Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts

I'm Free!

Mj baked these sugar cookies with a dab of strawberry jelly in the center.  It's a secret recipe from his grandmother.  We packaged them up for our co workers as gifts. They are so delicious but I'm glad they are gone so I can stop trying not to eat them.

grilled chicken topped with cilantro, tomatoes and onions
Last night I made dinner.  Mj was shocked to see me making dinner AND using real plates.  He actually said, "What's going on, this never happens."  I'm sure he wondered where his wife was and what I had done with her but it was me.  I haven't cooked in a longer time then I'd like to admit so I thought I'd get in one meal before the holidays. Mj is making dinner tomorrow night and then it'll be mostly eating out after that. I actually impressed myself with how good it turned out.

You know it's time for Christmas Break when you find yourself and your co workers positively riveted by a remote control flying shark balloon. This thing was a given to my boss and it was a fun distraction from cookie munching and the slowly ticking clock counting down the last days of work.  I didn't even know these things existed but apparently they sell them at Bed Bath & Beyond of all places.  My boss was kind enough to let me leave early today.  There were only the 2 of us left.  It was the best feeling ever walking away knowing I'm done and don't have to go back until next year.  I'm free!  Let the lady of leisure lifestyle that I look forward to so much every year begin.  I had already planned to go to the gym so I went straight there and I had time to work out and still get home before I normally would.  It was nice to see daylight after work and I even beat Mj home for a change.

My mother in law will be here tomorrow and I'll be up first thing tomorrow cleaning house before she gets here.  This year I'm sharing my entire Christmas staycation with Mj.  He got tired of seeing me sleep in  every day during this time while he still has to work so he took some extra days off and his last day is tomorrow.  I had a nice long vacation in October but even still I'm plain old worn out.  I'm pretty sure the world isn't going to end so I'm looking forward to this much needed break.

Happy Holidays to you all!!


X-mas Tree :: X-mas Shopping Done

This year instead of buying our tree, having it sit undecorated for two weeks and finally decorating it the week before Christmas we were on it.   We picked up AND decorated our tree on the same day!!  Mj compromised and we went a little smaller this year like I wanted.  And it's a good thing too because we don't have an SUV this year.  We bought the tree from the lot down and across the street from our house and Mj literally picked it up and carried it home. It looked so funny watching him run across the street with a Christmas Tree in his arms.  He got kind of filthy along the way but he made it.  We put on some Christmas music and drank wine while we decorated.   We didn't even need all of our decorations and lights because the tree is smaller.  I used two boxes of candy canes because half will be gone by Christmas...I have a tendency to eat them right off tree. 

I also did all of my Holiday shopping on Saturday in about 3 hours and 4 stores.  Things aren't too crowded yet so it wasn't so bad and I pretty much knew exactly what I was going for.  I wanted to get it done as soon as possible so I wouldn't have to think about doing it anymore as the stores get more crowded by the day.  Our family keeps it simple to save time and money by doing a gift exchange among the adults.  We've been doing it for the last 5 years or so now.  As adults we don't need a lot of presents and it gets harder and harder to think of things we want anyways so this works pretty well.  We write down three things we want, draw names and aren't allowed to have our significant others.  This means I only have to shop for the family Secret Santa, my little nephew and Mj.  I spend less time running around buying things and more time enjoying this time of year.  I have to pick up two more items but other then that now I can just sit back and enjoy the holidays.

Check back tomorrow for my giveaway!  You won't want to miss it.


What I did on My Christmas Staycation

Driving with the sun roof open
I had no grand ideas about what I wanted to accomplish on my Christmas Break aside from relaxing. Thirteen days is a nice long time to be home and off work.  It can easily be ruined with over scheduling so I wasn't about to do that.  I spent time with my family a couple days before and on Christmas and then after that I did whatever I felt like doing.  During the hectic work week I forget that I even have a sun roof but when the sun is shining and I'm in a happy go lucky mood the sun roof is open, the radio is loud and the wind is in my hair.  That basically sums up my Christmas Break.

