Confessional Friday

Bubbling cheesy Goodness
I confess that up until a few days ago my favorite Lasagna was Lasagna Classico at Olive Garden and not even the one I ate in Rome, Italy could top it.   We had a date night on Wednesday at this cute little restaurant called Alexander's on 30th on recommendation from a friend and armed with a Groupon.  This place is popular because even on a Wednesday night it was packed when we left and now I have a new favorite lasagna.  I was soooo delicious but on top of their delicious garlic bread I could only eat half.  I also confess that I burned a hole in the top of the menu with that candle.  We were wondering what that smell was.

I confess that since it's gotten colder which for us means overnight lows in the 40's and 50's  I've broken out the granny robe to wear around the house.  You know the giant boxy full body covering one with flowers all over it?   Mine is white fleece with blue and lavender flowers.  I've had it for 10 plus years and it's still going strong.  It may not be the sexiest thing ever but it's oh so cozy.  It saves us money too because if I  bundle up enough we don't have to turn our heat on.  Sometimes you literally just need to wear a blanket.  The down comforter keeps us warm over night.

I confess that I didn't go to the gym for a whole week last month.  I blame the time change, colder weather and the holidays.  The problem surely couldn't be me and my lack of motivation.  It's dark and cold when I get off work and the only place I want to go is home to my pajamas so I took a week off.  I got back to it the next week but my motivation is still pretty low.
Link up with Leslie @A Blonde Ambition
I confess that when I went to pick up a $112,000 check at work to pay one of our vendors I wished I could switch the name on it to mine.  Oh, the things I could do with that money!  It's not enough to quit your job or anything but I can think of a few splurges I would go for.  There are a few bills that would disappear and it would do wonders for my peace of mind to have it chillin' in the bank.  If only.

I confess that Mj and I watched two seasons of Walking Dead in 7 days on Netflix.  After each episode I could hardly wait to watch the next one.  We watched 5 episodes in one single night! I love horror movies and seeing as it's about zombies it's basically a really long one and I can't believe it took me this long to realize that I should be watching it.  Luckily there was a marathon so now we have season 3 and have already watched 3 episodes of it.

 I confess that sometimes I feel like a shopaholic.  I saw a bloggers wishlist with these shoes on it and within hours I had a pair of Tom's Desert Booties in Taupe on it's way to me from Nordstrom's.  It never even made it onto my wishlist.  I'm so glad I bought 'em though.  I'm not one to run around in high heels every day.  I need comfortable shoes.  The wedge gives me a little height and adds some style, I feel like I'm wearing flats and it fits in with my casual style.

I confess that I love it when friends or co workers come to me for money handling advice.  I've lived a fiscally responsible life since I was a teenager, got my first job and started saving money.  I didn't make a lot of the money mistakes that a lot of people do and although my shopping habit seems to be blooming lately I don't abuse credit, I know my budget, I stick to it, I feed my savings every month and people know this about me.  Not that it happens a lot or anything but it feels good when it does.

  If you are like me then this day was a long time coming.  I had to drag my lifeless body out of bed this morning.  Finally Friday.  Have a great weekend and I'll be back next week with a great giveaway!

Flat Screen Mounted

Over the weekend Mj invited his friends over to participate in some unpaid labor. That's what friends are for right? He bought this 55" 3D monster of a TV about a year ago and ever since he's been talking about mounting it. I was against it because I'd heard it could cost hundreds of dollars and it just didn't seem worth it to me when it's fine just sitting there on the table.  TV's are so thin now, they really don't take up much space. I also have a fear of putting holes in our walls.  We aren't renting so we can do whatever we want but for some reason this fear has not gone away.

Well, he didn't listen to me of course and he finally did it. He found everything he needed on Amazon for about $100 and the only labor cost was burgers and beer for the guys so it actually turned out to be a pretty inexpensive project.  I thought the destruction of the wall would be much worse but only two squares of drywall were removed and they were filled in with plastic inserts.  He and his friends did a great job.  I love the way it looks. There are no cords and it just floats there ever so perfectly like a picture on the wall.  Like magic.  So yeah, Mj was right about getting hardwood floors and about mounting the TV.  It looks great and I'm just glad he didn't have to spend a lot to do it. Now, if only I could finally finish decorating and find something to put on all of those empty surfaces...but not too much otherwise dusting is a real pain in the butt.


Why I Blog

I've been blogging officially here since 2009 but unofficially I've been doing this since about 2003 in other places before it was even known as blogging.  You see, I'm a writer.  I don't get paid to do it.  I didn't major in it in college.  I'm writing a novel that may never get published and frankly I have no idea if I'm even any good at it.  All I know is that I love doing it and I have for as long as I can remember.  I've been keeping journals since I was 9 and I still have them all.  Something in me just always wanted to read words and write words and share words.  When I'm inspired I write.  When I'm sad I write.  When the world feels out of control and guessed it.  I write.  I write better then I speak.  I find it so much easier to articulate my thoughts in feelings with the written word rather then verbal.  Not to say that it's always easy to put my thoughts on paper.  Sometimes I draw a blank.  Sometimes I write something and I'm frustrated because it's not what I meant to say or how I meant to say it but I always feel a huge sense of satisfaction when I finally get those words arranged and out of my head the way I intended.

