I kind of feel like the fun of the holiday season starts with Halloween. We went to the 17 Door Haunted House up in orange county for the second time, and there is a good chance I will never go back. It was super intense. I was so traumatized! Click the link and you will see what I mean. I just looked at it again to link it here and got flashbacks.
Showing posts with label holidays. Show all posts
The Holidays
The holidays were in a word. AWESOME. Did I do much? No. Did I go anywhere? No. And that's part of what made it so great. I love a good staycation.
2020 Done and Dusted

12 Days of Awesome
De Nile river is not just a river in Africa because it's running all through me right now. Deep. Even as late as driving to work today, I thought that somehow I was wrong and I wasn't supposed to go back yet. I had convinced myself that I would arrive to an empty parking lot and realize I did my calendar dates wrong and I had one more day. I'd already done the work of getting up, but no matter, I'd happily drive home and hop back into bed with my slumbering husband. Whelp. That didn't happen.
I also meant to write a post about Christmas, and then I'd do a second post about New Year's, but that didn't happen either.
The worst thing about the holiday break is that I stumbled out of bed in the middle of the night at the Hard Rock Hotel and accidentally drank an $11 bottle of hotel water instead of the $1.99 bottle I brought from home. In other words, my break was pretty awesome.
By the end of the year I'm exhausted. It doesn't matter how many vacations I've had either. I'm exhausted, and it's cold, and all I want to do is curl up into a ball for the rest of my life. It's a good thing I don't ever have a lot of holiday shopping to do, because I simply don't have the energy for it. Malls, crowds, post offices. NO. I went straight to Amazon for one husband plus an adorable niece and nephew. We usually do a family gift exchange, but we didn't even do that this year. Everyone had an expensive year, and for a bunch of adults Christmas gifting is just not that important. We'll re-evaluate next year. I look forward to holiday break with a vengeance every single year. It's the one reason I won't quit this job. Well, it's not the only reason, but totally free days of paid time off for Christmas is pretty high up there. The first official thing I did over Christmas break besides shut down my stupid 6:20am weekday alarm was eat pizza at happy hour, and it only got better. There were plenty of lazy mornings drinking coffee and watching TV, that turned into an entire day spent in pajamas, but I didn't spend the entire time at home...although that doesn't sound half bad.
We opened presents on Christmas morning, just the two of us. Guys. He got me Chanel No. 5. I have definitely heard of it, but never smelled it because why would I? But it smells so good. I don't know how much it costs but I'm pretty sure it's worth every penny. He also got me the perfect cashmere sweater. It fits exactly the way I like it. He got me a few other perfect gifts, but he always does good when it comes to gifts. This year I think I did pretty good too, and I have to add that I did not get one clue from him as to what he wanted. Not one! The only thing he could think of that he wanted and didn't already have is a gun and I'm absolutely not the best person to shop for it so that was out. He went out and bought his own gun (as adults do) and I came up with some other things that he loved including that polka dot shirt from Land's End. I wore my new sweater and he wore his new shirt that night to dinner. We are those people who go out to dinner on holidays so Christmas dinner was at George's at the Cove- California Modern in La Jolla. It was pricey, but at least I can say I didn't mind the bill that much because the food was so exceptional it felt worth it.

The day after Christmas we went to the movies to see Fences (Denzel Washington). The day after that we hiked Mt. Woodson at Lake Poway which is 7.5 miles and very challenging. Afterwards we went to the very same place we went to after the last time we did that hike and I ate the very same thing. Nicky Rotten's!! Nothing like a hot juicy burger and an ice cold beer after a 1,000 calorie hike.
Hard Rock Hotel for New Year's Eve was his idea. Well, it was his friends idea, and that friend didn't even end up going, but we didn't let that stop us. My first thought when MJ told me he booked the tickets was darn, I'm going to have to wear heels. I gave up on heels. I hate heels. I no longer wear heels. The last time I wore them was during the summer when I went out in Las Vegas and my feet hate heels so much one of the shoes broke. Heels aside, I was still excited because we haven't done the going out thing for New Year's Eve since 2013. MJ is here for a limited time only so we might as well live it up. The folks who came to party at Hard Rock are serious. They showed up in droves dressed to kill, and by that I mean in the shortest, tightest, lowest cut, shiniest dresses possible. I was no exception (minus the sequins)! The place was packed, the dance floor was packed, and any semblance that I made any effort at all to do my hair was gone by the end of the night. I toughed it out in those heels for as long as humanly possible which turned out to be three hours. My hair was wilted and my feet were DONE, but those three hours were really fun! I drank just enough to wake up with a headache, which was no big deal really. Nothing that a giant pancake couldn't cure.
We stayed at Hard Rock an extra night so the next day we went to breakfast...well it was more like brunch by the time I made it out of bed. No, I did not order an entire cake for myself. That giant thing is a baked cinnamon pancake from Richard Walker's Pancake House. I was only able to eat half of it, but it was really good. After that we walked over to the International Auto Show at the convention center, and then picked up food from a really loud bar called Bootlegger, where we saw an almost fight on our way out, and ate dinner in bed while watching a movie. I really like eating in bed because it's something we don't do at home, and I'm telling you, the Cobb salad that came out of that box was one of the best I have ever eaten in my life. It was great. Everything was great. Not even the accidental drinking of bottled water that cost more than a bottle of decent wine could bring me down.
I love a good staycation. I felt like I had all the time in the world with myself and with my husband for sleeping in, watching TV, morning walks, and just existing in life without any real responsibilities. I really, really needed that and I'm pretty sure I'm going to really really need it again in approximately 353 days.
I also meant to write a post about Christmas, and then I'd do a second post about New Year's, but that didn't happen either.
The worst thing about the holiday break is that I stumbled out of bed in the middle of the night at the Hard Rock Hotel and accidentally drank an $11 bottle of hotel water instead of the $1.99 bottle I brought from home. In other words, my break was pretty awesome.
