Showing posts with label Birthdays. Show all posts

He's 2

*Happy Birthday... what?*
It was my nephew's 2nd birthday on Saturday so we made the 2 1/2 hour drive to my sister's new home in the middle of the desert.  It's at the foot of a mountain and it's HOT.  I don't know how people who live there can stand it.  You feel like you are walking around in an oven when you are outside which is why they made sure to get a house with a pool.  I never understood why parents go all out on Christmas and birthdays for babies.  At that age, if you make a big production out of it then it's for yourself and not the kid because they don't know the difference and they certainly won't remember it.  When you are two you have no idea it's your birthday.  You don't even know what a birthday is.  My sister saved herself the time and the expense and kept it simple again this year.  It was just our family.  We gave him presents; which he didn't have a clue as to why he's getting.  Not that he would care anyways.  She bought a bunch of cold cuts and toppings so we could make sandwiches and we had macaroni salad, three bean salad and chips.  Instead of cake she made brownies because the birthday boy really isn't all that crazy about cake.  We sang happy birthday and then ate brownies and ice cream for dessert.  He spent most of the time we were in the pool crying even though he usually loves the water.  It's normally just him and mom in the pool so birthday or not he didn't appreciate his pool routine being disrupted by us.  Kids are so funny.

I think next year he'll have a better understanding of what's going on but for now it was just another fun day with the family for DJ.  He's getting so big and is such a cutie.  Now that he's older maybe my sister will stop using months to describe his age.  Instead of saying 24 or 27 months, she can just say he's 2. 

May Days

Birthday season officially starts for our family in March with my Mom's Birthday.  April is my Dad's Birthday (along with mine) then it really picks up in May with Mj's Birthday, my sister's Birthday and Mother's Day all within a week of each other.  I'm usually on a shopping frenzy in April for myself and then my car registration is due in May so it's usually a pretty heavy load on the budget. It's basically like Christmas in May.

Red Velvet, Lemon and Chocolate w/Chocolate Chips
Mj's B Day was 2 weeks ago on May 2nd and he didn't want for much.  He never does.  Last year I pushed it because it was a milestone birthday but this year I let him be.  It was a Wednesday, he had tons of homework to do and he had a Vegas trip with his buddies that coming weekend.  His actual birthday was pretty much business as usual.  Work and the gym.  I came home and gave him his presents and we ate Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches for dinner.  He didn't even want me to make him a cake.  Probably because I suck at baking and if there is any good cake to be made he's better off doing it himself.  I got him some delicious bundtini's from Nothing Bundt Cakes.  They come in full bundt cake size, medium size bundlets and then the little bundtini's.  They are so moist and delicious.  I ate one even though I wanted more and the remaining five were all his.
The pretty mama's
Sunday we all met up at my sister's house to celebrate her Birthday and Mother's Day.   My sister sort of gets a raw deal in a way because her Birthday is May 9th so it's either on or around Mother's Day and especially now that she is a mother we pretty much have to lump her Birthday into one celebration with Mother's Day on the weekend.  We had a good time.  We went out to an early dinner at a place of her choice to eat then we had cake and ice cream back at her house.  Next up is Father's Day in June then my little sis's Birthday is in August.
Burgers & Beer!!!!
This has absolutely nothing to do with Birthday's or family holidays but last  Friday Mj and I went on another Groupon Burger date.  This time it was La Jolla Brew House.  It's kind of a dive but the staff there is so friendly and have you noticed that some of the best food often comes out of dive's?  We had 1/2 lb Burgers, Fries, Beer and a dessert to split all for $18.  Can't beat that.  Gosh I love Groupon!  That burger was so big I could barely figure out a way to get my mouth around it even after it was cut in half.  It was a perfect way to relax and stuff my face after a long and exhausting work week.

Birthday Spoils

A night out downtown

Basil, Ricotta and Mozzarella Cheese Pizza.  Their Pizza is sooooo good.
Yes, I'm an April Fool's Day Baby.  My Birthday was on Sunday but I actually started celebrating last weekend.  It's a big one.  Why not?  Mj and I met up with a bunch of his friends downtown at a cool loft like urban bar called Basic that basically only serves Pizza and salad.  They provide paper plates to eat it on.  You know, Basic.  But their Pizza is anything but.  Who knew that Mashed Potato Pizza would actually taste good?   We ordered three different kinds and each one was just as tasty as the one before it.  Every time they brought a pie out it was literally gone in minutes because we snatched them up so fast.  Afterward we went dancing downtown where all the hoochie mama's in their tight short dresses made me feel ancient.  I swear, I was never THAT bad!  I personally am too old to freeze my ass off in my cute LBD that I bought a while ago and still haven't had a chance to wear so I stuck with my standard leggings and boots.  We stayed out later then we have in a long time.  We were party animals!  We didn't get home until about 1:30am.