Ready for Yoga.  My mom got me this top for Christmas.
I felt so much more energetic without work sucking me dry every day. I stayed up later and slept in later but when I woke up I was ready to go.  I finally had time to visit my friend and see her new baby girl.  I got to to go my hair appointment on a Wednesday afternoon instead of dragging myself in after work and practically falling asleep under the dryer.  The gym is something I really looked forward to and was not just an obligation to try to squeeze in before or after work. I went almost every day.   The class times usually don't work for me but I made it to three yoga classes.  I loved starting my days this way.  It reminded me that I actually do enjoy exercising.   It felt so good to have the time and the energy to enjoy it and not just endure it. 

I usually get 3 flavors.  This one is Cafe Late, Cake Batter and Peanut Butter.  YUM.
On the couch in my comfy blue robe
 I spent plenty of time in my robe on the couch watching my shows.  My DVR is all but cleared out.  I watched Toddlers & Tiaras while eating my Golden Spoon Yogurt;  my favorite.  It's not my first time eating that Yogurt or watching that show but doing so on a Thursday afternoon after a great morning work out and knowing that I could do the same exact thing the next day if I wanted to made it better then ever. When Mj came home from work I energetically greeted him at the door.  We got in some nice cuddle time on the couch together watching TV and movies before bed.   Instead of being dead tired by 9pm like usual I was still wide awake.   He actually went to bed before me most nights instead of the other way around. 

Mj eating lunch
I got a veggie and Chicken Bowl and he got a Jalapeno and Quinoa wrap
I got to meet my handsome husband for his lunch break. We went to Crazy Bowls & Wraps. It was a cool sunny day so we ate outside. He had to go back to work but I got to go shopping.

Christmas Presents!!  My new leather jacket and top
I saw a brown leather jacket from H & M that I liked in my Marie Claire magazine. I figured the chances of it actually being there after Christmas was slim to none but since I didn't like the one I got for Christmas I decided to give it a shot. I walked in and there it was waiting for me. It wasn't the one in the magazine but I actually liked this one even better. It was in my size and it was 50% off of $199. The other jacket I got was more expensive. I saved hubby so much money on the deal that I knew he wouldn't mind throwing in an extra top.  "Mj, wanna see the leather jacket you bought me?"
SDSU vs Redlands
We went to a College Basketball game.  My first.  Mj and his friends have season tickets and usually go with each other but this time I got to be his date and we took the trolley. 

I didn't sit around on my couch the WHOLE time.  I got our washer/dryer maintenance done.   I cleaned house and did laundry.   We spent what felt like hours grocery shopping.  But even household chores and errands are better when you are on a staycation.  I didn't have to worry about when I'd have time to do them and I wasn't annoyed that it took up hours of my precious weekend time.  Life is so much sweeter when you have the time and energy to actually live it.  Some days it was just the gym and some errands.  Other days I actually had plans. But on all days my time was 100% my own. I did what I wanted, when I wanted and I enjoyed every wonderful day.

Good thing I don't hate my job because going back is inevitable and I'll be there tomorrow bright and early.   Time to get back to the daily grind but I've had an amazing break and it's great to go into the New Year feeling refreshed and relaxed.

Christmas Time

New Uggs!!
I'm never sick!  So imagine my surprise when I contract some kind of stomach bug just in time for Christmas.  It started on Christmas Eve.  I ignored it of course because I never get sick.  I figured it would be gone when I woke up in the morning.  No such luck.  I refused to let it spoil the holiday and still enjoyed Christmas with my family.  Mj and I exchanged gifts here at home before we left.  He totally surprised me with Uggs.  He doesn't find them that cute but he knows I do.  I also got a brown leather jacket that I picked out.  I didn't like it as much as I did online so it will be going back and I'll have to find another one for him to get me.  I got him jammie pants, P90X2, Shakeology and a blender to go with it.  He asked for the gift of exercise and I gave it to him. 
A present for the baby
We all met up at mom and dad's house where we spent the entire day.  My mom cooked and Mj made his homemade bread and some gravy.  I basically choked down a delicious dinner in between being wracked by stomach pains.  The one plus side to the stomach bug was that half the time the thought of food was unappetizing so I didn't even want to pig out.  Which is unusual for me this time of year.  My mom and little  sister spent all of Christmas Eve baking so there were plenty of cookies to choose from for dessert...and Ice Cream...and Apple Pie.  I could only stomach one cookie and a bit of ice cream.  After dessert we did our family gift exchange.  My dad had me and got me some cute bright fashion scarfs and some trouser socks that were on my list.  Mom got us all a few things because she can't help herself.  It was a very Merry Christmas.
Mom and sis handing out gifts
Mj and I
Big sis and her family
The whole family together
The day after Christmas I went to the gym.  I have no idea how I made it through that hour long work out because the rest of the day was spent fighting that stomach pain which came almost like clockwork every 10-20 minutes.  It really makes you appreciate your health when you feel like total crap.  Tuesday Mj took an extra day off because I asked him to in my sad sick voice.  I was feeling well enough to visit my friend Eb and it was nice to finally have time to see her and her new baby girl.   Today I had a great pain free work out at the gym and then got my hair did.  It was a beautiful sunny 77 degrees today but do you think that stopped me from wearing my new Uggs?  Nope.  I wore a tank top to balance them out.  I'm still really enjoying my time off from work and basically don't ever want it to end.