By the end of the year I'm exhausted. It doesn't matter how many vacations I've had either. I'm exhausted, and it's cold, and all I want to do is curl up into a ball for the rest of my life. It's a good thing I don't ever have a lot of holiday shopping to do, because I simply don't have the energy for it. Malls, crowds, post offices. NO. I went straight to Amazon for one husband plus an adorable niece and nephew. We usually do a family gift exchange, but we didn't even do that this year. Everyone had an expensive year, and for a bunch of adults Christmas gifting is just not that important. We'll re-evaluate next year. I look forward to holiday break with a vengeance every single year. It's the one reason I won't quit this job. Well, it's not the only reason, but totally free days of paid time off for Christmas is pretty high up there. The first official thing I did over Christmas break besides shut down my stupid 6:20am weekday alarm was eat pizza at happy hour, and it only got better. There were plenty of lazy mornings drinking coffee and watching TV, that turned into an entire day spent in pajamas, but I didn't spend the entire time at home...although that doesn't sound half bad.
We didn't do cards. This is it. |
The day after Christmas we went to the movies to see Fences (Denzel Washington). The day after that we hiked Mt. Woodson at Lake Poway which is 7.5 miles and very challenging. Afterwards we went to the very same place we went to after the last time we did that hike and I ate the very same thing. Nicky Rotten's!! Nothing like a hot juicy burger and an ice cold beer after a 1,000 calorie hike.
Hard Rock Hotel for New Year's Eve was his idea. Well, it was his friends idea, and that friend didn't even end up going, but we didn't let that stop us. My first thought when MJ told me he booked the tickets was darn, I'm going to have to wear heels. I gave up on heels. I hate heels. I no longer wear heels. The last time I wore them was during the summer when I went out in Las Vegas and my feet hate heels so much one of the shoes broke. Heels aside, I was still excited because we haven't done the going out thing for New Year's Eve since 2013. MJ is here for a limited time only so we might as well live it up. The folks who came to party at Hard Rock are serious. They showed up in droves dressed to kill, and by that I mean in the shortest, tightest, lowest cut, shiniest dresses possible. I was no exception (minus the sequins)! The place was packed, the dance floor was packed, and any semblance that I made any effort at all to do my hair was gone by the end of the night. I toughed it out in those heels for as long as humanly possible which turned out to be three hours. My hair was wilted and my feet were DONE, but those three hours were really fun! I drank just enough to wake up with a headache, which was no big deal really. Nothing that a giant pancake couldn't cure.
We stayed at Hard Rock an extra night so the next day we went to breakfast...well it was more like brunch by the time I made it out of bed. No, I did not order an entire cake for myself. That giant thing is a baked cinnamon pancake from Richard Walker's Pancake House. I was only able to eat half of it, but it was really good. After that we walked over to the International Auto Show at the convention center, and then picked up food from a really loud bar called Bootlegger, where we saw an almost fight on our way out, and ate dinner in bed while watching a movie. I really like eating in bed because it's something we don't do at home, and I'm telling you, the Cobb salad that came out of that box was one of the best I have ever eaten in my life. It was great. Everything was great. Not even the accidental drinking of bottled water that cost more than a bottle of decent wine could bring me down.
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The Gaslamp |
Thanksgiving in Rome Because Why Not?
Spending Thanksgiving day in a country that doesn't celebrate Thanksgiving is about as non-traditional as it gets. We are child free and we like to travel. I knew it was only a matter of time before something like this happened.
Transportation strikes in Italy are either a regular thing or we just get really lucky and visit when they are having them. Four years ago we almost got shut out of Florence and Pisa because there was a strike. Luckily, the cruise ship was able to get us on a tour, and there was no strike the day we needed the train to get to Rome. This time our flights were straight up cancelled. MJ was able to book us on an entirely different airline, just with a slightly later flight time.
We didn't make it there until close to midnight on Wednesday and spent Thanksgiving day touring the ancient city of Rome. The threat of rain loomed, but the weather actually cooperated with us pretty well while we were there. The bus stop that would take us into the city was right across the street, so we bought tickets from the news stand and waited. This particular bus stop had an electronic screen that kept you updated on when the bus was scheduled to arrive. The time kept getting pushed back, but eventually it showed up.
The first thing we did is head to the Colosseum. The last time we were in Rome, we were so rushed that we didn't have time to tour the inside so I was really excited to get to do it. It's pretty impressive on the inside and it's so crazy to think that this was the site of gladiator fights to the death and where people were sentenced to die by being torn apart by wild animals. Even crazier is that people showed up on droves to watch. Like a show. The lifts that were used to carry the animals from the lower levels to the stage above are still there.
We were ready for pizza by that time so we stopped for some lunch right across from the Colosseum. The tickets include entry to the Palatine Ruins so we headed over there next and spent some time wandering the grounds until it was time to head home for dinner.
We whipped up a 4-course meal for Thanksgiving dinner. kind of. I poured us some wine, and when the chef showed up she taught us how to do the appetizer, the fettuccine and dessert. The appetizer was layered pane carasau, which is a very thin Italian flatbread, with Pumpkin, meat, and cheese baked in the oven. The fettuccine was not drowning in any kind of sauce, but was full of flavor. The only thing we didn't help with at all was the beef, because due to time constraints she showed up with that already done. The dessert was this amazing chocolate log that only required three ingredients. biscoff type cookies, chocolate and oil.
After we finished helping with dessert she shooed us out of the kitchen
and finished every thing up. When it was ready all we had to do was sit at the table while she served us a delicious traditional Italian meal. The appetizer involved pumpkin, this pan She even cleaned up the kitchen afterward. The whole thing was like magic. I imagine that's how it might be if
you had a live in chef. Must be nice. There was no turkey. No mac and cheese. There was nothing Thanksgiving like about this meal, except that I was thankful to be there because how often do you get to cook and eat Italian food in Italy? Not very. It was so sweet of MJ to arrange that for us. The wine, the food, the place, the man sitting across from me. Everything was perfect. Perfetto!!
