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Thanksgiving Thoughts

The Christmas commercials and holiday music have slowly creeped their way onto the scene for the last few weeks.  I saw a house with lights up last night.  I was among the camp that hated the jump from Halloween to Christmas but then I stopped to think about it and realized I was mostly hating it because other people were.  I love this time of year.  I really love holiday music and lights.  There is only a very short time frame to enjoy them so I have decided that I don't really care if it encroaches upon Thanksgiving.  If Thanksgiving had music I'm sure they'd play it but they don't.  Christmas doesn't stress me out so why should the music and decorations? Even if it's early.  It's usually just a huge jolting reminder of how crazy fast the year has gone by.

We're sending holiday cards this year for the first time ever.  I will be ordering them from  Tiny Prints the minute we get back from our vacation and using what I hope will be a great vacation shot from Maui.  They have so many adorable selections to choose from and as indecisive as I am I think I already know which one I'm going to use.  Right now they are have a Thanksgiving sale offering 25% off every order OR free shipping with promo codes.

We probably go through Peanut Butter faster then a family of 5 with 3 kids.  We are both kind of addicted to Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches and Peanut Butter toast.  We've been eating PBJ's for dinner several nights a week and Peanut Butter toast for a snack or for breakfast.  Mj uses a massive quantity for his.  I'm not sure what we'll be eating for the rest of the week.  I certainly don't plan on grocery shopping or cooking.  I'm already in vacation/holiday mode which means no manual labor of the cooking variety.

Date night at a really cute and tasty restaurant called Kitchen 4141.  Yes, I ate that whole burger and half of dessert
Our anniversary was yesterday on a Tuesday where I spent the day at work then went to the gym and didn't get home until after 7:00pm.  We did go to dinner on Saturday night.  Does that count? After I took my shower I kissed him and said Happy Anniversary.  We don't celebrate anniversaries really and I'm okay with that.  Just being with him every day feels like a celebration and as corny as that sounds it's the truth!   There will be plenty of celebration next week in Maui. 

My bills for the month are paid and it feels nice to have a clean slate so to speak.  I get paid once a month and with the holidays and a bank that always deposits the money a day early my paycheck showed up yesterday.  Most of my bills are done automatically but I paid the few that aren't and wiped out the little credit card balances that were hanging around on different cards.  Now I can start racking it up again with Vacation and Christmas expenses. To be paid off in January of course.

I'm usually among the last man standing at work before holidays. The upside is that it's a chill day and there is no traffic.  As much as I want to be done with work a few days earlier I'm also a hoarder of vacation days so if I'm not going anywhere I'm going to work.  And there I sit dreaming of Thanksgiving break with the few other people who decided to show up.  No work for 12 solid days. I'm almost there!

I am thankful for so many things this year.  First of all, my health.  Without that I'd literally have nothing.  I'm also thankful for all of this traveling I've been able to do over the last three years.  I never imagined I would go to all the places I have and I'm looking forward to more.  I'm thankful for a stable job in what has been a very unstable economy.  I am so thankful for our home.  It may not that dream home with all the bells and whistles that I'd have if money were no option but it's ours, we can afford our mortgage every month and it has everything we need.  When I walk in after a long day of work I'm happy to be there and I feel lucky to call it home.  I'm thankful that my parents and sisters are doing well and I'm thankful for my wonderful husband.  I still get excited to see him every day and I'm so grateful for the amazing relationship we have.

I'm also thankful that it didn't take me hours to write this blog post.  Sometimes I obsess and over think it way too much to the point of the post remaining a draft.  I'm trying to work on letting my thoughts flow, cleaning it up a bit and then hitting publish already!!

That about wraps it up.  Happy Thanksgiving!!

