76 Degree Date Night Perfection

Getting ready for take off

Boat Ride munchies
 I could not have asked for a more beautiful Saturday for this outing.  It's mid January but the sun was shining, the sky was blue and we saw just one single lonely cloud in the sky.  Last weekend was freezing but today it was a balmy and perfect 76 degrees.  I planned date night this time around and it turned out perfectly.  The Gondola Company provides the antipasti appetizer platter, we bring the wine and off we go.  I went to the gym AND did not eat.  By 2:30 pm I had created the perfect recipe for drunkenness.  Sitting in that boat with the sun shining on my face and the wine moving through my system was heaven.  I about fell asleep it was so relaxing.  The sound of the water lapping against the boat and the soft sounds of Italian music playing in the background was so soothing.  It's an hour ride and we are taken through a private marina area where boats are docked and the houses with this as their back yard must go for millions.  It was quiet, peaceful, and such a beautiful day.  A really nice way to spend some quality time together chatting and drinking wine.

Our 1st Gondola Ride, 2008.  Also our first pic together.
It brought back memories from the first time we did this.  The first time I ever went up to see him in The O.C. back in 2008 he surprised me with a gondola ride for our 3rd date.  It took us forever to find the marina where the boat was to depart.  It was a really hot day and we walked up and down this street for what felt like forever asking directions along the way.  He even gave me a piggy back ride to give my tired feet a rest.  We picked up a bottle of wine on the way and I had absolutely no idea what he had up his sleeve until we walked up to the boat.  I was 98 % sure that I really liked him or else I would not have driven all the way up there.  At the time, I really didn't go out of my way when it came to dating men but I had this feeling he was special.  I was so glad that I gave him a chance and so impressed at how thoughtful he was to come up with something so unique for us to do together.  Something that I didn't even know existed.  This time around he's my husband and it's not our 3rd date but a number that has gotten so high I actually can't count but it was just as romantic and just as fun. 

It's My Story

I meant to write this post last week.  Just like we meant to take down the Christmas tree.  At least we don't turn on the lights anymore.  It WILL come down this weekend.  For sure.

I want to take a moment to say thank you for the wonderful and kind comments I received on my blog post What A Decade It's Been.  First, let me back up and say thanks for reading my blog at all.  A lot of you commented on how honest and real that post was.  That it's brave to just put it all out there.  Me strong?  I never felt that way.  Ever.  But thank you so much for saying so and making me realize that maybe I am.  I  left some things out of course, but it's the general gist of that period in my life.  At the time I would have been way to embarrassed to discuss what I was going through but now that it's behind me I'm not afraid.   I'm not that person anymore.  Like it or not it's a part of me and what got me to where I am today.  Not exactly my proudest moments but it happened and I AM proud that I managed to overcome it.

For so long I believed that I didn't deserve happiness.  I thought it was something that only smiled upon others but that I should never expect it for myself.  The last two years have proved that theory all wrong.  The majority of the decade was pretty miserable but things really did turn around for me.  I am just so darn thrilled that things are different now.  It's my story and it just felt right that I share it on my blog, ugly details and all.

Tuesday Tidbits [01/11/11]