It rained most of the night and into Friday morning, but by the afternoon it cleared up. It was another strike day. We asked the resort to call us a cab, but there were absolutely none to be found. Four years ago Rome basically chewed us up and spit us out. We had one day, part of which was eaten up by kind of a long train ride from Civitavecchia where the cruise ship was docked. By the time we made it to Rome all we had time for was St. Peters Square, The Vatican, pizza and a peak at the Colosseum, before we had to leave. Traffic is pretty bad there. This time, was 100% different. We were able to get a ride into town and took our time strolling from the Pantheon to Trevi Fountain. We ate Gelato, and more pizza because Italy, and meandered around the city taking it all in until it got dark. It was wonderful to stay there, take our time, and really be able to enjoy the city.
The resort helped us out with bus numbers and maps, but I would have been lost without MJ. He is a master at navigating public transportation anywhere. The first day we took the bus home from an entirely different place than we were dropped off. We walked down this grassy tree filled median in the road, and I have know idea how he knew where we were going, but we kept walking and there was the bus stop. On the second day, we were near a taxi stand and started to take a cab, but he had a sudden burst of inspiration. We turned, boarded a train at the station, and when we got off the bus that would take us home was right outside. How does he do this when I have just barely figured out the very limited trolley system in San Diego? I have no idea what's happening or how. I follow him, and we always make it home.
That night we went out to dinner at a restaurant in the Appia Antica area within walking distance from our apartment called Ristorante San Tarcisio. We purposefully dined outside of Rome so that we were sure to have an authentic Italian dining experience, and it was exactly that. It was so delicious. We had an appetizer, and I helped myself to the bread basket. I went for the lasagna and we shared a bottle of wine between us. I can honestly say it is officially the best lasagna I've ever had, and I was stuffed.
When I realized that we were within walking distance of the largest catacomb in Rome, I wanted to take a tour, so we spent our 3rd and last morning at the Catacombs of St. Callixtus. I have a thing for catacombs, and it was one of the things we did when we were in Naples four years ago. I just find the history and the mystery of it to be so fascinating. The place was a maze. I think it would be really interesting to be let loose in there and try to find our way out, but it was all guided. It was hallway after hallway of dark underground tombs, and we probably didn't even see half of it. We had to get up kind of early to fit it in, but it was worth it.
It took us about an hour to walk home from there. It was a little chilly, and a little muddy on parts of the road but it was a nice walk through Appia Antica which is the largest green space in Rome. We encountered many walkers and bikers along the way and made it back to our apartment just in time to be whisked away in the same black car and the same driver that brought us there.
Thanksgiving was different this year. We were away from home and family, but we had each other, and it was wonderful. Rome was so good to us! I'm so glad we got another chance to experience it together.
Transportation strikes in Italy are either a regular thing or we just get really lucky and visit when they are having them. Four years ago we almost got shut out of Florence and Pisa because there was a strike. Luckily, the cruise ship was able to get us on a tour, and there was no strike the day we needed the train to get to Rome. This time our flights were straight up cancelled. MJ was able to book us on an entirely different airline, just with a slightly later flight time.
We didn't make it there until close to midnight on Wednesday and spent Thanksgiving day touring the ancient city of Rome. The threat of rain loomed, but the weather actually cooperated with us pretty well while we were there. The bus stop that would take us into the city was right across the street, so we bought tickets from the news stand and waited. This particular bus stop had an electronic screen that kept you updated on when the bus was scheduled to arrive. The time kept getting pushed back, but eventually it showed up.
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Lifts that carry animals from underground to the stage above ground |
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When in Rome |
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Palatine Ruins |
We whipped up a 4-course meal for Thanksgiving dinner. kind of. I poured us some wine, and when the chef showed up she taught us how to do the appetizer, the fettuccine and dessert. The appetizer was layered pane carasau, which is a very thin Italian flatbread, with Pumpkin, meat, and cheese baked in the oven. The fettuccine was not drowning in any kind of sauce, but was full of flavor. The only thing we didn't help with at all was the beef, because due to time constraints she showed up with that already done. The dessert was this amazing chocolate log that only required three ingredients. biscoff type cookies, chocolate and oil.
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More pizza because Italy |
The resort helped us out with bus numbers and maps, but I would have been lost without MJ. He is a master at navigating public transportation anywhere. The first day we took the bus home from an entirely different place than we were dropped off. We walked down this grassy tree filled median in the road, and I have know idea how he knew where we were going, but we kept walking and there was the bus stop. On the second day, we were near a taxi stand and started to take a cab, but he had a sudden burst of inspiration. We turned, boarded a train at the station, and when we got off the bus that would take us home was right outside. How does he do this when I have just barely figured out the very limited trolley system in San Diego? I have no idea what's happening or how. I follow him, and we always make it home.
That night we went out to dinner at a restaurant in the Appia Antica area within walking distance from our apartment called Ristorante San Tarcisio. We purposefully dined outside of Rome so that we were sure to have an authentic Italian dining experience, and it was exactly that. It was so delicious. We had an appetizer, and I helped myself to the bread basket. I went for the lasagna and we shared a bottle of wine between us. I can honestly say it is officially the best lasagna I've ever had, and I was stuffed.
When I realized that we were within walking distance of the largest catacomb in Rome, I wanted to take a tour, so we spent our 3rd and last morning at the Catacombs of St. Callixtus. I have a thing for catacombs, and it was one of the things we did when we were in Naples four years ago. I just find the history and the mystery of it to be so fascinating. The place was a maze. I think it would be really interesting to be let loose in there and try to find our way out, but it was all guided. It was hallway after hallway of dark underground tombs, and we probably didn't even see half of it. We had to get up kind of early to fit it in, but it was worth it.
It took us about an hour to walk home from there. It was a little chilly, and a little muddy on parts of the road but it was a nice walk through Appia Antica which is the largest green space in Rome. We encountered many walkers and bikers along the way and made it back to our apartment just in time to be whisked away in the same black car and the same driver that brought us there.
Thanksgiving was different this year. We were away from home and family, but we had each other, and it was wonderful. Rome was so good to us! I'm so glad we got another chance to experience it together.
Staycation Mode
I'm in serious staycation mode and apparently that means no blogging. My last day of work was December 22nd and I don't go back until January 5th.
So what have I been doing?