A Merry New Year Party

When I found out that Mj's company holiday party was January 5th instead of the usual December this year my first thought was, cool now I can get a dress on an after Christmas clearance sale.  It was a good idea in theory but in reality I still didn't feel like buying another dress I'd only wear once so I went with what I had.  I often worry about looking too hootchie so I err on the side of conservative and end up seeing women in far more risque dresses then the one I left at home. This time I said screw it and went with potentially hootchie and I'm glad I did because as expected there were STILL women there that went shorter, tighter and lower cut then me.  If you can believe that from looking at my dress.  Mj waited until that day to finally try on his suit and after a 20 lb weight loss last year he was swimming in it so he had to throw an outfit together.  There were clothes strewn all over the bed.  You know the kind of scene we have to go through on a regular basis.
Feels like a Prom pic!
The party was at the Westin Hotel downtown on Saturday so we booked a room for the night.   At the party we were greeted with champagne.  We were off to a nice start but once inside the ballroom we couldn't find a table.  Mj gave up because he was starving and grabbed some food to start eating while we milled around like lost sheep looking for a place to sit.  I don't know if they underestimated the amount of people that were going to show up or if people didn't RSVP or what but there were no more tables inside the main room.  We were relegated to what we called the reject room and had to wait a while before we could even find a table there.  We were away from all the action and ambiance of the main room but we made the best of it and had a good time anyways.  There was a live violinist and a DJ.  Like last year's it was heavy appetizers served buffet style around the room.  There was flat bread pizzas, pastas and salads.  Mj complained about there not being good enough variety but they had me at Pizza and it was all good to me.  They had a photo booth set up and handed us the print so I had to scan it old school style to get it on the blog.

I bought this shirt in Nice, France at Cache Cache // Yes, it feels really cool to say that!

Afterwards we went to a club with some of his co workers.  As much as I wanted to strut around in my hot (read cold) little black dress and pumps like the other girls I couldn't bear to freeze my butt off so I had to change.  My husband is so cute.  I stared and smiled at him from across the room like some kind of creepy stalker and happily thought to myself; yep that's my man.  We've been together for going on five years and I love it that I still feel like we're dating.  We don't do the whole downtown thing too often which is fine but when we do it's so much fun.  I had a blast dancing with my husband all night long.  I made it until 1:30am which is pretty impressive for an old lady who likes to be in pajamas by 10pm if not sooner.   My knees were telling my gyrating hips that they'd had enough and the balls of my feet were yelling at me too so it was time to call it quits and walk back to the hotel.  This is about that time when we start walking like broken rag dolls with sticks up our butts because we can no longer hide the abuse we have put our feet through all night.

The next morning we met another couple for breakfast at The Broken Yolk Cafe.  We hear good things about this place but I don't think any of us was overly impressed with the food.  We ran a few errands on the way home.  As soon as I walked in the door I really wanted to take a nap but instead I changed right away and went to the gym.  Call me crazy but I stayed for two hours trying to burn off all that Pizza.  Later that night we took down the tree.  The last party of the season is officially done and even though having to go back to work really sucks I'd say we're off to a very Merry New Year.

So This is Christmas

We started off the morning with German pancakes. In Mj's family they ate them every Christmas morning before presents. His mom was with us this year so that's what we did. He whipped them up, we ate and then it was time for presents.  Mj done good.  He's really good at surprising me by coming up with things that I like without me having asked for it.   I fully intend on getting better at that but I've always sucked at finding gifts for people.  I got him house slippers and an Apple Gift card.  He got me two NCAA Championships Gymnastics tickets.  It's a 3 day event.  He'll go as a last resort but he's really not THAT into gymnastics.  Well, he's not into it at all.  He also got me a coach clutch in my favorite color pink and that chambray shirt from Banana Republic I had my eye on.  And Tiffany's!!! There is just something about that blue box...more on that later.

I'm wearing a Christmas gift
After presents it was time to get dressed because the plan was to hit the road for my sister's house by 10am because we had a 3 hour drive to the Palm Springs.  We took the windy road scenic route, stopped for pics and made it in 2 1/2 hours so we were there by 12:30pm.
Mom in Law and Mj
When my parents and little sister finally made it a couple hours later we had a pretty early dinner because we were all starving.  The main dish was a roast with mashed potatoes and veggies on the side.  Everything was really good.  For dessert there was Chocolate Cake and Apple Pie.
My nephew playing in one of his new toys
Keurig Coffee Maker from her husband
Then we figured it was time for DJ to get started on that mountain of presents under their tree because he was falling asleep.  He woke up real quick and was in non stop play mode until he left.  I got just what I wanted from my Secret Santa (my older sister) and we all got a little something from mom because she can't help it. 

