Chelsea crying black mascara streaked tears
Poor Chelsea's little dog got attacked and killed by the neighbor's dog so she had to up and move. She already has a replacement dog. She just took her last GED test and has been keeping her distance from her horrible ex but for the most part is chronically incapable of getting over him even though he treats her like crap. I can't be the only one that's wondering what is going on with her shaggy poof of bleached blonde hair. It looks like ramen noodles. She also wears a TON of make up and should probably give the tanning a rest. She's turning Orange.
Let's see...Kailyn cheated on a really great guy to try rekindling things with her baby's daddy. That didn't work out. She got lonely and somehow managed to get her ex to take her back then turned around and dumped him because she needed space. Huh? She's not allowed to move and take the baby to Florida so she moved into a new house instead.
Leah takes the cake for the most foolish one of all right now. Will she ever learn? She married the father of her twins only to be divorced within 6 months. She was the one who cheated so she begged Corey to take her back and try again. He refused. After going on and on about how she rushed everything from getting pregnant, to moving in together to getting married and how she would never ever do that again she moved in with and is engaged to a man she's been dating for about 2 months. The kicker however, is that she's already pregnant!!! Oh, and after going on about how much she wanted to provide for her girls and have a career she dropped out of Nursing school. Thank goodness she moved out of that awful trailer. She actually wears more mascara then Chelsea. It's really weird how they all picked up and moved at about the same time.
I liked the original Teen Mom group so much better. Not that they didn't drive me nuts too. Farrah annoyed me the most and Amber made me want to scream 90% of the time but I really liked Macy and Catelynn. There is something about every single one of this new batch of girls and the horrible decisions they make that is very hard to watch. Season one was good but I'm really sort of over season 2. Mj stopped watching it a while ago and part of me wants to stop too but for some reason I can't. A lot of people have claimed that this show glamorizes teen pregnancy but I personally do not see how. With the exception of Amber the nightmare from Teen Mom 1 and Jenelle I'd say all of them have been really good mom's but their lives are total train wrecks! They show how incredibly hard it is to balance school, work, relationships and life in general after having a child so young. I'm not ready for a child at my age let alone theirs and there is nothing glamorous or fun about the crap these girls are dealing with. Anyone else out there with a love hate relationship with this crazy show or is it just me?