Spending a crap ton of money which WILL happen even if you buy nothing else if you buy your husband an iPad. There was a spa visit and dinners out. I have this habit of deciding I need things after
Thanksgiving which is the same time I also need to by things for other
people. It was all fun and games until I saw
my credit card balance. I paid my credit card off and will start fresh with being
more conservative in January.
Watching Married at First Sight. With the help of experts three arranged marriages are set up and the couples meet on their wedding day when they walk down the aisle. Crazy right? But so fascinating. I stumbled upon this on my Direct TV app, recorded all the episodes and finished most of it in two days. It's a really interesting reality show that actually seems real and not full of wanna be actresses that signed up for the free vacations. Each episode has really interesting insight about making a marriage work and it's a pretty interesting social experiment to watch unfold. Jason and Courtney are my favorite couple. They are so cute!!
Finding my motivation for working out. Any motivation I was still hanging onto left me in the dust about last month. I fought it, but once the holidays hit and it started to get chilly it was gone and I decided that was okay. If I work out I work out and if I don't...well, clearly life goes on. I am fitting in as many morning yoga classes as I can at the gym and we will see what happens in the new year.
Enjoying quality time with MJ. He worked only one more day than me so last week was a staycation for both of us. On Christmas Eve Eve we wasted $26 bucks on this Winter Wonderland holiday event downtown that was pretty much worthless unless you had a gaggle of kids. At least we got to see a Reindeer. I don't even care because it was one of those warm balmy nights (yes, in December) that I can't get enough of. We strolled around downtown on a Tuesday-which felt strange, until we found a place to eat with outdoor seating and drink specials. Wasted money or not it was a fun night. Playstation was down for two wonderful days which was great for me and our quality time but not so great for a man who is addicted to Destiny.
Wearing lots of pajamas with my fuzzy flowered 10 year old grandma robe. I eat breakfast, run errands and/or work out and then jump into my jammies for the rest of the night. We made it until after Christmas without the heat. Which is also the day I thought it was Friday and showed up 24 hours late for yoga on Saturday morning. I walked right out when I realized I was the only idiot there with a yoga mat and did a yoga DVD at home. We always have a contest to see who can last the longest without heat and for the second time in a row he broke first. It's not that I don't get as cold as him it's just that I am more willing to suffer if it will save money.
Cleansing my closet. It was time and I was finally ready. I told MJ that I will probably be wearing these same clothes for the next twenty years. I think I did pretty good, but I still have a lot of clothes and I'm not into shopping for sport anymore so I don't expect my wardrobe to change that much in the near future. I'll still buy things when needed but I can't add much ESPECIALLY if I'm not willing to part with anything else. I'm going to make a concerted effort to wear every single thing I own over the next year and if I STILL have things I haven't worn I will re evaluate next year.
Organizing my iPhotos. After five years my MacBook finally died but not before it was reset to factory settings and wiped in a last ditch effort to save it. Nothing was not backed up in the time capsule as it was supposed to be. I got a new one six months ago but, I lost all documents. MJ was able to recover what I think is most of my pics but they are all just randomly thrown in there with no rhyme or reason. It's a big project I've been putting off for months
Christmas was different this year being that it was just the two of us but it was still good. I got everything I wanted plus a few extra's that MJ surprised me with. That afternoon we went to the movies to see Exodus, which was really good. See it. So good!! Then we went straight to dinner and spent a quiet evening at home. We intend to do the same for New Year's Eve minus the movie.
I have one more glorious week that remains before it's time to go back to work and I'm going to enjoy it. Now, to catch up on some blog reading.
So what have I been doing?
Tis the season for cute ankle boots // Aldo |
Reading as many books as I can. The library and very specifically, that library transports me to my broke single years when I lived alone in my condo and spent hours and hours reading alone in my cozy little studio. The library was free and I had a lot of free time on my hands so I was there every single month combing the stacks for something new. I hadn't been in so long that I had a $4.00 fine from 2010. Good thing they don't charge interest or send you to collections. Incidentally, 2010 is when life got very busy for me. MJ came home from an 11 month deployment, we bought a house and got married. Then I discovered DVR and it was all over after that. Life gets so busy that I may or may not make library trips a regular thing but this staycation was the perfect time to go back. Hopefully I'll do more reading in 2015. I missed it!
Watching Married at First Sight. With the help of experts three arranged marriages are set up and the couples meet on their wedding day when they walk down the aisle. Crazy right? But so fascinating. I stumbled upon this on my Direct TV app, recorded all the episodes and finished most of it in two days. It's a really interesting reality show that actually seems real and not full of wanna be actresses that signed up for the free vacations. Each episode has really interesting insight about making a marriage work and it's a pretty interesting social experiment to watch unfold. Jason and Courtney are my favorite couple. They are so cute!!
Finding my motivation for working out. Any motivation I was still hanging onto left me in the dust about last month. I fought it, but once the holidays hit and it started to get chilly it was gone and I decided that was okay. If I work out I work out and if I don't...well, clearly life goes on. I am fitting in as many morning yoga classes as I can at the gym and we will see what happens in the new year.
Enjoying quality time with MJ. He worked only one more day than me so last week was a staycation for both of us. On Christmas Eve Eve we wasted $26 bucks on this Winter Wonderland holiday event downtown that was pretty much worthless unless you had a gaggle of kids. At least we got to see a Reindeer. I don't even care because it was one of those warm balmy nights (yes, in December) that I can't get enough of. We strolled around downtown on a Tuesday-which felt strange, until we found a place to eat with outdoor seating and drink specials. Wasted money or not it was a fun night. Playstation was down for two wonderful days which was great for me and our quality time but not so great for a man who is addicted to Destiny.
Wearing lots of pajamas with my fuzzy flowered 10 year old grandma robe. I eat breakfast, run errands and/or work out and then jump into my jammies for the rest of the night. We made it until after Christmas without the heat. Which is also the day I thought it was Friday and showed up 24 hours late for yoga on Saturday morning. I walked right out when I realized I was the only idiot there with a yoga mat and did a yoga DVD at home. We always have a contest to see who can last the longest without heat and for the second time in a row he broke first. It's not that I don't get as cold as him it's just that I am more willing to suffer if it will save money.