Mi Familia! My sisters and I are wearing infinity scarves from my mom
It was a really nice day with the family.  I enjoyed every second of it and as always it went by way too fast.  My mother in law is here until Sunday.  We went to the movies yesterday and saw Flight.  I got a long overdue manicure and pedicure today which was nice.  Christmas day might be over but Christmas break is still on until the New Year and I'm really enjoying my time off.


Christmas Eve Eve Eve

Dani, Me and Tia-Sister's!  I really am the middle child.
On the Saturday before Christmas I went up to my mom's house to spend some time with my sisters.  The younger one is in town from San Francisco and we don't get to see her as often so it was so much fun getting to hang out with her and all of us together.  My mother in law was supposed to come with me but she missed her Thursday night flight. She waited for 9 hours, the next flight was overbooked and she couldn't get another one until Monday!  Traveling on the holidays is no joke.  We spent the day at my mom's house then we went out to dinner at Claim Jumper.  My younger sister Tia got one of the biggest burgers I've ever seen.  She couldn't even eat it all. Dani and I just got salad's. We had to save room for dessert.

Trifle and many, many more desserts to choose from

Right after that we headed to my mom's friends house where we had a dessert party. I'm not sure if that was the best idea considering we've all been bombarded with sweets every which way for weeks but because its such a busy time we wanted something simple. She has two girls of her own and it's very rare for all of us to be in one place at the same time. There were soooo many desserts I couldn't even try them all. We had a really fun time chatting and hanging out before we went back to my parents house.  It got really late really fast and the next thing I knew we were all tired and it was time for me to hit the road for home.  

I had a great day with my family and was happy that we'd get to be together again on Christmas Day.

I'm Free!

Mj baked these sugar cookies with a dab of strawberry jelly in the center.  It's a secret recipe from his grandmother.  We packaged them up for our co workers as gifts. They are so delicious but I'm glad they are gone so I can stop trying not to eat them.

grilled chicken topped with cilantro, tomatoes and onions
Last night I made dinner.  Mj was shocked to see me making dinner AND using real plates.  He actually said, "What's going on, this never happens."  I'm sure he wondered where his wife was and what I had done with her but it was me.  I haven't cooked in a longer time then I'd like to admit so I thought I'd get in one meal before the holidays. Mj is making dinner tomorrow night and then it'll be mostly eating out after that. I actually impressed myself with how good it turned out.

You know it's time for Christmas Break when you find yourself and your co workers positively riveted by a remote control flying shark balloon. This thing was a given to my boss and it was a fun distraction from cookie munching and the slowly ticking clock counting down the last days of work.  I didn't even know these things existed but apparently they sell them at Bed Bath & Beyond of all places.  My boss was kind enough to let me leave early today.  There were only the 2 of us left.  It was the best feeling ever walking away knowing I'm done and don't have to go back until next year.  I'm free!  Let the lady of leisure lifestyle that I look forward to so much every year begin.  I had already planned to go to the gym so I went straight there and I had time to work out and still get home before I normally would.  It was nice to see daylight after work and I even beat Mj home for a change.

My mother in law will be here tomorrow and I'll be up first thing tomorrow cleaning house before she gets here.  This year I'm sharing my entire Christmas staycation with Mj.  He got tired of seeing me sleep in  every day during this time while he still has to work so he took some extra days off and his last day is tomorrow.  I had a nice long vacation in October but even still I'm plain old worn out.  I'm pretty sure the world isn't going to end so I'm looking forward to this much needed break.

Happy Holidays to you all!!


Holiday Par-tay

I have this thing about company holiday party's.  That thing is that I love them.  It's a fabulous night out that doesn't cost me anything so what's not to love?  At my job we just got a holiday luncheon during the work day.  Mj's isn't until January this year but my friend B invited me to hers.  I met her at Hotel La Jolla right after work on Friday, got myself all dolled up and then it was time to party.  This company went all out.  Cocktail hour with appetizers at a swanky hotel to start.  Filet Mignon for dinner.  Dessert bar and a DJ next door.  Oh, and just in case you overdo it on the all night open bar they throw in a hotel room for the night.  I've spent 6 months and then 5 months apart from Mj back to back so it felt kind of silly that I was going to miss him even thought it was just one night.  I felt sad for some reason that he was going to be home without me but not sad enough to stop me from going.  We each do our own thing and we don't have to be together all the time; nor should we.