Decorated the Tree and I'm Free

It basically looks the same as last year and I love it!!
After two weeks of being too tired and busy to do it we FINALLY decorated our tree on Saturday.  It's funny that it took us two weeks to get around to it but it only took about 20 minutes once we finally did it.  I even got some presents wrapped to put under the tree.  I don't do a whole lot for Christmas which is nice because there is no stress.  People ask me if I'm "ready" for Christmas like it's some sort of competition or an exam, but there really isn't much to be done.  Our family exchanges names so I have my family gift to buy and something for the husband.  Done and done.  I also get something for my little nephew.  I haven't done that yet  but there is plenty of time.  I'm such a holiday slacker.  I don't even bake.  My husband is actually in the kitchen making these delightful sugar cookies and Turkey soup with our left over Turkey Carcass from Thanksgiving.  The cookies are German.  Don't even bother trying to pronounce it; I can't.  I need more sugar like I need a hole in my head but they sure are tasty.  It definitely looks AND smells like Christmas in here. 

Spritz spezialitaten Cookies
At my job we don't do the whole holiday party thing but they still make us feel appreciated.  Last Thursday there was a holiday reception for the whole district with some really good food.  Our holiday gift this year was an awesome canvas black fold up outdoor chair.  The kind that folds up into a little bag and has a cup holder in it.  Our boss gave each of us a gift too.  Today was our department holiday luncheon at the Prado in Balboa Park.  We had a little banquet room all to ourselves and the food was really good.

I'm picking up my younger sister who is coming in from San Francisco tonight.  Tomorrow we will spend the day and night up at my older sister's house.  I'm so looking forward to spending time with them.  We are going to do fun stuff that sisters do like shop, eat, talk, hang out and watch teen vampire movies.  Yep, we're finally going to go see Breaking Dawn.  Tomorrow also marks the official start of my holiday vacation.  I don't go back to work until Jan 3rd.  For the next 13 days I will be a Lady of Leisure.  My job totally shuts down for the holidays and we don't even have to use vacation time.  My time will be all my own to do with whatever I please.  I've felt so tired and ragged like I always do towards the end of a long year so I really, really REALLY need this right about now.  I am free!! And it feels great.

I LOVE Christmas

I don't care how old I get I always feel like a kid on Christmas morning.  As soon as we get out of bed it's time to open presents.  Do not pass go, do not collect $200.  Go to the bathroom if you must but after that the Christmas Carols are on and we are at the tree because it's present time!  I am almost more excited for him to open his then I am to open mine.  I got my i phone 4 early because my Razor was pissing me off so badly and I am so broke that I threatened to go out and get whatever free phone T Mobile was offering.  To avoid this tragedy Mj gave me my phone Tuesday and I am already madly in love with it.  He even got me the pink case t go with it.  I still had one more gift left for Christmas day.  I opened the box and the distinctive bag alone told me I was in store for a real treat.  As soon as I un cinched it my nostrils were massaged by the aroma of leather and my eyes feasted upon an absolutely exquisite black Coach Purse!!  He got me a great brown one two years ago which is still in great condition so it was time for a black one.  He wasn't sure if I would like the style but it was perfect.  He did an amazing job picking it out himself.  For someone without a wish list I think I did pretty good!  I got everything I've been wanting but has just been too expensive for me to go out and get for myself. 
YES!!  I love it.

