Our closet before. Not too shabby but a lot of wasted space. |
I've always thought of our closet as the little walk in that could. It's small but has so much potential. I mean, look at all that wasted space. It's still a walk in so I felt I was moving up in the world because the closet I came from was even tinier. So tiny my clothes were perpetually wrinkled from being crammed and jammed in there. I don't know how those people back in the day survived with so little closet space. Oh yeah, I guess they didn't have much! Well, now we have tons of stuff so closets are super important. I was hogging our closet in typical woman fashion but that's what we do because we have the greater need. I've got work out gear, tanks, bras, long sleeves, short sleeves, skirts, dresses, scarves, pajamas and it just goes on and on. Don't even get me started on the shoes. There are flats, pumps, open toed, close toed, sandals and those darn boots. Men don't have nearly the excessive wardrobe needs that we do. Despite my feelings of entitlement to more space I at least had the common decency to feel bad for shutting him out so I rearranged some things so he could at least fit some of his stuff in there.
Our brand new organized closet |
Mj's double hang rod and Eight drawers |
Women love closets. Men love closets. And if you have a lot of clothes and shoes like most of us do then you really love organized closets. Enter
Closet World. They pimped our closet and it turned out even better then I thought it would. I was thinking it might feel cramped after they put everything in AND we put in all of our stuff but it actually made it look larger somehow. I took the opportunity to get rid of a lot of stuff and tried not to allow just any old thing to make it into our new and improved closet. Everything got scrutinized and I'm glad to say not everything made the cut. It was time to cleanse and make a trip to the Goodwill donation center. I staked out my territory first and tried not to be too greedy! The double hang section to the left is all mine but there is room for Mj to hang things too if he needs it. Turns out he only has about 9 pairs of shoes. How sad. So most of the shoe shelves are taken up by me of course. We have 11! I have 7 which fit 4 pairs across and he gets 4 which fit 3 man sized shoes across. All the shelves are fully adjustable so I can make it taller for boots and shorter for flats. There is also room at the top and the bottom for more shoes or whatever else. We added belt racks and tie racks that slide in and out too. I was able to fit a lot more into our bedroom set dresser drawers because my clothes are smaller so I'm only getting 2 out of the 8 closet drawers and he has a whole wall of cubbies to himself.
It's been a week and he still hasn't put all his stuff in. Is he scared I'm going to shove him out? After seeing the way he awkwardly tried to cram a bunch of his folded shirts and chunky sweatshirts into one of his cubbies I told him he might as well let me organize all of his stuff. I'm so much better at it. He agreed. The only other thing I want to get for storing clothes is a pretty white end of bed type storage bench/trunk, which I'm having a hard time finding. I've been on a pajama shopping freeze for years because I have a ridiculous amount of pajamas, mostly from Victoria's Secret, that are currently residing in a bin that doesn't quite fit underneath our bed and they could all go in the trunk instead.
Show wall on left and Double row of hanging rods. |
The cost is actually almost double what I was hoping to spend but we figured if we are going to do it we might as well DO it. We had them design it in the way that would best fit our needs. We didn't want to build our own closet so it cost us but I think it was worth every penny. I feel like I can actually SEE my clothes and there is a place for everything. Even my giant Uggs have a home in this closet. I love it!
My dream closet inspiration. Ours doesn't look
exactly like it but close enough!!
landscaped the backyard last year. Crown molding was home improvement project #2 and the closet was project #3 for this year with our tax money. Project #4 is rain gutters. Not nearly as much fun but necessary. We'll put that off until after Summer. Project #5 is kitchen and flooring and hopefully that will happen sometime next year. Mj claims that this is our starter home and that we won't be here forever but I love this house and every time we add to it I love it even more. I am glad that we are doing some of the things that we want instead of never getting around to it so that we can really enjoy it while we are here. Even if this isn't our last home I definitely plan to be here for a while. Really, how could I ever leave my beautiful closet behind?
Does anyone else struggle with how to store all of your stuff? Aside from not shopping and donating to goodwill what are your solutions?