Good Old Fashioned Diet & Exercise

Photo Source:  Grosvenor and Smolin; Visualizing Nutrition.  

I'm a big one for TV munching!! Behavior modification is ongoing

Isn't it funny how we know exactly what we should do but often find it so hard to do it? The formula is simple and yet we search for all kinds of gimmicks, extreme diets and other ways to get out of it.  Eat less, exercise more.  Eat anything in moderation.  Do not overindulge in high sugar and high fat foods.   That's it.  That pic is from my Nutrition book but it doesn't take a nutrition class to figure this out.

Mj lost 20 lbs in 90 days on his Beach Body Challenge doing just that.  Plain old fashioned diet and exercise.  The first three months it was mainly about eating healthy, drinking Shakeology for breakfast and doing P90X2.   There were times when he was so exhausted and sore but he kept up with his work out plan.  I felt bad because I didn't really notice the results so much; probably because I see him everyday.  I couldn't figure out where this 20 lbs even came from because I didn't think he needed to lose any weight in the first place.  Then he showed me his before and after pics.  I was shocked!!  How did this happen right before my eyes without me noticing?  Bad wife.  He lost inches all over his body but the most improved area is his chest, stomach and upper body.    He looks great but he wants to keep going.  I thought he'd about lost his mind when he decided to do another cycle for 60 days.  He had a splurge week after his first 90 days but then he started right back in on his regimen.  Now that he's just trying to maintain and continue toning he's started mixing in other exercise with the P90X2.  He is increasing his protein intake and he does allow himself more splurges then before.  I'm so proud of him for sticking to it.  He's busy going to school full time and working but he made time for this and didn't make any excuses.  Loosing weight is hard but he set his mind to it and he did it.  My husband was already hot but now he's even hotter!  Lucky me.

I've been sticking with my work outs too.  I discovered that (surprise surprise) I can actually live without carbs when I experimented with an extreme Low Carb Diet.   It made me more aware of just how much carbs and sugar I typically eat and I've actually cut down on both a lot.  Not that I'm ever gonna give 'em up altogether.  No way.

It's so much easier to work on being fit and healthy when both partners are on board.  There are times when I don't really plan on going to the gym but Mj will get up and go on one of his 8:30am 40 mile bike rides on Saturday or go play basketball Sunday morning.  I'll just be laying there in bed not doing much of anything except feeling like a lazy slug so I think to myself; I might as well go to the gym or do a work out video.  When he's good, he's very good but when he's bad he's very, very bad and he corrupts me with donuts and pizza when I'm trying to be good but for the most part we are both really into eating healthy.  We've been eating chicken breast and veggies for dinner like it's going out of style and we haven't cooked any dinners at home involving pasta all year.  If I constantly had someone waving fast food french fries or cookies in front of my face all the time and laying around on the couch all day it would make it so much harder to maintain a healthy lifestyle.  I was so stubborn before.  I refused to work out.  I didn't need to lose weight and I watch what I eat so I felt like I could get away with it but our bodies always need exercise.  Fitting exercise into my life felt impossible and I didn't have the motivation to even try but I'm so glad I changed my ways so we can be fit and healthy together.  It's important that we do it for ourselves AND each other.


  1. I agree, it makes it easier to try to get healthy since Big Man is supportive. If he wasn't I know it would be much harder.

  2. From all the photos of MJ that I've seen on your blog he looked very in shape! So I'm amazed he had that much weight to lose.

    If I did P90X I bet I could get my abs back. But at 36 I'm just...tired. I'm sort of willing to have some non-toned areas. I just take it out on Maya. :)

  3. IF ONLY I could just do exactly what I need to do!! *sigh* But as of late (like the last two days) I have been working out. I figured if I at least put forth an effort to do that I bet I'll lose some weight and tone up a bit!

    This was a great post for motivation!!

    1. I know. Doing it is the hard part right? Working out is definitely half the battle so it's a great start.

  4. I'm with you on 45 and two kids, I can't believe how much energy I have I found for my kids and hubby. I'm running longer and lifting heavier. Now the diet part is where my challenges lie for sure. Thanks for this post.

    Lisa x

    1. Therein lies the problem. Diet is always the kicker. You can exercise your heart out but without the right foods you won't get anywhere. Good for you for making time for exercise.

  5. It's true, when my husband works out regularly, I'm usually working out regularly also. Only problem is we've both been eating pretty bad lately. I like your go-to dinner of chicken with veggies. Sounds simple and healthy!

  6. Nice blog.
    Thanks for sharing.

  7. Since I am pretty active I don't work out, but I know that I will eventually have to work a regimen into my life. Will likes to eat healthy, so that does make it easier! I tried P90X once and it kicked my butt! Good for him!


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