Saturday I did something that I sadly have not done in quite a while. I put on some tennis shoes and some spandex and got my lazy butt moving. Nothing big. I just tagged along with Mj to the rec center for basketball and used the time to get in a little bit of exercise for myself. I strapped on my i pod and started walking. Let's just say I really needed it too! Friday date night was a Comedy Club/dinner date where I devoured some cheese sticks and a giant greasy [delicious] Chicken Casadilla, DESSERT and had no problem meeting my 2 drink minimum requirement.
My neighborhood is a little suspect so I am not very comfortable walking around there lest I run into the barefoot, basket pushing mentally ill folks talking to themselves that I normally only see at a safe distance from my car. I don't have room for exercise videos in the house and I can't seem to drag my butt to the gym at 6:00pm after getting off work. It was much more doable when I got off at 3:30pm. Making matters worse, they shut down the old Active Club when they built the new Sport Club and I have not upgraded to Sport level. No excuses! I am truly to blame for being so lazy and not figuring out a way to fit in exercise.
After about 1 hour of brisk walking I found a corner to do some stretching and could feel that I have lost a lot of my flexibility over the years. I used to be a regular gumby and now I have to struggle a little bit to get my nose to my knees. There was a ramp railing and I put my leg up and did some stretching and plies that reminded me of my old ballet classes. Which I dearly miss. I could just feel my body aching to dance and leap and arch gracefully. It's the gymnast in me. I miss movement. I miss pointing my toes and extending my fingers just so. I miss standing on my hands in a perfect split and coming down in a lunge and the feeling of exertion it takes to control the movements of my body and push it further and further. Granted, I know I will never be able to do what I used to but I can't think of much better exercise then standing on my hands even if it's just cartwheels and back walk overs. Yoga and Pilate's is a great way to maintain and I haven't been since August when I went along with my mom. You know you are out of shape when you are sore and doing the stick up your butt walk just from walking and heavy stretching.
My old gymnastics days along with diet is what's kept me in shape to this day. Appearance wise anyways. Despite my lack of working out the abs and the little biceps don't seem to go away no matter how much I neglect them. I am so grateful for the foundation of fitness it has left me with but it has also made me complacent. Just because I don't need to loose weight [of course this is debatable] doesn't mean that I don't need to work out. My endurance is down and my flexibility is lacking. My heart and body needs a work out to stay healthy.
I'm not into making promises I may not be able to keep but I am going to see what I can do about getting myself active again. The last time I had a work out routine and was going to the gym regularly was in 2008!!! It's been far too long and even if my mind is lazy enough to keep me away from the gym it's obvious that my body still craves it.
In Ten Years.....
And now for the hard part. Where do I want to be in 10 years? It's kind of ironic that I of all people would receive an award with this as a topic because I seriously have no clue. I have always been sort of aimless and confused when it comes to my future. This has always bothered me and yet I still have not managed to figure out a way to change it.
The only thing I know for sure is that I want to be happy and loving life. Whatever keeps the happiness coming is what I want for the future. When you have gone through years and years of your life without that you really realize just how precious and priceless it is. I also want for Mj and I to be celebrating our 12Th anniversary together and still be as happy and in love as we are right now. Yes, those are obvious answers but when it comes to concrete future predictions....I got nothin'.
I still haven't decided if I want children. I could say that I would like to have a career, which I do, but without any ideas or direction on my part that is not likely to happen. Careers may appear out of thin air for some but thus far I have not found that to be the case for me. It would be a dream come true to be a published author because I love writing so much. Aside from modeling that is the only other thing I have ever really wanted to do.
I have to admit that I really hate my answer. It is formless and without direction. How can I not know this at my age? I am a self proclaimed planner but apparently only when it comes to short term projects. The only thing I seem to know for sure is that I don't know. I am slowly learning acceptance of this purely out of necessity so that I don't drive myself mad with frustration.
"Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be)...The future's not ours to see Que Sera, Sera"
Or something like that!!
My First Blog Award
Olivea over at The Sweet Life has so kindly given me my first blog award EVER. Thank You!!! I am absolutely honored. I do this blog because I love to write. I have been keeping journals since the age of 10 long before the Internet digital age! It's just something I need to do. The fact that anyone at all reads it or derives some sort of enjoyment out of it is such a bonus. This little blog community has been so fun to be a part of.