Cleansing my closet. It was time and I was finally ready. I told MJ that I will probably be wearing these same clothes for the next twenty years. I think I did pretty good, but I still have a lot of clothes and I'm not into shopping for sport anymore so I don't expect my wardrobe to change that much in the near future. I'll still buy things when needed but I can't add much ESPECIALLY if I'm not willing to part with anything else. I'm going to make a concerted effort to wear every single thing I own over the next year and if I STILL have things I haven't worn I will re evaluate next year.
Organizing my iPhotos. After five years my MacBook finally died but not before it was reset to factory settings and wiped in a last ditch effort to save it. Nothing was not backed up in the time capsule as it was supposed to be. I got a new one six months ago but, I lost all documents. MJ was able to recover what I think is most of my pics but they are all just randomly thrown in there with no rhyme or reason. It's a big project I've been putting off for months
Christmas was different this year being that it was just the two of us but it was still good. I got everything I wanted plus a few extra's that MJ surprised me with. That afternoon we went to the movies to see Exodus, which was really good. See it. So good!! Then we went straight to dinner and spent a quiet evening at home. We intend to do the same for New Year's Eve minus the movie.
I have one more glorious week that remains before it's time to go back to work and I'm going to enjoy it. Now, to catch up on some blog reading.
No Holiday Party For You
We didn't go to the holiday party this year. I'm still not sure how I feel about this although I guess I'm okay with it considering I gave up my campaign to go on Wednesday. I don't even know why I was still trying to get MJ to go at that time when I never had any idea what I was going to wear in the first place.
We ALWAYS go to the company holiday party. Mine is an employee only lunch during the day for my department but his is a THING and we haven't missed one since he started working there. That's four years of holiday parties and I have documentation for all of them; 2010 here, 2011 here, 2013 here, and 2014 here. You know you've been blogging a long time when you have to use the search function on your blog to find your own posts. Normally the party is on a Saturday, there is a cheesy band and we get a hotel room for the night wherever they are having it, but this year they decided to make it a happy hour thing. Two years ago they moved it to January which actually worked out really well and this year they moved it back to December. On a Friday. At 4:30pm. Ugh. I find it difficult to pass up free drinks and a meal but there is something about a holiday party in December that feels really exhausting when all I can think about is making it to Christmas break. It finally got cold, it was supposed to rain, I'd have had to get off work early and I figured I wouldn't feel like bothering anyway so I said, "If you don't want to go, we aren't going. I'm over it."
That Friday we ate carne asada tacos for dinner out of paper containers, drank Bud Light and watched a movie. The weird thing is that he can't even tell me why he didn't want to go. He was actually on the committee this year and all he could say is that he wasn't feeling it.
What he was feeling, the second he heard about it was a co-worker's birthday party. For the last two years this guy has thrown a big birthday bash that we couldn't go to but he had no intention of missing it this year. And when I think about it, by the time I was one glass of wine in I thought it was a holiday party. It was downtown so we had to pay for parking just like usual. There was an open bar on the balcony. There was a nice little spread of finger foods and snacks. I'm still wondering what he did with all the furniture. All of it was removed so there was plenty of space for dancing. There was a nice sound system playing hit songs from this decade. I even got to see a ton of music videos on the synchronized TV that I would have never otherwise seen since I still haven't figured out where all the music videos have gone. That alone was so entertaining I spent the first hour of the party saying things like, "So that's who sings this song." It was the same crowd too. The co-worker friends that I see at every company holiday party, dodge ball, and kick ball game of year's past, were there. And so was MJ. I'll hang out with that guy almost anywhere; including the ER.
I think it's safe to say that we had fun.
No, it wasn't THE holiday party, but it's not too hard to convince myself that it was actually better. I didn't have to feel like a fool dancing to a cover band on an empty dance floor. I didn't have to shop for a dress or figure out which one I was going to recycle. There were Costco wraps and chocolate chip cookies which I love and the house wine was a sweet white moscato. Drink tickets at the company holiday party NEVER include moscato. Also, I'm not so sure I would have survived going out two nights in a row. We are on a two party night per year average right now. Our last one was Las Vegas in August so I figure we will be due for another around June.
The only thing missing was the raffle prizes and we never win those anyway.
We ALWAYS go to the company holiday party. Mine is an employee only lunch during the day for my department but his is a THING and we haven't missed one since he started working there. That's four years of holiday parties and I have documentation for all of them; 2010 here, 2011 here, 2013 here, and 2014 here. You know you've been blogging a long time when you have to use the search function on your blog to find your own posts. Normally the party is on a Saturday, there is a cheesy band and we get a hotel room for the night wherever they are having it, but this year they decided to make it a happy hour thing. Two years ago they moved it to January which actually worked out really well and this year they moved it back to December. On a Friday. At 4:30pm. Ugh. I find it difficult to pass up free drinks and a meal but there is something about a holiday party in December that feels really exhausting when all I can think about is making it to Christmas break. It finally got cold, it was supposed to rain, I'd have had to get off work early and I figured I wouldn't feel like bothering anyway so I said, "If you don't want to go, we aren't going. I'm over it."
That Friday we ate carne asada tacos for dinner out of paper containers, drank Bud Light and watched a movie. The weird thing is that he can't even tell me why he didn't want to go. He was actually on the committee this year and all he could say is that he wasn't feeling it.
What he was feeling, the second he heard about it was a co-worker's birthday party. For the last two years this guy has thrown a big birthday bash that we couldn't go to but he had no intention of missing it this year. And when I think about it, by the time I was one glass of wine in I thought it was a holiday party. It was downtown so we had to pay for parking just like usual. There was an open bar on the balcony. There was a nice little spread of finger foods and snacks. I'm still wondering what he did with all the furniture. All of it was removed so there was plenty of space for dancing. There was a nice sound system playing hit songs from this decade. I even got to see a ton of music videos on the synchronized TV that I would have never otherwise seen since I still haven't figured out where all the music videos have gone. That alone was so entertaining I spent the first hour of the party saying things like, "So that's who sings this song." It was the same crowd too. The co-worker friends that I see at every company holiday party, dodge ball, and kick ball game of year's past, were there. And so was MJ. I'll hang out with that guy almost anywhere; including the ER.