Mia Collection Maggie handbag by Coach [Photo Source]

Mj loved his bike trainer.  It's basically a contraption that allows him to turn his actual bicycle into a stationary bike so he can exercise in the house or just outside without actually having to ride anywhere.  I also got him cycling arm and leg warmers and threw in some boring socks too just because he needs them.  

Our first tree and first Christmas in our new house
I love Christmas!  I was so excited to go up and spend the day with my family.  As soon as I walk in the door I grab DJ because I can't help myself.  He was so cute in his little "My First Christmas" Santa outfit.  

Grandpa and Dj

The guys go straight to the TV for the basketball game and my big sis and I head in to see if mom needs any help.  There is lots of chatting and sitting around until dinner time.  My mom just didn't really feel like inviting a bunch of people over so it was just us this year. Of course there was way too much food.  We all packed some to go.

Mom and Mj dishing it out
Big Sis, Mom, DJ
The gang
After dinner and dessert we exchanged gifts.  My dad had me for Secret Santa and got me this stylish animal print cap and scarf and some fuzzy socks.  My mom sent him off to the mall by himself to pick it out and he did an awesome job.  That he picked it and my mom didn't pick it and just put his name on it makes it so special.  Mom also got me an interactive gaming mat.  I'm not sure exactly what that is yet but it looks cool.

My dad picked it out for me all by himself!!
After dessert and presents my big sis, brother in law, Mj and I played Yahtzee.  When we were younger my big sis and I used to play this for hours and hours at a time while listening to and 80's band called "Men at Work."  I have absolutely no idea why we did this but I won't ever forget how much fun we had.  The only one missing this year was little sis so I called her on my brand new i phone and we did face time so we could see her and she could see us.  

Did I already say how much I love Christmas?  It is such a happy and festive time.  I woke up in such a jolly mood just because it was Christmas day.  Even the next day I am still feeling the glow.  I was in such a good mood in fact that I made pancakes for breakfast.  Mj just finished using his bike trainer and now he wants to know if he can keep his bike in the house.  I plan to break out that exercise mat but today is basically just going to be a relaxing day after Christmas at home.

A cute little video of my nephew

It's Christmas Eve

I was reading People or Us magazine the other day, I can't remember which, but there was an article asking celebrities what was on their wish list for Christmas.  I thought it was sort of funny in a way.  Everyone has wishes and/or wants but rich celebrities for the most part don't really have to want for anything.  They can just buy it.  Of course it's nice to receive a gift from someone special but it's also nice that if you don't get what you want you can go out and get it yourself no wishing required.  It also must be nice to have the money to fulfill those wishes for friends and family too.

I myself didn't have a wish list.  I hardly ever do.  I usually don't know what I want and I also feel strange telling someone what they can buy me.  This year our family kept it simple and budget friendly by doing a Secret Santa gift exchange.  We set a $50 limit and wrote down three things we wanted.  I got a flat tire on Monday AND just discovered last week that I am going to have to evict my tenant.  I won't be getting a rent check this month so I've had to re work my budget to include an extra mortgage.  Needless to say, there isn't much room in the budget left for any shopping so it's a good thing we are doing it this way.  I got Mj's gift online and did the rest at one store in about 30 minutes.  Aside from Mj and the family gift the only other person I shopped for is my baby nephew.  I like it that Christmas is simple.  I'm not running around like crazy trying to buy something for everybody I know or spending lots of money.  Christmas itself should never get lost in hustle and bustle, stress, or overspending.

Wednesday was my first day of Christmas break and I did absolutely nothing.  It was raining and even the fact that I needed to get my flat tire taken care of couldn't get me out of the house.  Luckily, Thursday the rain stopped. The sun finally came out and so did I.  I did my errands, a speed round of Christmas shopping, and spent $132 for a new tire.   This morning I went to the gym which is practically a miracle and then my mom came down to visit.  We went to see Black Swan which I've been dying to see.  I love Natalie Portman and Ballet so I could not wait for DVD on this one.  It was so, so good and it was a nice little outing for my mom and I.  The chef otherwise known as my husband already made five Applesauce cakes for work and to send to out of state family and he's at it again.  He made sweet potato pie yesterday and another Applesauce cake today for Christmas.  Every time I turn around he's either in the kitchen baking, washing dishes or running out to the store again for more flour, sugar and eggs.  Unfortunately, he left today's cake in too long and he's actually making another one!  Back to the store.  Oh, and he still has homemade bread to make.  You will never catch me in the kitchen doing all that baking.  I just don't have it in me.  I made dinner last night and that was plenty!