Blog award Rules:
1. Post where you want to be in 10 years
2. Pass it on to 10 of your BF (blog friends)
1. Post where you want to be in 10 years
2. Pass it on to 10 of your BF (blog friends)
Each of the following bloggers offers a unique perspective on all kinds of things. It's been fun and interesting to take a peak inside the lives of so many and I enjoy reading each and every one of them.
Part II of my blog award post to be continued.....
Call Of The Jammies
I have such a difficult time breaking myself out of my work week ritual of home, shower, eat, TV, random internet surfing, bed and usually in that order. I do want to go out for Tapas with Mj to celebrate his friends B day but I also want to go home and jump into my pajamas. When I make plans with friends to do anything after work it has to be at 5:30pm so I can go straight there and then get on home so I am not out too late. Logistically, that's best too because I work towards the center of town and live about 14 miles east. I'm not about to zig zag back back and forth across town or be stuck waiting with nowhere to go. Besides, most happy hours end by 7pm. If we can't coordinate our schedules for 6:00pm at the latest and/or meet at a mid point it just 'aint happening. Once I walk through the front door after a long day of work the call of jammies and relaxation is usually just too strong for me to resist.
Tonight we are meeting up at 7pm. Instead of running through all of those excuses like "I'm tired, it's a work night and I have to be at work an hour early tomorrow" I am going to step out of my stainless steel comfort zone and go. There is really no good reason not to. It's Spring so we have an extra hour of daylight and it's a nice 70 degrees out. It'll be fun, I can finally find out what the heck Tapas are and I really need to stop acting like I'm 70 years old.
Tonight we are meeting up at 7pm. Instead of running through all of those excuses like "I'm tired, it's a work night and I have to be at work an hour early tomorrow" I am going to step out of my stainless steel comfort zone and go. There is really no good reason not to. It's Spring so we have an extra hour of daylight and it's a nice 70 degrees out. It'll be fun, I can finally find out what the heck Tapas are and I really need to stop acting like I'm 70 years old.
She Hates Your Wedding Website

The author of this article pokes fun at wedding websites and refers to them as yet another way for people to "...celebrate their daily existence....Instead of being tasteful, utilitarian affairs, these sites inevitably turn into showcases for unbridled narcissism—and open the couple up to a great deal of mockery from friends and strangers alike." Her and her girlfriend spent hours laughing at different websites and forwarding the links to other friends to laugh about too. "Pretty soon everyone had seen "Jane" and "Tim's" site, on which they treated their impending nuptials with all the pomp that preceded Princess Diana's wedding."
"The vibe is perhaps meant to be "classy," but it's very hard to achieve an understated aesthetic when the message you most want to telegraph is LOOK AT ME."
"The vibe is perhaps meant to be "classy," but it's very hard to achieve an understated aesthetic when the message you most want to telegraph is LOOK AT ME."
"There are a grand total of 651 pictures featured—from baby photos to Solo-cup-filled college dorm-room shots to shots of their four—count 'em—engagement parties."
Personally, I don't think there is anything inherently wrong with having a wedding website and I'm not just saying that because I have one right now. No, I do not think my wedding is the most important thing in the world but it is important to me and so I'm going to share it. The Internet along with face book, twitter, and everything else is here to stay so why not make it fit your needs? Why not utilize it to share a special day in our lives and as a tool to share useful wedding information with guests? People hardly use stamps anymore because we pay bills, send letters, and almost everything else online. Now, guests can RSVP online directly from a web page-no stamp required. It's just a sign of the times. There is a website for everything now.
I do agree that these days the need to publicize every single little thing has become very widespread and a little annoying. You need only take one look at your face book news feed to see this. People are posting everything from "I got a new job," "running errands" to "going out for sushi" to "I lost my keys." And, they are doing it all day every day. I'm thinking about posting something like "picking my nose" just to see what people might say and to make a point. Some people really do feel the need to track their every little move on the Internet. It doesn't bother me too much, I just happen to not be one of them.
When you are in love you want to shout if from the roof tops but that might cause a scene and/or bodily injury. So, we make a website instead. I love ours. It was fun to make and there is nothing on there I would be embarassed about 20 years from now. I used I did not post 500 pictures of the two of us walking into the sunset and staring lovingly into each others eyes, but so what if I did? There is nothing wrong with being happy, in love, and wanting to share that with friends and family. That's what we do at weddings and that's what we do on wedding websites.
