his wardrobe.  He rarely ever is.  Every now and then he peruses the mall for a new pair of jeans which he has yet to find but that's about it.  He's not a technology nut but he's definitely into technology and when he wants something he's on a mission too.  About a month ago he started talking more and more about a new TV.  Why? I asked.  We have two nice flat screens of decent size already but he wanted a slightly bigger one.  He got more focused last week then talk turned into action.  Like me when I'm shopping for something specific he did his research and checked out a few stores and the next thing I know there is a brand new larger TV sitting in our living room.  It has a so called infinity edge.  There is a very thin silver border so the picture just seems to go on for well....infinity.  The first movie we watched on it was Bad Teacher.  I could see every single pore and wrinkle in Cameron Diaz's skin and it looked like they were actually in our living room.  It is the most crystal clear, realistic TV screen I've ever seen.  Did I mention that it has 3D?  We haven't tested it out yet and I don't know how often we'll even use it but apparently you can't get one without it these days.  He even downloaded the app that allows him to turn his i Phone into a remote control.    

I've pretty much loved every bit of technology I supposedly don't need and didn't necessarily want.  I can now see the huge difference between HD and non HD.   If I watch a DVD that's not in Blue Ray it looks "funny."  I absolutely LOVE my i Phone and don't know how I ever got along without it.  So what's better and more exciting?  New clothes or new gadgets?   You get to wear clothes and they can be purchased relatively inexpensively.  When Mj runs out and gets the hot new thing at Best Buy does he get the same shopping high that I do when I find the perfect sweater?  Maybe so...and I must admit that TV is beautiful.  Did I really just call a TV beautiful?  My natural inclination is to love clothes and profess that I can do without the latest and greatest in technology but in reality I guess I like 'em both.

This just so happens to be the 3rd TV he's bought in as many years.  I didn't even ask him how much it cost.  I don't even want to know but I bet it was way more then my Fall shopping....for the last several years.  I'll stick to lusting after clothes and shoes.

Relationship and/or Technology?

-Song Lyrics: 
I Love Technology-Napolean Dynamite
Why do you love me
Why do you need me
Always and forever

We met in a chat room
Now our love can fully bloom
Sure, the World Wide Web is great
But you, you make me 'salvivate'

Yes, I love technology
But not as much as you, you see
But I still love technology
Always and forever

Our love is like a flock of doves

Anybody remember, and love Napolean Dynamite as much I did?  A classic!  For some reason when I was writing this post it made me think of that hilarious song he sang to his sweetie LaFawnduh.

Before I had my laptop I spent less time on the net.  I didn't want to be chained to my desk at work then go do the same thing at home.  Now that I have a laptop I can be in the kitchen, on the couch, and anywhere I want to be and still be connected to the Internet.  DVR has made TV time more customizable.  Now I can stockpile a bunch of shows in my play list and pretty much always have something on TV to watch when I want to.  Add to that the fact that now I have a smart phone.  My phone just became a whole lot more interesting to look at and it's literally with me 24/7.  I have apps, e mail and Facebook available to me all the time at home and away from home without even having to open a laptop.

One moment as I stood there in the kitchen watching a DVR'd House Hunters episode, cooking dinner and checking my Facebook news feed while Mj was upstairs playing play station and watching live Baseball streaming from somewhere I don't really understand on his lap top it got me to thinking.  Has technology taken over or should I say taken the place of my relationship?  This is something that I can't help but think about as my stockpile of electronic gadgets has grown and my access to them has increased. 

It's obvious that if there were no TV or Internet our time at home together would look a whole lot different.  Without any distractions all we could do is talk or read.  I don't even know what that would be like.  So clearly technology technically does detract from our interactions but not to it's detriment.   I don't ever feel ignored or disregarded in favor of an i Phone.  Mj enjoys playstation but it's not an obsession.  I've been a victim of that addiction before....and it's not pretty.  I do find that both of us often have our lap tops and/or our phones within reaching distance when we are at home but I don't think it's a bad thing as long as it doesn't become excessive.  When I do feel that I've become too engrossed in blogging or whatever else  I do make the conscious effort to say, "OK, close the lap top and put the phone down."  I really try to be aware of the time I'm spending on technology and not let it become more important then my husband.  We don't have a TV in our bedroom which I think is a good thing.  We always ask each other how was work and how was our day.  I might come home and unwind with my DVR during the busy work week but we usually come together for some cuddle time at some point by the end of the night.  We still talk and enjoy each others company.  We play scrabble, although we do it online!  We play old school Yahtzee.  We watch movies and TV shows together and it's something fun for us to do.  We get out of the house and do things together as well.  While technology time has increased I don't think it's taken away from our relationship in any way.  We still get our quality time in AND we enjoy our outlets that Internet, TV and video games provide.  Like anything else in life it's all about balance.