I think it's safe to say that we had fun.
No, it wasn't THE holiday party, but it's not too hard to convince myself that it was actually better. I didn't have to feel like a fool dancing to a cover band on an empty dance floor. I didn't have to shop for a dress or figure out which one I was going to recycle. There were Costco wraps and chocolate chip cookies which I love and the house wine was a sweet white moscato. Drink tickets at the company holiday party NEVER include moscato. Also, I'm not so sure I would have survived going out two nights in a row. We are on a two party night per year average right now. Our last one was Las Vegas in August so I figure we will be due for another around June.
The only thing missing was the raffle prizes and we never win those anyway.
Thanksgiving in a Box
That whole cooking thing. Well, we decided not to do that this year. I realize that some people love to cook and believe that
Thanksgiving is not the same without a ton of home cooked food that you
worked really long and hard to prepare. I am not one of those people.
My parents house is a disaster. When you are moving the week after Thanksgiving chances are your home is not equipped to handle cooking a Thanksgiving feast, leftovers or having guests so we knew that Thanksgiving would be at our house. If I never make a Thanksgiving dinner in my life that will be fine with me. I just don't have it in me to do such a thing. MJ did it a few years ago, but was not interested in doing it again this year.
So what do we do about food, because Thanksgiving is nothing without food, or so I'm told. Turns out, there is quite the market for this conundrum. We aren't the only slackers who don't want to cook Thanksgiving dinner and there are plenty of places that will do it for you at an affordable price. We decided on Fresh & Easy because they offered the best variety for sides and we love their freshly made food. I've never eaten anything I didn't like from there and it really is Fresh and Easy. Decisions about food are always critical for my mom but when it's Thanksgiving, it's really serious business and this was only going to work if my parents were okay with it. There were a lot of text messages back and forth and at one point I thought we were going to have to cook but it worked out.
I wasn't sure what to expect, but when I saw that cute little box I knew everything was going to be okay. Even though we didn't cook anything it smelled like we did and that's part of why you love it so much right? The turkey needed almost three hours to cook and all the sides had to be warmed so we still got to use the oven. The house smelled exactly like someone was in the kitchen all day, and someone actually was, it just wasn't us.
After much discussion we agreed on brussel sprouts with bacon, mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce for sides. It even came with a free pumpkin pie. MJ is currently working his way through it by himself since I don't eat pie. He isn't even a fan of pumpkin pie and says it's pretty good. My mom was nervous about the stuffing and yams so she made stuffing and picked up yams from Boston Market and my dad refuses to eat anything but the cheapo cranberry sauce in a can. Throw in some dinner rolls and we had a complete Thanksgiving spread. For dessert MJ made marble cake and peanut butter & chocolate chip cookies from scratch. We also had ice cream but we all atE so much that it never came out of the fridge.
Thanksgiving dinner came out of a box but no one was disappointed. Not even my mom. It was one of the best Thanksgiving meals I've ever had. The turkey was all breast so we didn't have to deal with all those nasty bones, everything was full of flavor and we had just enough left overs. The best part about all of this is that no one had to slave away in the kitchen for hours the night before or the day of. MJ picked up our food the day before Thanksgiving, made the desserts in the morning and we were chowing down by 2:00pm. There were dishes, but not the mountain it would have been had we cooked. Some might think a store bought Thanksgiving is sad, but I call it efficient. Okay, and maybe a little lazy.
The best part about the day was spending time with MJ and my parents. We sat around, drank wine, ate, talked and watched football the entire day. I knew it was going to be the last time I saw them for a while but it didn't hit me until they were on their way out the door. I kept it cool while they were putting on their shoes and it wasn't until we were outside when I was giving my mom one last hug that I lost it. We clung to each other and sobbed. I'm a grown woman and I have always been very independent. I don't see my parents every weekend but the idea that I can't see them every weekend or even every month if I want to makes me really sad. She's still my mommy and not having her and dad nearby is going to take some getting used to. After they left MJ put his arms around me so I could cry some more. I'm crying even as I write this. Dramatic much? Maybe so, but I'm emotional and those are my parents. I'm going to miss them.
I'm a mac and cheese girl. I don't eat stuffing, I don't do yams, cranberry sauce or pies and if I only have one thing on Thanksgiving I'd be happy as long as it was mac and cheese. I knew I wasn't getting it this year and that was okay because I know that someday I will eat it again. I don't plan on this being my last meal, ever. I know that nobody is promised tomorrow but I'm pretty sure that even if it was, the last thing I'm going to regret is that I didn't eat macaroni and cheese on November 25th. If I was on death row and didn't get it for my last meal, that's another story.
The thing I will think about more than anything else is who I spent it with because it's just food, and people are infinitely more precious than macaroni. I think everyone can agree on that.
Disclaimer: This post is not sponsored by Fresh and Easy but I wish it was.
My parents house is a disaster. When you are moving the week after Thanksgiving chances are your home is not equipped to handle cooking a Thanksgiving feast, leftovers or having guests so we knew that Thanksgiving would be at our house. If I never make a Thanksgiving dinner in my life that will be fine with me. I just don't have it in me to do such a thing. MJ did it a few years ago, but was not interested in doing it again this year.
So what do we do about food, because Thanksgiving is nothing without food, or so I'm told. Turns out, there is quite the market for this conundrum. We aren't the only slackers who don't want to cook Thanksgiving dinner and there are plenty of places that will do it for you at an affordable price. We decided on Fresh & Easy because they offered the best variety for sides and we love their freshly made food. I've never eaten anything I didn't like from there and it really is Fresh and Easy. Decisions about food are always critical for my mom but when it's Thanksgiving, it's really serious business and this was only going to work if my parents were okay with it. There were a lot of text messages back and forth and at one point I thought we were going to have to cook but it worked out.
