Happy New Year!!! I actually had to read through my last blog post to remember what I last wrote about. Go me!
Work kicked my butt from November right into Christmas break as usual. Working at home has made my busy time of year a little bit less bad, but still. I was READY for my break. Christmas was so nice. It was just MJ and I but it was a wonderful day. I exercised, had wine, and we watched Wonder Woman. In past years, I felt pressure to "do" something if it was just going to be us on Christmas, but due to covid that pressure was not a thing. It was nice to make our thing we do a nice dinner at home without feeling like we should have done something. We had steak for dinner on Christmas Day and New Year's Eve. It was better than eating at a restaurant. I'm still eating mostly meatless, but sometimes you just want a good steak. Or burger.