Personally, I don't think there is anything inherently wrong with having a wedding website and I'm not just saying that because I have one right now. No, I do not think my wedding is the most important thing in the world but it is important to me and so I'm going to share it. The Internet along with face book, twitter, and everything else is here to stay so why not make it fit your needs? Why not utilize it to share a special day in our lives and as a tool to share useful wedding information with guests? People hardly use stamps anymore because we pay bills, send letters, and almost everything else online. Now, guests can RSVP online directly from a web page-no stamp required. It's just a sign of the times. There is a website for everything now.
I do agree that these days the need to publicize every single little thing has become very widespread and a little annoying. You need only take one look at your face book news feed to see this. People are posting everything from "I got a new job," "running errands" to "going out for sushi" to "I lost my keys." And, they are doing it all day every day. I'm thinking about posting something like "picking my nose" just to see what people might say and to make a point. Some people really do feel the need to track their every little move on the Internet. It doesn't bother me too much, I just happen to not be one of them.
When you are in love you want to shout if from the roof tops but that might cause a scene and/or bodily injury. So, we make a website instead. I love ours. It was fun to make and there is nothing on there I would be embarassed about 20 years from now. I used I did not post 500 pictures of the two of us walking into the sunset and staring lovingly into each others eyes, but so what if I did? There is nothing wrong with being happy, in love, and wanting to share that with friends and family. That's what we do at weddings and that's what we do on wedding websites.
Alterations, Invites, and Mom
Let's just say I totally underestimated the time it would take to address invitations. What seemed like a fairly simple project turned into a 4 1/2 hour job! The good news is that my partner was my mom and yes there was champagne, candy, dessert and chatting throughout making it fun.
My mom came down Saturday and I took her over to see our new still in progress house. It was so cool to be able to share that with her. She is so happy for us. Then, we went downtown for a nice lunch. On the way home we stopped over at David's Bridal so I could have my dress alterations done. They had to take it in on the sides in the area between my waist and my hips so it will fit better, shorten it, and add the bustle. Grand total....$224.00!! Ouch. I am shocked that I of all people will be wearing something that cost $700 bucks. For one day. The under $500 dress is technically no longer which I am kind of bummed about but it had to be done.
The fiance did his homeworK and delivered with a nicely organized excel spread sheet of addresses. Mom came armed with her address book and we got to work folding, stuffing, sticking, and writing. My RSVP's were messed up because I did not include a line next to Name(s) _________ and so Name(s) ended up smack dab centered with no room to the right to write. It looked really goofy and I was really upset with myself for making this mistake but I had an online chat with Invitations By Dawn and they were really great about re printing them at no charge and shipping them out within days. On the inner envelopes I stuck labels I made wIth our website info and wrote the guests names. We used all of those free address labels that we have accumulated over the years to put on the outer envelope instead of writing out our return address. I didn't use any special pens or monograms. My mom so kindly volunteered to do the mailing for me and will pick out nice wedding stamps to use.
Mj and I got into a bit of a debate about including a stamp on the RSVP envelopes for those that we know use the Internet regularly. Our label clearly says to check out our website where they can RSVP online and is prominently placed on the outer envelope so I chosing not to include stamps for my Internet savvy friends. I just didn't see the point and at .40 cents a pop I wanted to save my mom the expense. Mj felt that he could not determine who is Internet savvy nor could he guarantee that each and every guest would look at our website. I told him that I don't care if they choose not to....they will just have to pony up a stamp because we did give them the option to go online. He seemed uncomfortable with not including stamps so I told my mom to put them on all of his RSVP's.
We took a dessert break then finished up. Mom didn't leave until 11:30 pm. Our planned guest total is 75. No babies or kids and for the most part we did include plus ones if they were married or had a significant other. We sent out a total of 72 invitations that include 116 people!! Are we taking a huge risk? There are a lot of out of state/out of town folks. We know that our wedding is the most sought after event of the Summer season-but of course. Even so, we expect that a lot will not be able to attend. We just went ahead and invited who we wanted and hope that it will all shake out in the end at around 75-80. If not...we're in BIG trouble!!
Lot 55
Looks Like We're Gettin' The House!!
the models
I thought this was so cute!!!