The cool thing about going to someone else's holiday party is that you can act a fool and you don't have to see those people on Monday morning at work.  When you are the friend your husband doesn't have to see those people at work either.  You can dance like nobody is watching even though the room is full.  You can drink too much and laugh way too loud.  Not that I did any of that of course, but I will say that open bars tend to have quite an effect on me.  We both had a really fun time.  Maybe too much fun.  The next morning we stayed in the room right until the very last minute for check out recovering and then I felt sluggish for the rest of the day.  I definitely don't bounce back like I used to so it's a good thing I don't do this all the time.  Every now and then it's fun to really let loose like that though so it was worth it.

If you haven't entered my giveaway yet the last day is tomorrow.  Go here to enter.


X-mas Tree :: X-mas Shopping Done

This year instead of buying our tree, having it sit undecorated for two weeks and finally decorating it the week before Christmas we were on it.   We picked up AND decorated our tree on the same day!!  Mj compromised and we went a little smaller this year like I wanted.  And it's a good thing too because we don't have an SUV this year.  We bought the tree from the lot down and across the street from our house and Mj literally picked it up and carried it home. It looked so funny watching him run across the street with a Christmas Tree in his arms.  He got kind of filthy along the way but he made it.  We put on some Christmas music and drank wine while we decorated.   We didn't even need all of our decorations and lights because the tree is smaller.  I used two boxes of candy canes because half will be gone by Christmas...I have a tendency to eat them right off tree. 

I also did all of my Holiday shopping on Saturday in about 3 hours and 4 stores.  Things aren't too crowded yet so it wasn't so bad and I pretty much knew exactly what I was going for.  I wanted to get it done as soon as possible so I wouldn't have to think about doing it anymore as the stores get more crowded by the day.  Our family keeps it simple to save time and money by doing a gift exchange among the adults.  We've been doing it for the last 5 years or so now.  As adults we don't need a lot of presents and it gets harder and harder to think of things we want anyways so this works pretty well.  We write down three things we want, draw names and aren't allowed to have our significant others.  This means I only have to shop for the family Secret Santa, my little nephew and Mj.  I spend less time running around buying things and more time enjoying this time of year.  I have to pick up two more items but other then that now I can just sit back and enjoy the holidays.

Check back tomorrow for my giveaway!  You won't want to miss it.


Thanksgiving Break

Mac and Cheese and Samoa Bundt Cake
Wednesday was the longest day ever as I counted down until 5pm in the ghost town that was my job.   I got home and it was time to cook.  We made artichoke dip, cranberry sauce, samoa bundt cake, and cheesecake to take to my mom's house.  I helped out a whole lot more then I thought I would.  Believe it or not I, and not my home chef husband made the artichoke dip AND the cranberry sauce.  Those are things that I would normally think to buy and not bother to make but Mj doesn't roll that way and he's in charge of the food.  He told me what to do and I did it so technically I made it!  I don't eat cranberry sauce but I heard it was good and everyone raved about the artichoke dip.  Everything was delicious.  My favorite was the dinner rolls and my mom's homemade macaroni and cheese.  Too bad I forgot to take a picture of the Turkey before my dad sliced it up.  I forgot to take a picture of mostly everything else.  Too busy eating I guess.  
My nephew

taking a walk

Me, sister and Mom
No sale on earth could drag me out on Thursday night or Friday for Black Friday.  I was still in food coma holiday relaxation mode and that did not include fighting crowds and traffic to shop.  I didn't do a whole lot over the break and that's what I wanted.  I didn't even leave the house Friday.  Saturday night we went to a lobster boil at a friends house.  I don't eat Lobster but everyone else tore it up; literally and it was gross.   Sunday we went and picked up my i phone 5.  I got the white one.  My contract is up in two weeks but I wasn't going to get a new one because I love the 4 plus I didn't want to buy a new case.  Mj sold our 4's for $200 each on which makes the i phone 5 upgrade basically free so I went for it.  His phone sold in 2 hours and mine literally sold overnight.  I even found a new Pink case on Groupon Goods for $9 bucks! We also jumped on the Walking Dead bandwagon.  I love scary movies and I kept hearing how good it is so I figured it's something I should be watching.  We finished season 1 in 2 days on Netflix and we're working on season 2 now.  We both love it and I like having another show we watch together.

