I live less then 30 minutes from the Pacific ocean so you might think my water photo challenge would be something awesome like the beach with a beautiful sunset in the distance. I would have loved that but my weekend outings did not quite take me all the way to the coast and with gas prices being just over $4 per gallon and all I went with what was in my own house. My own refrigerator to be exact. I'm probably going to feel really lame when I check out other awesome water shots on the link up. Maybe I should have gone back to the archives from our trip to Europe where we spent 7 days on a ship in the middle of the Mediterranean Ocean. I got plenty of breathtaking water shots but that was last year and this is this year so I'm gonna go with what I got. And what I got is the water that I strive to guzzle as much of as I can every day in my lovely Tervis Tumbler. I like my water cold and I love it that these cups don't sweat and leave annoying water rings all over the place and have handy lids for travel.
60% of the human body is water so I guess it's kind of important that we keep it hydrated. I used to be terrible about it but about a year ago I made it my mission to drink more and I think I've done pretty well. It helps a lot that it comes right out of the refrigerator. I still don't understand how that happens but it's nice not to have to keep running to the store to stock up. It feels like an unlimited supply so I drink it accordingly. I do not get in 64 ounces every day. Sometimes I barely make it to 32 oz but every single day I have a giant water bottle by my side most of the day and have definitely increased my intake a lot. I'd like to say that I'm experiencing all of these wonderful side benefits from it but I really can't. Maybe I am internally in ways that I'm not specifically aware of but overall the only side effect has been that I sweat a little more at the gym and to be honest I really could do without that one. I haven't seen a change in my skin, energy or anything else but if everyone says I'm supposed to drink it up then drink it up I will.
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