Aside from the writing part of it connecting with others similar to and different from myself is just one of the many reasons I love blogging so much.  At some point it wasn't just enough just to write anymore.  I found that I also wanted to share my writing and engage with other writing as well.  I'm not a journalist or an author so I blog.  I get to have my own little space with my words on it that belongs to me and anyone else that chooses to read it.  So many wonderful memories are here for me to look back on.  I think it's so cool that we all just put ourselves out there on the internet often for no other reason then just because we have this desire to do so.  I love it that there are so many of us in all different stages of life doing this thing we call blogging, connecting and learning from each other in ways that we never would have otherwise.

Blogging has changed so much in the last three years.  When I first started out it seems it was just about writing, sharing and getting a few comments along the way.  Then blog  awards with Q and A's and tagging started going around.  Back then you might see a giveaway here and there usually by one blogger at a time but now you hardly see a day when there aren't any.  There are group giveaways, linkups, sponsored posts, guest posting, blogger gift exchanges and social media linking.  Button swapping, blog sponsoring and buying and selling add space is all the rage.  If you haven't had a blog make-over yet you really should be looking into it.  The focus seems to have shifted to getting your blog noticed and increasing traffic.  Some blogs boast thousands of followers and more bloggers are generating an income.  Like everything else it's evolving and I think that's a good thing but there are lots of blogging trends I choose not to take part in.  Yes, I want people to read my blog but I don't view it as a business enterprise and I don't want generating followers to be my focus.  Blogging is truly an industry now which is great.  I'm just glad to be a part of it in some way.

Every now and then I get caught up in the numbers.  I compare myself to other bloggers and start to feel that what I do over here is pointless.   There are sooo many blogs out there with sooo many followers that I wonder how it's possible for me to stand out.  There are days I feel like I couldn't pull a blog post out my butt even if I wanted to and the next thing I know I'm inspired to do a silly confessional post or something will happen that I can't wait to write about.  I exchange some fun e mails with a fellow blogger or I see a post with this pair of shoes that I didn't know I couldn't live without.  Someone leaves a comment telling me that my post really resonated with them or a blogger writes something that tugs at my heart and makes me learn a little something about myself.  Then I'm reminded.  I do this because I love to and the way I stand out is just by being myself.  I can't be another blogger I can only be me.  I didn't start this to make money or to gain the most followers.  When I disentangle myself from blog stats and the never ending barrage of social media I remember that none of that really matters.   I do this because I want to and because I enjoy it and there doesn't need to be anything else.

 Why I Love Blogging  

Popularity and Blogging

Why I Like Being a Small Blog 

Thanksgiving Break

Mac and Cheese and Samoa Bundt Cake
Wednesday was the longest day ever as I counted down until 5pm in the ghost town that was my job.   I got home and it was time to cook.  We made artichoke dip, cranberry sauce, samoa bundt cake, and cheesecake to take to my mom's house.  I helped out a whole lot more then I thought I would.  Believe it or not I, and not my home chef husband made the artichoke dip AND the cranberry sauce.  Those are things that I would normally think to buy and not bother to make but Mj doesn't roll that way and he's in charge of the food.  He told me what to do and I did it so technically I made it!  I don't eat cranberry sauce but I heard it was good and everyone raved about the artichoke dip.  Everything was delicious.  My favorite was the dinner rolls and my mom's homemade macaroni and cheese.  Too bad I forgot to take a picture of the Turkey before my dad sliced it up.  I forgot to take a picture of mostly everything else.  Too busy eating I guess.  
My nephew

taking a walk

Me, sister and Mom
No sale on earth could drag me out on Thursday night or Friday for Black Friday.  I was still in food coma holiday relaxation mode and that did not include fighting crowds and traffic to shop.  I didn't do a whole lot over the break and that's what I wanted.  I didn't even leave the house Friday.  Saturday night we went to a lobster boil at a friends house.  I don't eat Lobster but everyone else tore it up; literally and it was gross.   Sunday we went and picked up my i phone 5.  I got the white one.  My contract is up in two weeks but I wasn't going to get a new one because I love the 4 plus I didn't want to buy a new case.  Mj sold our 4's for $200 each on which makes the i phone 5 upgrade basically free so I went for it.  His phone sold in 2 hours and mine literally sold overnight.  I even found a new Pink case on Groupon Goods for $9 bucks! We also jumped on the Walking Dead bandwagon.  I love scary movies and I kept hearing how good it is so I figured it's something I should be watching.  We finished season 1 in 2 days on Netflix and we're working on season 2 now.  We both love it and I like having another show we watch together.

I'm thankful for my husband and family, my health and my job.  Not that I'm thrilled to be going back to work or anything but it's necessary.  Thanksgiving break was great.