We finally got some presents under our pretty tree.  Tonight we are relaxing at home, well once Mj gets out of the kitchen that is-and then Christmas day at mom's house tomorrow.   Looking forward to it.  Have a very Merry Christmas everyone!!

Lady of Leisure

The Good Life.  [Photo Source Here]
As I drove to work this rainy Monday morning I thought to myself, "Why oh why didn't you just put in for vacation days so you could stay in bed?"  I tend to hoard my vacation hours and we get so much time off this time of year anyways that going to work on Monday and Tuesday didn't seem so bad.  I was fine with it...until I got there.   Well, I've just about made it.  I've got one more day of work and when the clock strikes 5pm tomorrow my Christmas Break is officially on.  I don't have to go back to work until NEXT YEAR on January 3rd so that's 12 days of freedom.  No vacation days required.  My job shuts down for the holidays.  So much so that they have to give us our monthly paycheck for December two weeks early because there isn't anyone working to process payroll.  Last year we traveled to Delaware between Christmas and New Year's Eve but this time every last day is mine to do with whatever I want right here at home.  Which more then likely won't be all that much and that is fine with me.  Whenever I get time off like this that's more then a long weekend where I'm not on vacation and I'm just home I refer to myself as a Lady of Leisure.  It's silly I know, but it's fun to think of myself that way even if it's only temporary. 

A Lady of Leisure doesn't have to go to work.  She gets to spend her days going about her day to day life without a pesky 9-5 getting in the way.  Her time is really hers and she doesn't have to ask permission or put in a request to do anything.  She gets up when she wants to and can go to bed late without worry.  Her entire day is her own every day and not condensed into 4 1/2 hour increments before bedtime during the weekdays into which everything must be crammed.  She can reasonably make time to cook.  It may not be her "thing" but she's not too tired to get in the kitchen and do it.  She has time to go to the grocery store to pick up extra ingredients and doesn't have to rush home and into the kitchen at 5:30-5:45pm to try to get dinner done by 7pm.  Weekends are never a blur of cleaning, laundry and errands.  A well organized Lady of Leisure can spread all of that throughout the week at her leisure and never really feels too overwhelmed by the crush of backed up chores.  She doesn't have to wait until the weekend to go to her preferred car wash that shuts down at 5pm during the week.  When the car is dirty she goes...and even better she beats the weekend crowd.  A lady of leisure is usually available for all doctor, car, home delivery and home maintenance appointments.  She doesn't have to schedule an appointment to fix the shower door a month ahead for when her next weekday off day rolls around.  If some kind of unexpected errands or a medical issue pops up taking care of them is not a juggling act nor does it require a permission slip.  She does not wait for a 4pm dentist appointment opening and rush from work to make it in time.  Those appointments, like everything else are scheduled at her leisure.   Exercise is not some annoying activity that she has a hard time comfortably fitting into her schedule.  It does not encroach upon her precious free time to the point where she avoids it all together and it's actually an enjoyable part of her life.  Without a one hour time crunch to get back to work she can leisurely meet friends for brunch or lunch.  Happy hour is lovely and all but it's nice to change it up a bit.  If a friend or family member is in town or there is some spur of the moment activity she wants to partake in it's no problem.  On a weeknight?  Ok.  She will probably be there.  She has time for hobbies and/or classes.  A more flexible schedule allows for greater options and without 40 hours spent at work she actually has the energy for it too.  And just think of all the books she can read!

Might a Lady of Leisure become bored or listless after an extended period of time without work?  Perhaps.  But if her life of leisure becomes unsavory she can always go back to the working woman life.  There is a huge difference between HAVING to work and DECIDING to.  I could go on and on really about the wonders of not having to work for a living.  I haven't even mentioned the opportunity for travel.  The simple day to day things alone make the Lady of Leisure lifestyle an absolutely wonderful prospect.  But where does said Lady of Leisure get her paycheck?  Unless she is independently wealthy, retired or something else in between this lifestyle will not be possible for any extended period of time.  For this unfortunate reason, after 12 days it ends for me and I will be headed back to work.  Nope, I'm technically not a permanent and true Lady of Leisure but it's certainly going to be fun pretending.