I'm thankful for my husband and family, my health and my job.  Not that I'm thrilled to be going back to work or anything but it's necessary.  Thanksgiving break was great.   

What I did on My Christmas Staycation

Driving with the sun roof open
I had no grand ideas about what I wanted to accomplish on my Christmas Break aside from relaxing. Thirteen days is a nice long time to be home and off work.  It can easily be ruined with over scheduling so I wasn't about to do that.  I spent time with my family a couple days before and on Christmas and then after that I did whatever I felt like doing.  During the hectic work week I forget that I even have a sun roof but when the sun is shining and I'm in a happy go lucky mood the sun roof is open, the radio is loud and the wind is in my hair.  That basically sums up my Christmas Break.

Ready for Yoga.  My mom got me this top for Christmas.
I felt so much more energetic without work sucking me dry every day. I stayed up later and slept in later but when I woke up I was ready to go.  I finally had time to visit my friend and see her new baby girl.  I got to to go my hair appointment on a Wednesday afternoon instead of dragging myself in after work and practically falling asleep under the dryer.  The gym is something I really looked forward to and was not just an obligation to try to squeeze in before or after work. I went almost every day.   The class times usually don't work for me but I made it to three yoga classes.  I loved starting my days this way.  It reminded me that I actually do enjoy exercising.   It felt so good to have the time and the energy to enjoy it and not just endure it. 

I usually get 3 flavors.  This one is Cafe Late, Cake Batter and Peanut Butter.  YUM.
On the couch in my comfy blue robe
 I spent plenty of time in my robe on the couch watching my shows.  My DVR is all but cleared out.  I watched Toddlers & Tiaras while eating my Golden Spoon Yogurt;  my favorite.  It's not my first time eating that Yogurt or watching that show but doing so on a Thursday afternoon after a great morning work out and knowing that I could do the same exact thing the next day if I wanted to made it better then ever. When Mj came home from work I energetically greeted him at the door.  We got in some nice cuddle time on the couch together watching TV and movies before bed.   Instead of being dead tired by 9pm like usual I was still wide awake.   He actually went to bed before me most nights instead of the other way around. 

Mj eating lunch
I got a veggie and Chicken Bowl and he got a Jalapeno and Quinoa wrap
I got to meet my handsome husband for his lunch break. We went to Crazy Bowls & Wraps. It was a cool sunny day so we ate outside. He had to go back to work but I got to go shopping.

Christmas Presents!!  My new leather jacket and top
I saw a brown leather jacket from H & M that I liked in my Marie Claire magazine. I figured the chances of it actually being there after Christmas was slim to none but since I didn't like the one I got for Christmas I decided to give it a shot. I walked in and there it was waiting for me. It wasn't the one in the magazine but I actually liked this one even better. It was in my size and it was 50% off of $199. The other jacket I got was more expensive. I saved hubby so much money on the deal that I knew he wouldn't mind throwing in an extra top.  "Mj, wanna see the leather jacket you bought me?"
SDSU vs Redlands
We went to a College Basketball game.  My first.  Mj and his friends have season tickets and usually go with each other but this time I got to be his date and we took the trolley. 

I didn't sit around on my couch the WHOLE time.  I got our washer/dryer maintenance done.   I cleaned house and did laundry.   We spent what felt like hours grocery shopping.  But even household chores and errands are better when you are on a staycation.  I didn't have to worry about when I'd have time to do them and I wasn't annoyed that it took up hours of my precious weekend time.  Life is so much sweeter when you have the time and energy to actually live it.  Some days it was just the gym and some errands.  Other days I actually had plans. But on all days my time was 100% my own. I did what I wanted, when I wanted and I enjoyed every wonderful day.

