The tree came down Friday. You can't imagine how excited I was to come home from work on Friday to an X Box playing husband who had already taken down the tree, put every thing away, cleaned up all the pine needles AND put together our new wine bar. I love the tree but I really hate the mess of it and taking it down is not nearly as exciting as putting it up. I was really thankful to him for taking care of that. It's so nice to have a husband that takes care of business.
I used to make resolutions every year but I've definitely lost my resolution making mojo. I didn't make any New Year's resolutions this year, I didn't make any last year either and two years ago I only had three. Finishing my novel is a given. It's something I plan to do and I'm actively working on it. No need to list that. There are some non tangible things I want to work on within myself and as much as I like lists I'm just not compelled to list it. Not right now anyways. It kind of makes me feel like a slacker not to march into the New Year armed with a list of intentions but I just don't have it in me to do it.
Do travel plans count? I resolve to travel next year. Apparently we can't function without having a vacation booked so 6 days into the new year we've already locked that down. In June we will be heading down to the Cancun area to stay at an all inclusive resort for 8 days. I have done the all inclusive cruise thing but never at a resort so I'm really excited. Did I say that drinks including alcoholic beverages are also included? In September we are going to New York City. Neither one of us has been there in a really long time. so I'm super excited about that too. There will probably be a long weekend getaway or two thrown in there somewhere also. Las Vegas and/or Sedona most likely.
MJ made these yummy cinnamon rolls from scratch. See the un frosted one in the corner specially for me? He had cream cheese that would have expired if he didn't use it up so it was the only logical solution. As if anyone needs more sweets right now. Hopefully our co workers will gobble them up so we don't have to bring home any left overs.
This post really has no point just like this picture really has nothing to do with this post and I'm totally aware of that. I've been blogging for a while now and written about a plethora of topics primarily myself. Do you ever feel like you've said everything that there is to say? Well, sometimes I feel like that. My life is not the exciting crazy train that it was in 2010 when there were major life changes happening. Wedding, new house, new job, honeymoon. Now that was an exciting year. Life lately is more settled and I'm very content. Sometimes my mind just feels like a blank slate. I may not have a picture or a profound particularly interesting or funny thought but I might still want to pop in and say hello. The writer in me finds it very difficult to hit publish without structure, rhyme and reason. I would never post randomly just to post five days a week but I love to write and this is my space to do so after all. I'm trying to allow myself the freedom to just write and be okay with hitting publish even if it doesn't feel "important" enough to warrant a blog post rather then not writing at all. If this were my journal that's what I'd do. And this kind of is; except that I have readers and I don't share all of my deepest darkest secrets here. I hope that's okay.So here goes. Publish. And that makes 2 sort of non resolutions.