Love & The Holidays

There is something about the holidays that makes us love being in love.  The chilly air makes you want to cuddle close.  The pretty twinkly lights beckon for someone special to share them with.  The beautiful Christmas songs suggest love and togetherness with lyrics like, "I'll be home for Christmas" and "All I want for Christmas is you."  We see it on TV too.  The Lexus commercial that shows the beautiful wife come out of her equally beautiful home to find a brand new Lexus with a bright red bow wrapped around it.  A gift from her loving husband.  In the Zale's commercial we see the guy dangling a sparkly diamond necklace outside the window for one lucky woman.  This may or may not cause us to turn and smile expectantly at the man sitting beside us.  And we all know that "Every kiss begins with Kay."  How many women have hoped upon hope to find that diamond engagement ring underneath the tree?  A lot of them do because come January newly engaged couples come out in droves to nail down that wedding venue. 

The Christmas tree, holiday decorating, chilly weather, sounds of the season, family bonding and ongoing festivities causes some kind of chemical reaction in our brain that makes us want to love and be loved.  We want someone to get all dressed up for and go to holiday parties with.  Someone to take home to our family.  We take such delight in shopping for our significant other and receiving something special in return.  When the clock strikes 12 am on New Year’s Eve it's just not the same without a date.  Even better if that date is your partner in life and that kiss represents the hope and promise of a fresh new year that you will share and look forward to together.  The holidays are a magical time.  Love and festivities are in the air and we all want someone special to hold onto as we enjoy everything going on around us.

Six years ago right after Thanksgiving I found myself suddenly single after nine years.  It was difficult enough without having it coincide with the full swing of the holidays.  I really wanted to be happy during this time but my life was literally falling apart and I was too busy trying to figure out how to pick up the pieces to be festive.  I took my big sis to the holiday party that year.  It was a blessing in disguise that the relationship ended and I embraced being single and starting fresh.  I love my family but something about the holidays still made me long for companionship and feel like something was missing.  I had a happily single but open to the perfect man attitude all year long but when the holidays rolled around being single suddenly felt depressing and lonely.  The only thing worse was Valentine's day.  My perfect man did come along four holiday seasons later and I now relish the opportunity to share traditions and festivities of such a fun time with my husband.  He was deployed for most of last year but he made it back just in time for Thanksgiving thank goodness because it just wouldn't have been the same without him.   

There are a lot of break ups just prior to Thanksgiving or Christmas.  I'm sure I'm not the only one who has experienced this phenomenon.  Sometimes it's just to avoid spending money on a gift for someone you're not really sure if you like all that much and what could be awkward family meet and greets.  For some, being alone is preferable to the false and empty feeling of being mismatched for the holidays and feeling obligated to go through the motions.  There is also the opposite effect.  Engagements and heartfelt proclamations of love when people realize they don't want to spend another holiday without this amazing person in their life.  The holiday season is powerful.  It serves as a lens through which we view our life and our loved ones taking stock of where we are where we have been and where we are going in the new year.  It is a time of reflection, fun, giving and family.  The holidays may not be about falling in love but there is something about this time of year that makes us want that all the same.