Friday night I met up with a bunch of my girlfriends and one of our favorite happy hour spots.  It's cheap, low key and we all love to go there.  We've been going there for years.  Not much has changed and that's how I like it.   They have free cheese, tortilla chips, veggies, ranch and salsa out back.  What more could I ever want?  I don't even order food when I go there.  I can get a glass of wine for $3.00 and then after that I can get it for $5.00.  It makes for a fun cheap night out.

I got a free ice cream scoop
Saturday afternoon I met up with my mom at a little mall at the half way point between where we live for some mother daughter bonding time.  She took me shopping!  I found two really cute tops and then we stopped for coffee before heading over to Spa Gregorie's.  This place is so nice.  I normally just get my pedicures at the strip mall nail shop down the street.  Those places are mills.  There is no ambiance and they massage your feet for about 2 minutes if you are lucky.  Well, when you go to a spa it's totally different.  My pedicure took one full hour which included a full on foot massage and relaxing music.  It was heaven.  They definitely charge more but like everything else you usually get what you pay for.  Mj (the sweetheart that he is) bought us both Spa Gregorie's Groupon's so we'll definitely be going back.  After that we walked over to a really nice restaurant in that same mall and had a nice dinner at Paradise Grill.  I'm in their Club so I got a free entree coupon for by Birthday.  It was such a nice day out with mom.  Oh my goodness did I ever feel spoiled; and there was more of it to come the next day.
My big sis and her husband

I love their Lasagna!! I've heard it's frozen but I don't care.

My new fav wine

I asked my family to come to us so I wouldn't have to travel anywhere for the day.  I woke up pretty early and did an exercise video.  Then I took a shower and put my robe on and watched some TV.  I got sleepy so then I took a  nap and woke up just in time to get dressed and ready.  It was a perfect relaxing start to my Birthday and then before too long it was time to chow down because I wanted us to do an early dinner.  I haven't been to Olive Garden in forever so that's the spot I chose for my Birthday dinner.  Oh Lasagna Classico how I adore you... it was just as good as I remembered.  I found my new favorite wine too.  It's called Roscato and it's basically the perfect wine for me.  It's sweet, fruity and I had my fill of it because we got a bottle for the table.  We came back to my house and lounged around a bit and then it was time for Cake.  Or should I say Cupcakes.

My nephew couldn't wait to get his hands on 'em

Mom, Dad and Nephew

Mj surprised me by making four different kinds of cupcakes from scratch three of which had Peanut Butter Frosting which he knows is my favorite.  The funny thing is that I didn't even notice that he made them.  He made Cinnamon Pound cake, Peanut Butter & Jelly, Chocolate Reese's Peanut Butter Cup and Strawberry Jelly cup cakes.  I ate the Peanut Butter Cup and it was so delicious.  We each brought some to work but still I'll be eating cupcakes for days!!  Then, it was time for presents.  My little sis sent me a pretty necklace with a little wishbone on it.  My older sis got me a Pink water bottle and Pink ear buds for the gym.  Mj got me the perfect pink and black work out bag. It's so cute and stylish.  He knew I didn't want a boxy old gym bag and picked out the perfect one with plenty of extra pockets.  He also got me Under Armour work out gear and pink work out socks.  I go to the gym enough now that people actually by me work out related gifts...and I actually want them!  I was tired as heck after work but actually excited about going so I could show off use my new stuff.
Can you guess what my favorite color is? Right down to the toe nails.
I'm normally not into making much to do about by Birthday.  Half the time I beg Mj not to buy me anything and I'll often look for the cheapest place for dinner so no one has to spend too much money on my account but I must say it was nice to feel totally spoiled.  Overall I'd have to say that the agony of turning 35 was well worth it. 

20 + 10 Birthday Party

All dressed up and ready to go
Me and the beautiful Birthday Girl
Another good friend of mine entered the 30 something club.  Her Birthday is actually Thanksgiving Day but she had her party on Saturday night.  Instead of going out she invited all her friends to her parents house and we all celebrated with her.  Months ago Mj planned to attend a college football game with his friends.  Then, I find out that this party is on the same night.  Oh no!!  He made a half hearted attempt to keep his original plans but when it came down to it he knew how sad his wife would be if she had to go without her main squeeze so those plans basically fell apart and I got to have him for my date.  It was a really fun party.  There were plenty of alcoholic beverages to choose from, good music, good food and a delicious Red Velvet cake.  She hired a guy to make street tacos and they were to die for.  Let's just say I ate way too many to mention here without total embarrassment and shame.