  • Bridalplasty is down to just a few brides!!  I'm hoping they all get together and put Jenessa in her place.  OUT!  I Can't believe I watch this show.  It's a little embarrassing actually.
  • Still debating over The Bachelor.  I quit many seasons ago when it stretched to two unnecessary hours.  I half watched it while making Chili on Sunday and the new one is in my DVR.  Do I really want the time commitment?
  • Hubby LOVED my Chili!  I know this because he went back for seconds AND took some for lunch the next day and said it tasted even better.
  • My tenant was served eviction court documents last month the week of Christmas.  I know, way harsh-but she's the one not paying rent.  Anyhow, it's supposed to take about 6 weeks to evict.  I'm scared to see what the place looks like.
  • Last Friday I went to happy hour with some friends.  I had a blast, drank a bundle and ate way too much yummy cheese.  It's the only time and place that we seem to get together.  So much fun! 
  • I love hanging with my family.  Mj had drill last weekend so I went to mom's on Saturday.  My big sis did too.  We literally just "hung" out.  We went to the grocery store, picked up Subway for dinner and took turns holding DJ. 
  • Poor hubby got his iPhone stolen on Saturday night.  He JUST bought the sucker too.  Without contract prices it's $500 bucks!  Nasty.  He spent about $900 in iPhones within the last two months between his, mine and the replacement.  I would have been an inconsolable wreck but he just bought the new one and moved on.  No whining or crying involved.
  • Speaking of which.  Is it possible to be in love with a phone?  If so then consider me smitten.  I really didn't know what I was missing until I got it.  I love my i phone! 
  • It looks like I'm "back" in the gym now.  Hopefully for good!  I went twice last week and yesterday after work.  600 calories burned last night and I'm going back for more tonight. 
  • Fiber 1 is the bomb!  I've been eating just 1/2 cup of the original dry or in yogurt for only about a week now and let's just say that I feel like a "regular" girl for the first time in...well EVER!   The side perk is that it is actually filling.  I eat it at lunch and I'm not rooting around in my desks for junk to get me through the rest of the day.
  • My wedding album is FINALLY done.  I kept staring at it and changing things excessively but I am going to order it from Shutterfly tonight because their current sale ends on the 12th.
  • My new job is going well.  It's been about 2 1/2 months and I manged to make the transition without completely freaking out...which is what I usually do because new jobs tend to scare the hell out of me.  I guess that's what happens when you stay at your first job out of college for 7 years.  I may still get confused in meetings and there is still a lot I don't know but I think I'm right on track and that they don't regret picking me.
  • I am just on week 2 after a 12 day break from work.  Why do I feel like I need the upcoming 3 day weekend so badly?

Do I Really Have To Go Back To Work?

Today is the last day of Winter Break.  I knew it was coming but somehow I have still managed to be in disbelief that I have to go to work tomorrow.  After 12 days.  The horror!  And the fact that it's supposed to rain makes it even more delightful.  I've felt bad watching Mj get up and go to work every day while I sleep in but oh how wonderful it was not to have to do it myself.  I have enjoyed each and every nano second of every TV watching, magazine reading, hanging out with family, house cleaning, and gym going day.  That's right I said gym! I went to the gym four times last week.  Not only did I enjoy it I actually looked forward to it.  This from a person who hadn't step foot in the gym in over a year!!  All I can say is that The Lady of Leisure lifestyle suits me well.  It is everything I dreamed it would be and more.  I have time for errands, for house cleaning, for relaxing, cooking and the gym.  Not once have I felt overloaded, worn out or even bored.  Granted, one might find it gets boring after a while but I'm pretty good at keeping myself occupied and it's got to be better then 40 hours a week in the office.
The only pic I got of me!!

Mj and his buddy L
New Year's Eve was fun!  One of Mj's friend L hosted a Soul Food potluck.  Mj made yams which I absolutely do not eat but it was OK because there was plenty of other fattening yummy foods to indulge in.  We had a really fun time.  Just a small group of people.  I'm usually at home in my pajamas by midnight on New Year's Eve so it was nice to do something different this year.   I only had a bit of wine and champagne.  Due to Mj's 10 beers and excessive sobriety check points I drove home. 

Saturday and Sunday has mostly just been all about relaxing.  I spent a lot of time in my jammies.  I made sure to get all of my house cleaning done on Thursday so that I could just ride out the weekend without having house work to think about.  I went to the gym, picked up a few groceries and and gassed up the car yesterday.  I'm about as ready for work as I will ever be.  I worked on our wedding album on Shutterfly for hours today.  It's finally just about done.  We're making Mexican Pizza tonight for dinner....I should probably get started on that. 

As for New Year's resolutions.  I'm not really into them so much.  There are only three things that I would like to keep up with as we roll into the new year.  I want to continue being active at the gym or otherwise.  It's so important and despite time restraints and fatigue I need to make it a priority.  I also want to take some classes at the community college and continue on with learning Spanish using Rosetta Stone.  Oh, and one more.  Just to continue to nurture the things that are important in my life.  Namely, my family, my marriage and myself.  Everything else will follow.