I'm so over the never ending cycle of what's for dinner. The obtaining of groceries and the preparing of food week after week. I wish I could afford a food delivery service. Not the kind that delivers you the ingredients so you can make it yourself but the kind that delivers actual already cooked grab and go healthy food that isn't loaded with sodium. What would be really cool is if there was a dinner pill for days you just don't feel like doing the whole what's for dinner debacle; which is basically every day for me. It would meet all the nutritional qualities of a balanced dinner and trick your belly into feeling like you ate something. I need to get on that one so I can ditch cooking and get rich while I'm at it.
Sometimes I feel really guilty for not being this Susie homemaker hot dinner on the table for my man every night (or even every other night) kind of wife. When I cook it's mainly because I love my husband. Not to say that when I don't cook it means I don't love him. When I don't cook it just means I don't like cooking and I probably wouldn't bother at all if it were just me. At some point I'd probably get tired of my non cooking alternatives and have to break down and cook but that would definitely be a last resort. I haven't totally given up hope. I'll keep dragging my butt into the kitchen and trying to love cooking but for now and the foreseeable future I don't. I'm glad my husband does.

You know you aren't a cook when.....
1//You try to make it fun by drinking wine but being in the kitchen is just another chore that you have to get through.
2//You 'accidentally' forget to take out the meat so you can put off
cooking for just one more day. Oh darn. I guess I'm going to have to
pick up dinner on the way home.
3//You cook as little as
possible. Whatever the minimum number of times you can cook dinner in a
month and still save your marriage is the number you shoot for.
4//It's been so long since you've been in the kitchen that one day your husband finally asks,
when are you gonna cook something?
5//Nothing you ever make tastes as good as when someone else makes it. EVER. No matter how hard you try. So why bother?
6//You are okay with eating things like sandwiches or Quesadilla for dinner every day. At least you didn't have to cook it.
7//It takes you a really long time to make even the simplest things. My husband can make almost anything in 30 minutes or less but unless it's a straight to microwave or oven meal everything seems to take me at least an hour. I managed spaghetti last week in 45 minutes. Go me.
8//You consistently use the wrong knife.
You can't cut bread with that one. Why are you using that small knife to cut vegetables? Why would you cut cheese with a butter knife? To that I say, it's sharp, it cuts. What difference does it make?
9//You forget to turn the oven on until it's time to put in whatever it is that you've been prepping for the last 30 minutes. No wonder it takes you so long to make anything.
10//You put something on the stove and then totally forget about it until
after your husband has already finished making whatever it was that you were supposed to be cooking.
11//Sometimes you even forget to turn the oven off. Oops.
12//You can't just whip something up out of the pantry. It's a process and
preparation is required. First you have to mentally prepare for being in the kitchen. Then you have to go to do research to find
the recipe and go to the grocery store. That's another reason you never
want to cook. It's such an ordeal.
13//If too many ingredients of said recipe are too exotic forget it. If you have to ask someone at the grocery store where you might find garam masala or mustard powder or what it even is then you move onto the next one until you find one with ingredients that you actually recognize.
14//The less ingredients involved the more likely you are to make it. If there are more then 10 ingredients there is a good chance you will skip it and move onto the next.
15//Even still, you often skip out on ingredients that seem like too much trouble. How much of a difference does that lemon rind really make anyways? It'll taste fine.
16//You can't get through cooking a meal without having to ask someone how to do something or googling it.
Do I need oil? How do I know it's done? I have had to google
how to make chicken and
how to boil eggs.
17//You are nervous when others eat your cooking. Will they notice that you axed two ingredients, half of it stuck to the pan or that you forgot to use seasoning?
I also pin no bake recipes and still don't make them so that's 18. I'm a kitchen nightmare.
Do any of these apply to you or am I the only blogger on the face of the plant that doesn't love to cook? Any tips on how to love cooking would also be helpful.