Me and Mj
You can either be sad about turning 30 or you can get over it and just celebrate and that's what she did.   Which got me wondering what I did for my 30th and I actually can't really remember.  I don't think I did much of anything at all and I vaguely remember being kind of bummed out.  Hind sight is 20/20.  If I knew then what I know now then I wouldn't have been sad about the Big 3-0 at all.  My 20's kinda sucked and the 30's have been way better then I ever expected.  Like me, Bianca has spent her 20's dealing with some relationship challenges and I hope she finds her Mr. Right in her 30's like I did.

He's 1 Years Old!

Such pretty eyes on this kid

Finishing touches on the cake

Saturday was my nephew's Birthday party.  When you are 1 years old and there are people standing in a circle singing and staring at you chances are you have no idea why or what is even going on.  You don't even know what a party is let alone that it is for you.  The cupcake is whatever and you are more interested in playing with the tissue paper then the present that your mom keeps pushing at you. 

Clearly Birthday parties for one year old's are more to celebrate the parents for surviving that long with a new baby then the actual child which is why my sister kept it low key and simple.  Just family and pizza, pasta, bread sticks and wings.  My sister decided she wanted to make Red Velvet cake that wasn't really.  She frosted it with chocolate and put chocolate chips inside.  I'm not really a big fan of the cream cheese so I liked it.  We all had a great time, including little DJ.   Every time I see that kid I want to have a baby of my own...and then I come to my senses.  He's such a little busy body now that it's even harder to get a picture with him looking at the camera but we kept trying.  He was so not into getting all messy with his little cup cake.  He poked his little fingers in it and when he saw that chocolate all over he just wanted out.  He did let my sister feed him a little but he wouldn't touch it himself.  
Uh, what am I supposed to do with that?'s messy mommy.  Help.

Tissue paper is fun

Me and my mama
I was there pretty much all day and a good time was had by all.  I always have fun with my family.  DJ and his parents have made it to year one and now he is well on his way to the terrible two's.

He's Finally 30

My husband is so dang nosy.  I could be sitting right next to him and he wants to know what I'm doing.  Not only is he nosy but he notices everything.  I always joke that it's a good thing I don't want to cheat on him 'cause I'd never get away with it.  I figured it would be next to impossible to pull off a surprise B Day party for him but it was his 30th so I was darn sure going to try.  Adding to the difficulty is that although I have all of his friends addresses from wedding planning I don't have any of their e mail addresses or phone numbers.  Facebook saved the day for the most part though and I was able to stalk his friends there and send them an E vite and then message two of his other friends to help spread the word.

Even something as simple as stopping by Albertson's grocery store to get the cake set off alarm bells for him.  I dropped it off at his friends house so they could bring it to the party.  I couldn't resist the bread so I bought a fresh warm loaf and Mj badgered me endlessly about why I suddenly had the urge to stop for bread on the way home from work.  I NEVER do that.  Why?  I just insisted that I had an insatiable craving for it that could not be ignored.  He didn't buy it.

Cooking our own a restaurant
He loved this Oreo Cookie Cake
I'm glad to say the party turned out great.  He did pick the restaurant although I told him it would be just him and I.  When we got there about 15 of his friends were already there making it a great surprise.  Of course he knew something was up.  I insisted he could NOT change his mind about where we were going and I was just a little too frenzied and rushed getting ready.  For the most part though he was really surprised.  The restaurant is called The Strip Club.  Catchy huh?  All entree's are meat, mostly steak, and if you order it you have to cook it yourself.  They set up large grills stocked with spices and tongs.  They bring you your raw meat and buttered garlic bread and you get to grilling.   It's a really fun atmosphere and I think everyone had a good time.  Afterwards about 10 of us did a little bar hopping.  By the end of the night Mj had consumed 6 Long Island Iced Teas and was pretty well toasted.  All part of the plan.  We only managed to stay out until about 11:30pm.  I remember the days when I could stay out well past midnight but those days are long gone apparently.  Mj certainly could have kept going but our little group was dropping like flies as people got tired.
Long Island's all night long

He is not really into making a big to do about his birthday but it's his 30th.  He's got great friends that I knew he would want to have celebrate with him.  He's such a great guy and I just wanted to make it really special for him.  I succeeded.  Not only did he say I did a great job but that it was one of his best Birthday's ever.  I was so happy to hear that.

