I'm kind of obsessed with the idea of documenting my life. It's why I started journaling with I was 10 years old. It's why I was always the one with a camera taking pictures at every sleep over, birthday party (which were also sleepovers if I had my way), gymnastics meet, and football game. I'd drop the film off at Long's and wait the five days or so for developing, because as anxious as I was to see the prints I would not pay extra for overnight processing. I'd pick them up and excitedly shared them with friends at school before carefully arranging the best ones in photo albums. I was the unofficial team historian.
Now. I haven't bought a photo album in many many years, and all of my journaling is online. Then I started a blog. Of course I did. Instagram and Facebook serve as date stamped time capsules, of all the fun things I've done and the special people I did them with. Who woulda thought that shopping on Amazon could do the same thing?
I went through my past orders looking for a product I want to order again, and the first thing I noticed is how my Amazon obsession really exploded over the last three years. This is a tally of my Amazon order history since 2003. I'm already at 5 orders for 2017. It's only February.
The second thing I noticed is that browsing through my order history was like catching a glimpse of my past life via the things I ordered on Amazon. It's all there, neatly organized by year, and in their own way they tell a story. A story of me.
2003 |
So this is my very first Amazon order, ever. Did you know that in 2003 I was kind of sort of an aspiring actress? These two books were required materials for a pretty intense acting class with a local casting director here in San Diego. Once a week I sat in this cramped walk up studio downtown for three hours while this dramatic man by the name of Samuel Warren yelled and gestured with all his might trying to teach us the subtle craft of acting. I starred in an exercise infomercial and did lots of industrial videos. Nobody I know ever saw them (thank goodness), but I still got paid! I auditioned for an independent film in L.A. and distinctly remember blowing the call back because I didn't realize they were having us read a different script. Obviously, I didn't "make it" and it was mostly really discouraging, but I loved it and I still look back on those days very fondly.
2003 |
These purchases show that I prefer working out at home rather than the gym. I do believe that these were my first home workout videos. Ever! I bought them on VHS because VCR's were everything back then. That's all we had. I always made sure to hit rewind after I finished otherwise I'd be super annoyed when I was ready to start my workout and had to wait for the rewind. According to Amazon I grew my collection again in 2006 with some toning videos, and again in 2011 with 6 more videos. By then, I was really into Barre, Ballet, Yoga, and Jillian Michaels, but I also repurchased that Kathy Smith Time Saver cardio video in DVD. I can only imagine how funny I look doing it, but it's such a fun cardio routine, I don't care and it was worth buying again. I went through a weight lifting phase in 2014 with the purchase of a cell phone arm band, but the at home workout thing really stuck and these days I workout almost exclusively at home.
2005 |
This purchase shows my age! In 2005 I had a flip phone. A Samsung VGA1000 Sprint to be exact. 'Aint she a beauty? I think I'd lost my phone out of contract, and this was the replacement. I'm pretty sure I thought it was the best phone ever at the time, but I remember how distraught I was that I had to spend Two-hundred dollars on a cell phone. I WISH my iPhone only cost $200. Was there ever a day that an iPhone was that cheap? I didn't get my first smart phone until 2010.
2014 |
These purchases expose the serious popcorn addiction I developed in 2014. It took me 5 months to eat my way through a 12.5 lb bag of popcorn kernels all by myself. I had to eat it every single day, and I loved
this popcorn bowl so much I bought one for my sister and my mom. That reminds me. I really miss popcorn.
2015 |
These purchases reveal that my skin is not always perfect, and that I was on a mission to lose weight. I had perfect skin for most of my life, but in 2004, out of nowhere I had a horrible bout with hormonal acne that recurred in 2006, 2009, 2014, and then crops up here and there every year since. When my skin is good it is very very good, but when it is bad...UGH!! In 2015 I scoured the internet looking for products I decided on Arcona Acne Raspberry Clarifying Pads, Alpha Hydrox Intensive Serum 14% Glycolic Acid AHA, and Alpha Hydrox AHA Enhanced Lotion. I really like the skin care products, because by this time it was less about getting rid of the acne and more about just caring for my skin and treating the acne as best I could during that time. I had given up on trying to "cure" it because it seems to come and go as it pleases without any kind of rhyme or reason. I bought the CoQ10 and Acetyl-L Carnitine cellular energy promoting fat transporting, pills out of desperation because I read somewhere that they'd assist with energy and weight loss. They did nothing for me. In 2016 I went about it the good old fashioned way. Diet and exercise. It worked, and I got to use the tape measure to keep track of inches lost.
2016 |
These purchases show my love for writing, traveling, and that I married a Bills fan. I bought these books for a fiction writing class I took last year. I hated how long and exhausting it made my day, but I LOVED the class. I learned so much and it was something I've always wanted to do. I venture to guess
this neck pillow is probably one of the best ones out there. I HATE sitting up while sleeping on a plane for hours, so I bought this last year before my looong ass flight to Germany. It's high enough so it actually supports my neck, unlike the cheapie one I had before, which I gave to MJ. He likes it, but it was useless for me. These
Packing Cubes 
are awesome. They keep everything organized in my suitcase and when it comes time to unpack I just take out the cubes. It also comes in handy when I stay in places with minimal storage. I bought a set for the husband too. These socks were part of MJ's Chrismas gift. He loves them. Being married to a Bills fan means
my husband makes me go to Buffalo. I've got two Bills games under my belt, and I see more in our future.
It started out innocently enough with using Amazon as easy order and ship for gifts, things I was having a hard time tracking down or things I couldn't find at a decent price
like an inexpensive duvet cover, or a space heater during the summer.
Then it turned into all the things. Hair accessories, shampoo, cell phone chargers, goggles, protein powder, ice packs, toilet paper holder. No item is too insignificant for me to order from Amazon, but I do try to keep a cart going until I have a few items so I can do a group order. It is a heck of a lot easier than running out to the store, searching for the item, then possibly going to yet another store if they didn't have it. Like those
awesome storage cubes I got a few weeks ago to
deal with all my stuff. I could have gotten lucky and found the right ones on my first trip to Target or Bed Bath & Beyond, or not, but with Amazon I can do the run around online. And if they don't work, I just print out a shipping label and drop it off at the Postal Annex down the street to send it back. I used to add to my list of things to buy, never get around to it,
and then give in and order it on Amazon. Now, I don't even fight it. I
go straight to Amazon, because chances are I'll have it a lot quicker than the time
it would take for me to go get it.
Amazon is easy and efficient; exactly how I want my life to be. It feeds my obsession to document all the things, and makes a pretty nice time capsule of the past. So there's that, as if I needed any other reasons to use it.