Blogging, blogging. Oh, how I love thee. I wanted to take a minute to say how much I absolutely love blogging. I've had this blog since 2009. In the beginning I had things to say and a desire to share it with others but I was basically just blogging into cyberspace. I don't think anyone read it. I didn't get any comments and I had no followers. But so what. I didn't care because I loved to write and now I had my own little spot on the internet in which to do so. Ever so slowly I started getting a few followers. Then there was a comment every now and then and that was just a bonus. Now I still don't have a lot of followers but my blog has really grown in the sense that it has become part of a fun blogging community that I enjoy very much. I'm not doing a lot of the things that other blogger are doing to increase their following and I know that. I guess I'm old school. When I first started most of us happily tapped away at our computers without giving that much thought to GFC numbers and if we got 2 comments we were thrilled. The primary marketing strategy was posting and commenting on other posts. I don't do a lot of giveaways or link ups and I haven't ventured into sponsorships. I did make a blog Facebook page but I'm not very well "liked." I guess I'm still trying to figure out where I fit in on all of that. I don't put pressure on myself to post a certain amount. I want to keep this fun and not burn myself out. I see that happening to a lot of bloggers lately and I'm just not so sure I want to go there. This blog was never about numbers to begin with and don't want that to change. I don't concern myself so much with figuring out ways to increase traffic. I do what feels naturally to me and if people like it they will keep coming back. I want to allow my blog to be what it is and accordingly it has grown organically which is basically another name for very slooooowly. A huge following isn't necessarily what I'm after so I'm okay with that. Mostly anyways. I have to admit that I succumb to blogger mogul envy every now and then but I think that's only natural.
I'm not a food blogger, fashion blogger or personal finance blogger. I don't fit into any one niche so I have to call myself a lifestyle blogger. Which sounds kinda cool actually. I'm a mash up of all kinds of different things so I makes sense for me that my blog is too.

I've been writing in journals since I was 10 and in online journals since 2003 so I think it was meant to be that I have a blog. I do this because I love to write. On one hand it might seem weird that I blog because I'm more of a private quiet person. On the other hand it makes complete sense because I love writing so much. I keep my url under wraps for the most part. It's hard not to mention that I blog because it's such a fun part of my life but at the same time I like to keep it for myself and not share the link with everyone that knows me. Mj's had it since the start but it's only recently that my older sister has it too. Sometimes I have mixed feelings about putting so much out there on the internet. I don't share all of my secrets of course but still; we kinda put ourselves out there every time we hit publish. It goes with the territory. Being part of the blogging community is such a joy to me. I get to do what I love and interact with others who love doing it too. I love checking in every day to see what all of you are up to. When someone decides to follow my blog or takes a few minutes to read or comment it always means a lot to me. I may not follow every blog, comment on every single post I read or reply to every single comment I get but know that I love it that we are all in this blogging thing together.
Anyways, I was enjoying my Saturday morning blogging and brimming with all kinds of ideas for blog posts. I started feeling all mushy inside about blogging and so I started a new post and just had to get that out. Here is another link about
why I blog.
I loved reading this post and could not agree more.
I feel the exact same way about blogging!
ReplyDeleteIts been such a great experience.
I love this post. ; )
ReplyDeleteI am so glad you have a blog too! I love reading what you have to say and getting to know you from it. If what you are doing is working for you and is making you happy as far as not sponsoring or whatever goes, who cares! You do what works for you and keeps you wanting to write.
ReplyDeleteReading this reminded me that I had a LiveJournal back in the day! My how things have changed.
ReplyDeleteI love blogging too...and I'm so glad we "found each other", ha! Seriously, you are so sweet and I love getting to know you, pretty lady!
ReplyDeleteI love this post! I agree, I enjoy reading others blogs but more importantly I enjoy blogging so even if nobody read mine I would do it.
ReplyDeleteGreat post! I enjoy reading your blog--it's real and I love that!
ReplyDeleteDitto! I think we've followed each other since almost the beginning of time. :)'s so much fun, it's therapeutic and there is no reason to try and fit into any always have to blog about what you love...and are doing a FAB job at it!
ReplyDeleteI am so glad you DO blog! It's been a blessing having your posts to read each week!!
ReplyDeleteI love your blog. I have enjoyed getting to know you and your husband. The fashion tips have been very helpful. Thanks for blogging and please continue it. You do a great job.
ReplyDeleteI love love loved this. I have had my blog since 2009 and I wont lie, I have got caught up in it "all", sometimes I go through these spurts of trying to remember why I fell in love with it in the first place and try to get back to the roots of the blog. So happy you have been able to stay there :)
ReplyDeleteThis is so sweet. I love your take on blogging and I totally have similar feelings. I love going back to my old post and read what I wrote back then and I truly enjoy it. I actually love to read other people's blog
ReplyDeleteI share your view on blogging and I like your description of your niche, "lifestyle blogging." It totally fits!
ReplyDeleteLove it and feel the same! Blogging has literally opened up an entire new world for me and I'm so thankful to have the opportunity to share my story and writing while connecting with such fabulous people.
ReplyDeleteAMEN SISTER! I too get boggled by wanting to increase my number, but I do know that I started this blogging journey for me and to talk about my feelings about different things. And heck I am like you, a lifestyle blogger, so anything and everything is fair game in my blog!!! Love this!
Andie's Traveling Pants
You sound like me! Started the blog as just a FUN thing to do and use as a journal, but then you find a community.
ReplyDeletevery few people know I blog and I choose to NOT use any names for that reason.
Great finding your blog!