I Love A Good Holiday Party

When Mj was interviewing for his current job in January among other questions regarding pay, benefits, location etc one of the first things I asked was, "Do they have a holiday party?"  You see, I have a thing for holiday parties.  I love it that they are during such a fun and festive time of year.  I love it that they give me an opportunity to dress up and go out on a fabulous free date.  Throughout the year it is rare that a dress up occasion comes up aside from something like this. When I worked in insurance I may have hated my job but I loved the holiday party.  I saw it as my reward for the pain and suffering of working there and I never missed a single one.  My current job does a holiday luncheon during the work day which doesn't really count so I was excited that his job goes all out and does the full shebang.
This tree was probably a good 30 ft tall
The party was at the Hyatt Hotel and we decided to get a room for the night so we could party as long and as hard as we wanted and not have to worry about driving home.  We don't live that far and it's really not necessary but I love staying the night.  It totally rounds out the full "holiday party experience."   I recycled a dress from who knows how many years ago and I was so glad to have a chance to wear it again.  Hubby looked so fine in his suit. 
Our new Christmas tree ornaments
The party set up was a very elegant winter wonderland.  Every couple got four drink tickets, though we managed to get our hands on more, and each employee was entered into a raffle.  There were 10 really great prizes including an iPad, wine country tour and $75 Nordstrom gift certificate.  Unfortunately, Mj didn't win any of them.  We didn't win the actual centerpiece either but we did score 3 additional ornaments for our tree by taking the parts surrounding it.  It was pretty cool to meet his co workers and very surprising that with a few of them it was like they already knew me.  Apparently, I'm just so awesome that Mj talks about me at work-even if it is just to tell them that I fell down the stairs or cut my finger chopping vegetables.  The food was really good and buffet style so we could get as much as we wanted of whatever we wanted-not a good thing for me!   They had the obligatory hokey band doing cover songs from the 80's and beyond.  Why do people insist on bands?   Bands look cool and all and do add to ambiance but for dancing...not so much.  When the DJ was spinning the floor was packed and we got out there too.  The last time we danced together was at our wedding and we had a special song just for us.  Not this time!  We got no special attention which is fine with me since we weren't picking up the tab. 
On the dance floor
Acting Silly
I've been looking forward to this party ever since I found out about it and it did not disappoint.  Mj got tired first.  He may have done a 14 mile bike ride that day but I cleaned the house so I happily took advantage of the the chance to call him an old man.  I cannot say enough about my sexy, strappy, high black heels.  No foot pain whatsoever at the end of a long night.  We both had a blast and then strolled up to our hotel room and slept like rocks.  I love a good holiday party.

Our First Tree

I HATE errands.  There are so many other things I would rather be doing on my precious Saturday off then run around to place after place dropping off money getting the car washed, buying groceries, or picking up this or that.  I start out with my list of places to go and it's not uncommon for me to chop of the last stop or two and just get the hell home.  Saturday was different because Mj came along.  Running errands with him is actually fun because we are spending time together.  He sort of got stuck with me for the whole day because his morning flag football game and evening poker game got canceled.  "Sorry baby," I said but inside I was happy that I'd get him all to myself for the whole day.

blank canvas
add lights
The only thing worse then errands is errands on an empty stomach so our first stop was out to breakfast.  Then we headed to Walmart and got ornaments.  At Pier One we got some more goodies for the house then Cost Plus World Market where I spotted an adorable bench that would be perfect for our hallway entry.  Then it was off to the grocery store to pick up a few things.  I decided to chop JC Penny's off and get onto the stop we'd been waiting for all day.  Christmas tree shopping!  There was a bit of a debate over size.  I wanted to get a smaller one but Mj insisted it at least be taller then him.  No Charlie Brown Christmas tree for him.  It just seemed so darn huge.  I've never had space for a tree at all let alone one this size so what do I know?  After getting it into the house I could see that he was right and I love it.

I played Christmas songs and with a glass of wine nearby had a lot of fun decorating it.  Mj did the lights and I put on the rest of the bulbs while he started dinner.  Mj already had the lights and all the non edible ornaments are from Walmart and Big Lots costing us a grand total of $19 bucks.  I love using real candy canes.  It's like having a candy tree in my own house but since those candy canes don't actually grow I'll probably be buying more to replenish the supply since I plan to eat them right off the tree whenever I want.
Add ornaments...and there you have it.  Our pretty tree
 I've lived on my own for eleven years and this is the first time I have ever had a tree!!  For mostly the same reasons I'd never had a party.  The studio was too small.  My former apartments were pretty small too not to mention drab.  I just didn't care .  Bah Humbug!  But times have changed.  I have a house and a great husband that makes me want to do things I was too miserable to care about before.  I received some Christmas ornaments here and there over the years as gifts.  It looked everywhere for them but I couldn't find them.  They may show up some day but I suspect I may have gotten rid of them.  I probably figured that I would never be happy enough to want a tree.  I'm so grateful that life is different now.  Real trees can get messy but it's worth it just to have that wonderful pine smell in our house.  It smells like Christmas.