This whole time I've been sort of holding my breath about this whole house thing. Not really talking about it too much and trying to not get too excited. We've been to the design studio to pick out our cabinets, appliances, flooring and other options. We've spent plenty of time pouring over the models. We go by there every week to take pictures of the home building progress and we receive weekly e mails from the builder letting us know what's going on next. We've watched it go from a pile of dirt to an actual frame with steps in it and even ran into a couple of our future neighbors at the sales office. This is a huge and exciting thing yet the fun of it all has been subdued by fear and the house has not ever really felt like ours even after contract signing.

At the Home Design Studio
First it was the money. Then, when I decided I wanted the house so bad that even though it was above what we originally planned I didn't care. It was still doable and I wanted it. Then, once I got over that it was financing. We got denied our VA loan by the home builder's preferred lender so we immediately went to USAA. We submitted our paperwork two weeks ago and this everlasting limbo has just been going on and on. According to contract we could lose our lot without a lender approval so this was very stressful. You know they don't keep building houses for people who haven't yet figured out how they are going to pay for it. They kept putting our file off behind other ones with closer closing dates instead. Until today. We finally got our answer from USAA and the answer is YES!!
Never mind that Mj sent me this evil e mail telling me that we got denied causing my heart to drop into my shoes only to call me a minute later and tell me he was just joking. How mean is that? Let's just say I am really not used to getting what I want. He is the optimist. He hopes for the best and usually gets it. I however hope for the best, but expect [and prepare for] the worst. Once I heard the news I was overjoyed. I was at my desk doing the happy dance with my shoulders. This means that this is really going to happen for us. We are really going to move out of this tiny studio. We are going to be moving into the new house we have been wanting and it WILL be before our wedding. In the not so distant future I will have space to hang my clothes, a garage to park my car and be able to do laundry without stockpiling quarters. Oh, and MJ can finally get all of his stuff out of storage-including the Wii. Maybe I will finally get some exercise!! My parents are also finally going to get some of their garage back when we can go over there and pick up our storage bins they have so kindly stored for us.
I want to enjoy this experience at least a little and not just be stressed out by it. I think now that we have made it through this final hurdle I will finally be able to. Next step: lock in our interest rate and decide on points. Then, closing here we come!!
2 Amazing Years
Yesterday Mj and I had a wonderful day together. Nothing big. Sleeping in. Lounging around in pajamas for a bit. Catching a matinee [Shutter Island] and running a few errands. Cooking tostadas together and eating dinner and beer in front of the TV while watching a DVD. The sun was shining, the day was relaxed and I was happy. Just happy to be in that moment. Ordinary day or not it was perfect. I'd look at Mj and think to myself "Oh my god, how I love that man." This amazing feeling of love sometimes just overwhelms me. I look at him and I cannot believe that this amazing person is mine to have and to hold. He has gotten used to me just sort of staring at him for no apparent reason with this [hopefully] dreamy look on my face by now.
Like life a relationship is composed of moments. Snapshots in time. Not always perfect or ideal and often times pretty ordinary, but snapshots just the same that create the continuum of what we do and who we are. That moment that I met Mj was life changing for me. I certainly didn't know it at the time but I was meeting the man I always wanted and needed. He completes me. How corny is that? I mean, it is best known as a Jerry McGuire quote but corny or not it is so true. There aren't better words to describe it. I cannot imagine a world in which he does not exist. I don't want to.
Sometimes I get annoyed at him when he leaves his socks on the floor, his clothes hanging haphazardly over the couch or he looses something else. There has to be a laundry list of ways that I probably annoy him with my neat freak tendencies, pessimism, and being so darn picky when it comes to food just to name a few. He is not perfect. I am not perfect. We are not perfect. But that does not matter. We are perfect together and any imperfections he may have are drowned in the love that I feel for him. Sometimes I do not feel worthy, but he loves me despite all of my flaws. There is this level of comfort in the knowledge that simply being me is enough.
2 years ago today we had our first date on a rainy Saturday night. We got set up by my friend. They were both in Arizona for some Military schooling and at a get together and she had the bright idea after meeting him that we should meet up. And meet we did. Fall in love we did. And now I feel like the luckiest girl in the world. I was working a promo job that night. I was downtown and when I saw a silver SUV pull up to the designated spot outside the convention center I walked right up to it and got in. I suppose he could've been a psycho or another guy who's calls I would have to dodge but instead he turned out to be my future husband. We ate dinner at Friday's. I was dating just for the hell of it but this one stood out for me because I genuinely laughed like I had not on any other date. It wasn't that ha, ha polite kind of laugh but one from the heart. This one was different.
