Monday my dad finally got his kidney transplant. My mom called me while I was at work and I went and spent most of the night waiting in the hospital with her. I was almost falling asleep in my chair. Then Tuesday I was back to the hospital to see my dad as part of an extended lunch break then straight to class after work. We didn't get out until 10:00pm. I squeezed in a gym work out on Thursday at 5:30am before work and I was tired all day long. I know I'm busy when it takes me almost a whole week to watch America's Next top Model. When do I get a chance to just sit on my butt for hours and clear out my DVR? Friday night we watched a movie. Saturday morning I woke up and cleaned house and then we did a bunch of errands all day long then visited my dad in the hospital. He's doing well. He should be out of the hospital by tomorrow or Tuesday. We picked up dinner on the way home and watched another movie. We do love our movie nights.
Today I woke up and had to do homework. Ugggg!! I actually got really tired and had to take a nap. Once I woke up it seemed that half the day was gone. I did more homework and then I FINALLY got a chance to sit on my butt and chill. Sad as that may sound, I live for that when I haven't had a chance to do it in a while. I'm clearing some shows out of my DVR and getting my House Hunters fix. This is the first day that I've felt like I could actually put together a coherent blog post. If I didn't have to spend 40 hours a week at work I'd have plenty of time, but I wouldn't have much of anything else! So I guess that means I better brace myself for another busy week ahead.