Yummy Cup Cakes
So, that was Saturday night.  His actual B Day was yesterday.  A yucky nothing too celebratory about it Monday where we both work and I don't get home from the gym until close to 7:00pm.  His gift isn't even here yet.  The i Pad is still in China according to UPS but it's case made it in time.  I don't have the time or energy to track down the i Pad 2 at Walmart's and Target's all over the county so I ordered it from Apple a couple weeks ago and told him it should be here before he leaves for Texas.  To brighten his day I decided to stop on my lunch break and bring home some sweet treats.  That night downtown we happened into Heavenly Cupcake because Mj raved about how he loves that place and wanted to get a cupcake.  He settled for Peanut Butter Banana because they ran out of Red Velvet but he went on and on about how delicious their Red Velvet is.  So, I show him the box and he's like, "Cool, where is this place?"  I give him a funny look.  "Uh, Downtown.  You know the place you were raving about on Saturday?"  Turns out not only had he never been to that place before he doesn't even remember going in there on Saturday night!  Funny.  I guess it was the Long Island's talking.  He didn't even choose to eat the Red Velvet first.  Of course not. He doesn't remember how much he wanted it.

Having a hubby who is 4 years younger can make a lady feel old.  He is finally in his 30's!  Like me.   And it's about time. 

My B-Day: Simple & Perfect

I never know what I want to do for my birthday.  I'm a simple gal so chances are it's not going to be much but even so I can never decide.  I never know what I want either for that matter.  I took Friday off because as a general rule starting in 2009 I do not work on my birthday if I can help it.  It was so nice to be reading my blogs in my jammies at home looking forward to the day ahead instead of at work where I'd have been stuck in an office for the next 9 hours and might hear talk of what a nice day it was outside without being able to enjoy it.  I had a quick work out at the gym then came back home to get ready.   I couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day!!  It was about 80 degrees and there was no hint of gloom in sight which you can't always count on when you have an April Birthday.
Waiting for the trolley
I'm so glad Mj took a 1/2 day off work because we got started on by birthday that much earlier and really had the whole day to enjoy it.  We took the trolley downtown and went to the movies to see The Lincoln Lawyer-Which was very good.  We indulged in popcorn AND soda; something I never ever do because of price and calorie count but today it was OK.
Movie Snacks

Since it was right there I wanted to go to LA Rack.  It's this cute little boutique that has cute little cheap prices to go with it and accordingly I found a cute little top for $16.99.  Time for shots!  We each did a shot at one bar then went to another place to get our Happy Hour on some more.   It was a full and fun day.  We left the house at about 1 pm and didn't get back until 8:30pm.  We got into our jammies and watched Unstoppable.  Mj gave me the gift of shopping in the form of a gift card to Express.  He also gave me 2 pole dancing classes!  I'd mentioned what good exercise it must be and that I really wanted to give it a try so now I'll have my chance.

From a giant cookie to a festive cake

Me and my cake!
On Saturday my family came down.  Mom, dad, my sister and my nephew.  Mom got me a pretty turquoise ring and my sister got me a cute top. haven't been to Souplantation in a while and I wanted something casual and budget friendly.  "You don't have to pay, why are you concerned about price?" is what Mj wanted to know.  Maybe not, but I can't help but consider everyone else.  After dinner we came home and let our food settle for a bit and then it was time for cake.  By request, Mj made me a Chocolate Peanut Butter cake from scratch.  This thing is about as decadent and indulgent as it gets.  Mj was reluctant to give me the recipe but I insisted.  I really shouldn't have.  I plugged it into my calorie tracker and my heart dropped when I saw the calorie count.  I have to admit that I had a lot of anxiety about eating this cake especially on top of all the other weekend eating but I asked for it and Mj made it especially for me one armed and all so I had to put it out of my head and just enjoy it.  That's what Birthday's are for right? 

My Birthday was simple yet perfect.  I got to enjoy the day and the people who matter most to me.  Nothing over the top but it simply doesn't get much better then that.

Mj's B Day In Long Beach

Saturday evening we walked around the harbor a bit looking for a restaurant where we wanted to eat.  He decided on a little soul food restaurant where the food was actually pretty disappointing but we got to sit and watch the Mosely/Mayweather fight, listen to a few jazz numbers and get our drink on.  He wanted dessert so we went to Rock Bottom next where we each did a tequila shot in honor of his B Day.  He got a giant carrot cake (and could only eat half) and I got a mini peanut butter mousse dessert which was just the right size.