Good thing I don't hate my job because going back is inevitable and I'll be there tomorrow bright and early.   Time to get back to the daily grind but I've had an amazing break and it's great to go into the New Year feeling refreshed and relaxed.

Low Key New Year's Eve

If I told you that for New Year's Eve I ate fast food and donuts and drank champagne straight from the bottle you might think; how sad.  It actually is kind of a borderline pathetic New Year's Eve but we're OK with that.  I made dinner reservations one day but then decided to cancel them the next.  I checked Yelp and the only good review it got were for those who went to happy hour.  Everyone else said the place was overpriced, had really bad service and the food was just OK.  Guess I should have read the reviews before 5:00 pm on New Year's Eve.  It was too late to get reservations anywhere else and I wasn't really feeling Applebee's or On The Border.

I haven't had Taco Bell in a long time so we made a fast food run.  I love their soft tacos.  I had a craving for a Cinnamon roll so that was desert.  Healthy I know, but I'll work it off in the New Year.  In fact, it's one of my resolutions.  Can you believe McD's had the nerve to be closed at 8:30 pm?  Mj was one some kind of feeding frenzy before he starts his diet and exercise regime and wanted it for a 2nd time that day!  He had to settle for his left over KFC.  It was just the two of us so I said why bother with a glass?   Let's live on the edge and drink straight from the bottle.  So maybe I'm at home in my pj's watching a NYE countdown show but that's what makes it so edgy.  Right?  That's what I told myself anyways and Mj just thought I was crazy.

We spent a quiet low key night watching Friends With Benefits and then Dick Clark's New Year's Eve countdown with Ryan Seacrest cuddled up in the corner of our sectional.  If I had done this alone or with anyone else I probably would have considered it a pretty crappy New Year's Eve but since I was with Mj it was just fine with me.  We have fun together no matter what we do or where we go.  I wasn't out freezing somewhere in the middle of a crowd or spending too much money and I still got my midnight kiss.  I do resolve that next year we will definitely do something for NYE.  Anything at all would be a step up!

Happy New Year everyone!

Christmas Time

New Uggs!!
I'm never sick!  So imagine my surprise when I contract some kind of stomach bug just in time for Christmas.  It started on Christmas Eve.  I ignored it of course because I never get sick.  I figured it would be gone when I woke up in the morning.  No such luck.  I refused to let it spoil the holiday and still enjoyed Christmas with my family.  Mj and I exchanged gifts here at home before we left.  He totally surprised me with Uggs.  He doesn't find them that cute but he knows I do.  I also got a brown leather jacket that I picked out.  I didn't like it as much as I did online so it will be going back and I'll have to find another one for him to get me.  I got him jammie pants, P90X2, Shakeology and a blender to go with it.  He asked for the gift of exercise and I gave it to him. 
A present for the baby
We all met up at mom and dad's house where we spent the entire day.  My mom cooked and Mj made his homemade bread and some gravy.  I basically choked down a delicious dinner in between being wracked by stomach pains.  The one plus side to the stomach bug was that half the time the thought of food was unappetizing so I didn't even want to pig out.  Which is unusual for me this time of year.  My mom and little  sister spent all of Christmas Eve baking so there were plenty of cookies to choose from for dessert...and Ice Cream...and Apple Pie.  I could only stomach one cookie and a bit of ice cream.  After dessert we did our family gift exchange.  My dad had me and got me some cute bright fashion scarfs and some trouser socks that were on my list.  Mom got us all a few things because she can't help herself.  It was a very Merry Christmas.
Mom and sis handing out gifts
Mj and I
Big sis and her family
The whole family together
The day after Christmas I went to the gym.  I have no idea how I made it through that hour long work out because the rest of the day was spent fighting that stomach pain which came almost like clockwork every 10-20 minutes.  It really makes you appreciate your health when you feel like total crap.  Tuesday Mj took an extra day off because I asked him to in my sad sick voice.  I was feeling well enough to visit my friend Eb and it was nice to finally have time to see her and her new baby girl.   Today I had a great pain free work out at the gym and then got my hair did.  It was a beautiful sunny 77 degrees today but do you think that stopped me from wearing my new Uggs?  Nope.  I wore a tank top to balance them out.  I'm still really enjoying my time off from work and basically don't ever want it to end.