I wasn't sure what to expect, but when I saw that cute little box I knew everything was going to be okay. Even though we didn't cook anything it smelled like we did and that's part of why you love it so much right? The turkey needed almost three hours to cook and all the sides had to be warmed so we still got to use the oven. The house smelled exactly like someone was in the kitchen all day, and someone actually was, it just wasn't us.
After much discussion we agreed on brussel sprouts with bacon, mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce for sides. It even came with a free pumpkin pie. MJ is currently working his way through it by himself since I don't eat pie. He isn't even a fan of pumpkin pie and says it's pretty good. My mom was nervous about the stuffing and yams so she made stuffing and picked up yams from Boston Market and my dad refuses to eat anything but the cheapo cranberry sauce in a can. Throw in some dinner rolls and we had a complete Thanksgiving spread. For dessert MJ made marble cake and peanut butter & chocolate chip cookies from scratch. We also had ice cream but we all atE so much that it never came out of the fridge.
Thanksgiving dinner came out of a box but no one was disappointed. Not even my mom. It was one of the best Thanksgiving meals I've ever had. The turkey was all breast so we didn't have to deal with all those nasty bones, everything was full of flavor and we had just enough left overs. The best part about all of this is that no one had to slave away in the kitchen for hours the night before or the day of. MJ picked up our food the day before Thanksgiving, made the desserts in the morning and we were chowing down by 2:00pm. There were dishes, but not the mountain it would have been had we cooked. Some might think a store bought Thanksgiving is sad, but I call it efficient. Okay, and maybe a little lazy.
The best part about the day was spending time with MJ and my parents. We sat around, drank wine, ate, talked and watched football the entire day. I knew it was going to be the last time I saw them for a while but it didn't hit me until they were on their way out the door. I kept it cool while they were putting on their shoes and it wasn't until we were outside when I was giving my mom one last hug that I lost it. We clung to each other and sobbed. I'm a grown woman and I have always been very independent. I don't see my parents every weekend but the idea that I can't see them every weekend or even every month if I want to makes me really sad. She's still my mommy and not having her and dad nearby is going to take some getting used to. After they left MJ put his arms around me so I could cry some more. I'm crying even as I write this. Dramatic much? Maybe so, but I'm emotional and those are my parents. I'm going to miss them.
We got our tree two days after Thanksgiving which is a big deal because we get it later and later every year. Last year I don't think we got it until the week before Christmas so I was determined that we not procrastinate. We really have no excuse because the tree farm we use every year is right across the street. We drive by it on our way home from work every day. We walk to the ATM if we need cash, walk across the street to the lot and then MJ carries it home. He remembered to bring his gardening gloves this time. We got a really good tree. The shape is perfect and with the decorations it looks about the same as it did last year and I love it. The four day break lasted a really long time which was great. I think that's what happens when you don't pack a lot into it. The only thing we did was go to the movies to see Mockingjay.
I'm a mac and cheese girl. I don't eat stuffing, I don't do yams, cranberry sauce or pies and if I only have one thing on Thanksgiving I'd be happy as long as it was mac and cheese. I knew I wasn't getting it this year and that was okay because I know that someday I will eat it again. I don't plan on this being my last meal, ever. I know that nobody is promised tomorrow but I'm pretty sure that even if it was, the last thing I'm going to regret is that I didn't eat macaroni and cheese on November 25th. If I was on death row and didn't get it for my last meal, that's another story.
The thing I will think about more than anything else is who I spent it with because it's just food, and people are infinitely more precious than macaroni. I think everyone can agree on that.
Disclaimer: This post is not sponsored by Fresh and Easy but I wish it was.
A Holiday Party in January
The first year that MJ's company holiday party was in January I thought it was weird now I just think it makes sense. The holiday's are busy and there's so many other things going on that it's nice not having to make time for it in December and it's a little extra something fun to look forward to in the New Year. No Christmas songs or holiday themed decorations but who cares. There are free drinks. And food. A party is a party! This year the theme was roaring 20's. Some people went all out and dressed up for it but they had props there for slackers like us who didn't.
I'm really proud of MJ for putting together such a nice outfit. There really aren't a whole lot of options for men. I guess he got sick of the same old button up shirt and tie and went with a bow tie and a cardigan. I think he rocked it. He looked so cute!
We use the holiday party as an excuse to stay in a hotel overnight and go out downtown. The parties are always fabulous but we never stay for the whole thing. We check in, get our drink tickets, drink up, eat up, mingle, get our picture taken and then leave. We had a really fun time while we were there though. My favorite part was the mac and cheese station. So good! The band was pretty good and the wine pours were generous. We did not win the i Pad mini they were giving away because we never win anything at these parties. We left around 8 and went to a bar with a group of people from the holiday party and managed to stay out until just past midnight. I probably could have gone longer if my feet weren't hurting so bad. I wore my comfortable and fairly sensible pumps but even the most comfortable pumps turn into very uncomfortable torture devices after a while.
The party was at the Marriott. I really love this hotel. It's right on the water and it's really nice. It's a shame we don't really get a chance to utilize the amenities. For such a quick overnight trip it's basically just a place to sleep. We checked in around 4ish on Saturday and relaxed for a few hours before it was time to get ready for the party. The next morning we checked out around 11am and then went out to breakfast. I was pretty useless on Sunday. I half napped and laid around most of the day. And as I did that I wondered what the heck I would do if I had a child who wanted to play all day? I was exhausted as it was. I'm pretty sure it's not acceptable to put them in the closet with a TV or an i Pad even though MJ seems to think it is. I'm so glad we got an extra day off to recover.
The weather is still freakishly warm here. It's warm enough to have a Fourth of July BBQ in January too but we're going to the movies instead.
I'm really proud of MJ for putting together such a nice outfit. There really aren't a whole lot of options for men. I guess he got sick of the same old button up shirt and tie and went with a bow tie and a cardigan. I think he rocked it. He looked so cute!