It was a quick smooch and a groggy "Happy Birthday Baby" Sunday morning and Mj was off to work again out the door before 8am.  I felt so guilty for enjoying myself SO much while he had to work and it was HIS birthday.  At first I wasn't sure if I would be able to do another walk because my legs were so sore from the day before but it was so pretty out.  My legs felt better in the morning and it didn't make sense not to enjoy the weather and get some exercise.  Initially I planned on NOT going doing the whole 6 miles again but once I got started I wanted to go the distance and finish thought about the Mac & Cheese with French Fries I had for dinner last night and figured I'd better go ahead and handle that.  The hotel allowed a late check out so I had plenty of time to finish the walk and get into the jacuzzi before checking out.  I was only homeless roomless for a couple hours and I spent part of that time at Borders.  Oh why can't this be my life?  Why must I have to have pesky little job waiting for me on Monday? Oh yeah.  Our brand new house...our wedding.  Bills.  Sigh.

He picked me up from the hotel after work and we headed home.  We stopped by our new house on the way back.  It was locked but we peeked through the windows like robbers casing the joint and could see that the carpet, the kitchen sink, and our window blinds were in. It's looking so good!!

First thing I did when we walked in the door is give him his B Day present.  Hmmm.....I think he liked it!!!  He is soooo CUTE and oh how I LOVE making that man happy!

He just started laughing as soon as he saw this box.  He left his toothbrush on an airplane on his way home from Kosovo last year.  Not just any toothbrush.  A $150 Philips Sonicare toothbrush.  So, I bought him another one.  He bought one for both of us last year and it felt a little unfair having one when he didn't considering the only reason I had one at all was because of him.  We both LOVE it.  Once you go Sonicare it's really hard to go back to regular manual tooth brushing and I know he's been missing it.  I want him to keep up his pearly whites too.  I also got him a spa gift certificate so he can get a nice relaxing massage.

I had a wonderful little mini vaca and despite having to work all weekend I hope that Mj enjoyed his Birthday. The only thing that would've made it all sweeter was getting to spend more time with him.   I might have to tag along to drill more often!  It's got me longing for our honeymoon when we will have a nice LONG faraway vacation TOGETHER.  Can't wait.

His Drill Is My Mini Vaca

Mj's B-day is on Sunday and the poor guy has drill all weekend so we decided it would be nice for me to tag along.  He did book a room at the Renaissance Hotel after all and it would be a shame to let all of those amenities go to waste seeing as how he won't really be able to take advantage of them.

Friday night we drove up and checked into the hotel.  It's on Pine Street right across from the Long Beach Convention Center and in the middle of everything.  We met a few of his Army friends at Cafe Sevilla which was within walking distance.  They were doing a lot of shop talk but it was cool to finally meet these people that he was deployed with for all of last year.

Saturday morning I woke up to a spectacular harbor side view outside my hotel room and by 10:15 am hit the road for my walk along the marina.

The view was nothing short of spectacular.  I read on the Internet that if you walk to the pier and back it would be a total of 6 MILES so that's what I did.  The sun was reflecting off of of the water brilliantly.  As I walked along the pedestrian path I was struck by just how beautiful my surroundings were.  It was a bright sunny day but the air was crisp and cool, just the way I like it for walking.  I don't have to feel like the sun is beating me down or get all super hot and sweaty.

This pier I was supposedly walking towards was not visible as far as the eye could see but I kept my pace up and eventually I could see it lurking there in the distance.

On the way back I was rewarded with yet another spectacular view of the city skyline.  My pace slowed considerably and my legs were fatigued but I was still enjoying the walk.

All together it took me about two hours to get from the hotel to the pier and back again.  I changed into my bikini and headed straight for the jacuzzi which felt great.

There are a bunch of weddings going here.  I saw a few different bridal parties all dressed up which got me all excited thinking about my own coming up so soon!  Now I am sitting in Borders using their free Wi Fi, drinking a Vanilla Latte, and eating a whole wheat pretzel.  Normally I don't want to spend any money on snacks because it's always overpriced but for some reason I just didn't care and I liked that.  It just goes to show you don't really have to go too far to feel like you are on vacation.

Mj should be off pretty soon and we plan to go to dinner or a bar later to celebrate his Birthday.  There is so much to do down here we won't have any problem finding some place fun.