If I ever felt that I could no longer relate to my spouse, felt a disconnect or became totally annoyed when he needed attention that cut into my technology time there might be a problem.   If I felt that we lived two separate lives at home with each of us entwined in our own respective technologies then it would probably be high time to re evaluate priorities and work on reconnecting.  With us, this has not been an issue.  I don't think you have to choose between the quality of your relationship and technology.  A healthy relationship can balance both.

Razor VS i Phone

There is no point to even pretend that even on some alternate universe there is any comparison between the i phone and the Razor.  There are only a handful of phones that can stack up to the i phone and needless to say the Razor is not one of them.  Even for it's time it is just a poorly functioning phone and I cannot believe that there were people were going crazy wanting to get their hands on one, my big sister included!  Suffice it to say that I could have gotten any phone and it would have been a huge step up.  Getting the i phone was leaps and bounds.

Old and busted razor

Do you know that I couldn't even get through a 30 minute phone conversation sometimes without the battery dying?  If I cut out suddenly everyone just knew that my phone had crapped out.  Texting was the biggest pain in my butt and if I missed a call it wouldn't even tell me what time the call came in.  I had to create a new contact for each number even if those numbers all belonged to one person.  The only thing it had going for it was that it was Pink.  That Razor frustrated me to no end during the year that I was unfortunate enough to be stuck with it so in order to fully expel all of that frustration I decided to smash it.  Literally.  I threw it on the ground first just for kicks but then I took a hammer to it and smashed it up.  It's so much fun destroying things.  A shame we don't have the opportunity to do it more often.  It's a real stress and tension buster.  So, since there is no comparison between the old phone and the new I'm just going to say all the things I love about my new i phone. 

My new phone!!

  1. Calendar.  I love being organized so having access to a calendar on my phone is great.  I use the i calendar for Mj's schedule and imported my google calendar for mine.  I can view them separate or together with the touch of a button and our lives are all right there at my fingertips.  When you add in birthdays to your contacts they automatically go on the Birthday calendar. 
  2. Notes.  I love making to do lists and shopping lists.  I also keep track of movies that are going to be coming out in Theaters so I can add them to my blockbuster Queue.  No longer must I carry around scraps of paper to try to keep up with and have to search for a pen.  I can quickly e mail grocery lists to Mj or vice versa.  I can make lists to my hearts content.  Clothes I want to buy.  TV shows I'm going to watch.  Whatever.  It's all right there. 
  3. Apps.  Just three months ago I still didn't fully understand what an app was.  "There's an app for that." Blah, blah, blah.  I got tired of hearing about it 'cause I sure couldn't get any on the Razor.  Now, I heart apps more than anyone.  There really is one for almost everything you use and do on the Internet.  This perfectly condensed program that allows you to do most major functions without having to actually go to the URL.  Tracking calories on Lose it is fun.  I have USAA, Blockbuster, Discover Card, Fandango for movies, Jenny Craig dining Guide, All Recipes....and on and on.  So convenient.
  4. Camera.  I don't have to worry about ALWAYS having my digital camera on hand.  Sometimes I don't necessarily plan to take any pics but then find that I'd want to for some reason and be annoyed that I couldn't.  The quality of the i phone is almost as good as my digital camera so I don't really worry about that so much.  It has a flash.  I can zoom in, color correct and e mail it to myself for posting so easily.  The video camera is fun and Face time is pretty cool.  Love, love, love!!
  5. Data Plan.  I always said that I absolutely don't need the Internet on my phone.  And really, I don't.  But it sure is nice to have.  I have GPS in my car but I also have my maps on my phone.  I know I can get anywhere I need to without having to print out map quest directions before I leave the house.  If I need to look something up real fast on the fly I can.  The i phone Internet is almost as fast as my mac book.
  6. Functionality.  The call quality is good.  The battery life is excellent.  This phone charges up really fast.  It is so user friendly because any button you need is right there on the screen for you to touch.  I love having my alarm on my phone pre set for weekdays so I don't have to worry about forgetting to set it then turn it off on the weekends. 
If it's possible to be in love with a phone well I have to say that I am.  No, all of those gizmos on my phone are not necessary.  I never had 'em before and I sure don't NEED 'em now.  There are a lot of unnecessary things we have that make life just that little bit easier.  Simple things even.  Like having a garage or a water spout in my refrigerator.  My biggest worry about getting this phone was letting go of my $41 T Mobile cell phone bill.  I held out for so long just to keep it and I am glad that I did.  For a while I just felt having all those "extras" on my phone was too much.  I don't need to jump into the latest thing right away.  I didn't get a DVD player until years after everyone else did and I got a smart phone on my own time too.  Well, it was a Christmas gift from Mj, but after much coaxing he knew I was finally ready.  I'm glad I held out but I'm also glad I finally took that leap and upgraded.  I am only paying about $10 more on a combined plan.  It's not that much more and it's worth it.  Life is hard sometimes and I work hard.  There are a lot of things that would make life easier that I simply can't afford.  Turns out that this i phone isn't one of them so I might as well have it.