We use the holiday party as an excuse to stay in a hotel overnight and go out downtown. The parties are always fabulous but we never stay for the whole thing. We check in, get our drink tickets, drink up, eat up, mingle, get our picture taken and then leave. We had a really fun time while we were there though. My favorite part was the mac and cheese station. So good! The band was pretty good and the wine pours were generous. We did not win the i Pad mini they were giving away because we never win anything at these parties. We left around 8 and went to a bar with a group of people from the holiday party and managed to stay out until just past midnight. I probably could have gone longer if my feet weren't hurting so bad. I wore my comfortable and fairly sensible pumps but even the most comfortable pumps turn into very uncomfortable torture devices after a while.
The party was at the Marriott. I really love this hotel. It's right on the water and it's really nice. It's a shame we don't really get a chance to utilize the amenities. For such a quick overnight trip it's basically just a place to sleep. We checked in around 4ish on Saturday and relaxed for a few hours before it was time to get ready for the party. The next morning we checked out around 11am and then went out to breakfast. I was pretty useless on Sunday. I half napped and laid around most of the day. And as I did that I wondered what the heck I would do if I had a child who wanted to play all day? I was exhausted as it was. I'm pretty sure it's not acceptable to put them in the closet with a TV or an i Pad even though MJ seems to think it is. I'm so glad we got an extra day off to recover.
The weather is still freakishly warm here. It's warm enough to have a Fourth of July BBQ in January too but we're going to the movies instead.
'Twas the Night Before Christmas
We've been together for five years and have never ordered Holiday cards together. He never wanted them. Ordering cards seemed too much like work so I didn't care either way. He doesn't remember this but I suggested it jokingly a few months before Christmas. He didn't even answer he just gave me a look. Which meant no. So imagine my surprise when he says out of the blue around Thanksgiving he says, "We should order Christmas cards this year." What? I about fell out of my chair. I was shocked but I went with it.
We decided to use a picture from Maui and ordered them from Tiny Prints. I love the way they turned out. They have a slight gloss to it. The envelopes are really thick. I didn't want a traditional holiday card. If you want green, red and Christmas trees they have it, but they also have a huge selection of non traditional cards. It was so hard to decide that I about lost my mind. As usual. I made about six samples by the time I finally picked one. I didn't order them until Tuesday of last week and we got them yesterday. They are kind of New Years cards too so it's fine that they won't go out until after Christmas right?
We do all of our Christmas stuff late. We didn't get our tree until the 14th and we'll probably take it down late too. I didn't start any of my holiday shopping until the Monday of the week before Christmas and he waited a few days longer then I did. I picked up one last present today. We keep it pretty simple in my family so I know I can get away with it. This year we did a couples gift exchange between us, my younger sister and her boyfriend and my older sister and her husband. My little sis set it up on Secret Santa.com so that we can post our wish list and then receive an anonymous e mail saying who to shop for. I don't want to spend the holidays running around stressing out about what to buy everyone and spending a ton of money. We've been doing this for about the last five years or so. At first I felt weird not buying something for my mom for Christmas especially since she can't help but get something for us even with the exchange but there is still Mother's day and her Birthday. We gave my parents a Hickory Farms gift set to enjoy. We are adults. We don't need a million presents anymore and the older we get the harder it is to find unique gifts for people that they don't already have. I have a 3 year old Nephew so I send him presents and I also shop for MJ but the family gift exchange cuts down on a lot of the crazy. I was able to do almost all of my shopping online to bypass the malls and the post office.
We decided to use a picture from Maui and ordered them from Tiny Prints. I love the way they turned out. They have a slight gloss to it. The envelopes are really thick. I didn't want a traditional holiday card. If you want green, red and Christmas trees they have it, but they also have a huge selection of non traditional cards. It was so hard to decide that I about lost my mind. As usual. I made about six samples by the time I finally picked one. I didn't order them until Tuesday of last week and we got them yesterday. They are kind of New Years cards too so it's fine that they won't go out until after Christmas right?
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Happy Holidays from Maui |
I'm the worst gift giver EVER! MJ is so much better at it then I am. I can hardly ever think of what to get anyone and then when I finally do decide I agonize endlessly over exactly which kind and usually resort to gift cards. Which are nice and all but sometimes it's nice to give something more personal. He usually tells me a few things to choose from and if it's a good year I can usually come up with one or two things extra that might be a surprise.
I love our tree! It's nice and wide on the bottom. I think it's the best one we've had yet. We have a routine. We walk across the street to the Boy Scout tree farm set up in the Elk's lodge parking lot. MJ suggests a few trees and I protest a little that they are either too big or too expensive. He gets the one he wants anyways and then carries it across the street to our house. We put on Christmas carols. He puts up the lights and the pretty star. I pour myself some wine and then add all the rest of the ornaments and despite my fussing love the tree anyways.
I am really going to enjoy these two 12 days off from work; even though it already seems to be going by way too fast. MJ's been baking again. The house smells like freshly baked Apple Sauce cake and Chocolate chip cookies. I'm trying to be a good wife so there is a hot pot of Chili simmering on the stove for dinner. The holiday music is playing. I need to address our holiday cards and I have one more present to wrap. The only thing missing is a glass of wine but that's okay because I added some Bailey's Irish creme to my coffee earlier. It was a gift from my parents.
Happy Holidays to everyone!!!
I love our tree! It's nice and wide on the bottom. I think it's the best one we've had yet. We have a routine. We walk across the street to the Boy Scout tree farm set up in the Elk's lodge parking lot. MJ suggests a few trees and I protest a little that they are either too big or too expensive. He gets the one he wants anyways and then carries it across the street to our house. We put on Christmas carols. He puts up the lights and the pretty star. I pour myself some wine and then add all the rest of the ornaments and despite my fussing love the tree anyways.
I am really going to enjoy these two 12 days off from work; even though it already seems to be going by way too fast. MJ's been baking again. The house smells like freshly baked Apple Sauce cake and Chocolate chip cookies. I'm trying to be a good wife so there is a hot pot of Chili simmering on the stove for dinner. The holiday music is playing. I need to address our holiday cards and I have one more present to wrap. The only thing missing is a glass of wine but that's okay because I added some Bailey's Irish creme to my coffee earlier. It was a gift from my parents.
Happy Holidays to everyone!!!
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