Last Minute Jaunt to Las Vegas

I'm getting pretty good at this last minute trip thing. It still makes me a little crazy, but I know that I can do it, and sometimes knowing is half the battle. MJ decided on Monday night that he would for sure go to his flag football tournament that coming weekend. The one in Henderson. Which is not too far from Las Vegas. The gears in my head started turning a bit because my parents live in Vegas, but I didn't want to run any interference on his guys football weekend. He had nothing planned, and I already knew I couldn't deal with how casual he is about everything. I'd be freaking out because that's what I do, and he'd be cool as a cucumber. I just didn't want the stress. Which is all self induced, mind you but that's neither here nor there.

Vaccinated in a Parking Garage

Most of the posts about the covid-19 vaccination from people I follow on Instagram express excitement or relief about getting their vaccine. For me, it's neither. It was pretty naive of me, but this time last year I was thinking about the vaccine as something that would save us all. In my mind, the vaccine would be the key to opening up the world and things getting back to normal, but as time went on I realized it was a lot more complicated than that. It's a start, but it's not going to be the magic bullet I kinda thought it would be. Not only that, I was scared to get it. 

Finally A Date Night!

I don't even think about how old I am anymore on my Birthday. Once I got to a certain age, it was just whatever. Half the time, I can't even remember how old I am anyway! I'm upping my skincare game, keeping fit, and keeping up with my medical appointments. That's really all I can do. I am another year older, and I definitely see hair dye in my near future, but I can't dwell on it. Birthdays are not about feeling old! It's about enjoying the day, however that might look for that particular year. When I've had to spend it alone I made the best of it, but I much prefer spending it with people I love.