I wasn't going to mention this because it's actually kind of embarrassing. A few months ago I sent a text message to my mom on a Saturday afternoon. I had just received a call from our hotel confirming our reservation and I realized that we had a 1,200 square foot two-bedroom, two-bathroom for just the two of us. We don't normally have that much space and MJ had just mentioned that his mom has never had a real vacation and he'd like to take her along some day so I thought this was the perfect opportunity to invite our parents. I sent a text message to my mom to see what she thought.
The next morning, I still hadn't heard from my mom which is unusual, so I texted her again in the afternoon. Still no response. I realized that I hadn't heard from my mom in about a week so, I texted my sister to find out when the last time she heard from mom.
Friday, she replied. I called my mom's cell and it went straight to voice mail. I called my dad's cell and got voice mail. I called their land line and got voice mail. By this time I was really, really worried and had convinced myself within a time span of 30 minutes that my parents had been kidnapped or that something equally terrible had happened to them. There was no evidence that my parents had met with some unfortunate incident, and it had only been 24 hours since trying to reach them, but that didn't stop me from being irrationally upset. I stewed in my own thoughts for a little bit longer feeling panicked, when my cell phone rang. As soon as I heard my mom's voice I was so relieved that I burst into tears. "Mooooommmmmm, I was so worried. You didn't call me back. I thought something bad happened to you!!" I was so glad they were okay. Not that
they ever weren't. She never got my text message from the day before and then had accidentally shut off her phone. I'm sure my mom thought I had lost it and I'm glad MJ was tucked away in his room and didn't witness this meltdown. I still don't know why I freaked out like that. Perhaps I was suffering some kind of latent separation anxiety from my parents. Maybe I was just emotional that day. Who knows, but for whatever reasons my thoughts ran away with themselves to a very dark place making me think the worst and realize how devastated I would be if something bad ever happened to them. It's not a good feeling, so hopefully I've learned my lesson on overreacting. Since then, mom has been quite careful to return each and every text promptly to ensure that I don't have a nervous breakdown.

My very much alive and well parents were here over the weekend. We went to the fair and nearly got attacked by a dog. It was fabulous. Last year
the whole family went. This year I was happy to have the 'rents. I scored two $4.00 fair tickets and my dad got the senior discount so we got in for cheap. The regular price has gone up to $15 bucks. We weren't there long before I wanted to eat, because when I'm at the fair I want to eat everything the entire time I'm there. Everywhere you look there is someone shoving food in their face and the delicious food smells never stop. This year one of the new foods was deep fried slim fast bars, which makes perfect sense. Don't you think? I went straight for Papa Gino's pizza like I do every year. It's always in the same spot. The price has gone up to $9.72, but it's worth every bite. I also managed to pack in a soft serve ice cream cone and half a cinnamon roll on top of that. I've been going since I was kid and have developed a sentimental attachment to the place. We eat, we hang out in the paddock, we never miss the free wine tasting and we walk around looking at exhibits and animals. I don't step foot in the fun zone for rides anymore and we don't really do a whole lot, but it's fun and I love going.
On Sunday we went for a five mile walk first thing in the morning. It was nice having company because I usually walk alone and thank goodness I did. About half way through the walk I saw this woman walking towards us holding a large white dog around the collar. I thought she looked nervous, and was curious about why she was holding him by the collar and not a leash, but I didn't think anything of it until I heard loud barking and yelling behind me. I turned around and saw this lady rolling around on the ground trying to keep hold of her dog. I definitely can't say she didn't try. The dog escaped and was lunging and barking aggressively at my mom. I'm terrified of dogs but I wasn't going to throw her to the wolves so I ran over to her and grabbed her arm. I've heard that you aren't supposed to run, so we didn't do that. We huddled together and edged away as we could slowly until the dog backed off a little and the owner was able to grab it. I think they live on that street. The dog probably got out and she rushed to retrieve him without grabbing a leash. I've walked that route many times and never seen it, but now I'm traumatized. I won't be walking that way for a while. Nothing like a five mile walk and a run in with an aggressive dog to feed your appetite. We stopped for lunch at
Nicky Rotten's then spent the rest of the day running errands, watching movies, and drinking wine.
I did not have any extra days off work so the weekend went way too fast,
but we have additional visits planned. My mom said YES and booked her airline ticket right away, so we will see her and my mother-in law in Kauai very soon.