One date led to another. I could only describe it as a whirlwind of fun, romantic dream dates and getting to know each other better. I would tell myself one day that this guy better not expect me to spend every weekend with him and then the next thing I knew that was all I wanted. I was reluctant to take this journey because of my issues, my fears and because of my past. My sometimes very depressed and often isolated lifestyle was not healthy and often unhappy but to change anything about it would mean to lose control and that terrified me. When it was just me I could and did neglect my own emotional well being but having him in my life meant I could no longer do that. I could no longer wallow in misery. It meant I needed to do better. Not just for me but for him too. Finally, I could no longer ignore what my heart was telling me and I chose happiness. It was really hard for me to let go and let love in but when I did I fell head over heels. We missed out on eleven months of our 2 years together when he was deployed but we quickly picked up where we left off and have made up for lost time. It was a tough time for me but he was well worth the wait.
I am sitting at my desk at work when I hear a man say he is looking for me. He walks back to my desk with a package from Edible Arrangements. I am puzzled and completely surprised. This day never actually became our official anniversary because we became engaged the same year that we met and changed it to that instead for the following year. Inside are chocolate & peanut butter covered apples and a note that says "Do you remember what day today is?...I do." And of course I remember. It was only one of the best days of my life. And I smile because I am lucky and happy. And because I remember all the times it felt like there was nothing worth living for and thanks to Mj I now know without a doubt that there is.
Like life a relationship is composed of moments. Snapshots in time. Not always perfect or ideal and often times pretty ordinary, but snapshots just the same that create the continuum of what we do and who we are. That moment that I met Mj was life changing for me. I certainly didn't know it at the time but I was meeting the man I always wanted and needed. He completes me. How corny is that? I mean, it is best known as a Jerry McGuire quote but corny or not it is so true. There aren't better words to describe it. I cannot imagine a world in which he does not exist. I don't want to.
Sometimes I get annoyed at him when he leaves his socks on the floor, his clothes hanging haphazardly over the couch or he looses something else. There has to be a laundry list of ways that I probably annoy him with my neat freak tendencies, pessimism, and being so darn picky when it comes to food just to name a few. He is not perfect. I am not perfect. We are not perfect. But that does not matter. We are perfect together and any imperfections he may have are drowned in the love that I feel for him. Sometimes I do not feel worthy, but he loves me despite all of my flaws. There is this level of comfort in the knowledge that simply being me is enough.
2 years ago today we had our first date on a rainy Saturday night. We got set up by my friend. They were both in Arizona for some Military schooling and at a get together and she had the bright idea after meeting him that we should meet up. And meet we did. Fall in love we did. And now I feel like the luckiest girl in the world. I was working a promo job that night. I was downtown and when I saw a silver SUV pull up to the designated spot outside the convention center I walked right up to it and got in. I suppose he could've been a psycho or another guy who's calls I would have to dodge but instead he turned out to be my future husband. We ate dinner at Friday's. I was dating just for the hell of it but this one stood out for me because I genuinely laughed like I had not on any other date. It wasn't that ha, ha polite kind of laugh but one from the heart. This one was different.
One date led to another. I could only describe it as a whirlwind of fun, romantic dream dates and getting to know each other better. I would tell myself one day that this guy better not expect me to spend every weekend with him and then the next thing I knew that was all I wanted. I was reluctant to take this journey because of my issues, my fears and because of my past. My sometimes very depressed and often isolated lifestyle was not healthy and often unhappy but to change anything about it would mean to lose control and that terrified me. When it was just me I could and did neglect my own emotional well being but having him in my life meant I could no longer do that. I could no longer wallow in misery. It meant I needed to do better. Not just for me but for him too. Finally, I could no longer ignore what my heart was telling me and I chose happiness. It was really hard for me to let go and let love in but when I did I fell head over heels. We missed out on eleven months of our 2 years together when he was deployed but we quickly picked up where we left off and have made up for lost time. It was a tough time for me but he was well worth the wait.
I am sitting at my desk at work when I hear a man say he is looking for me. He walks back to my desk with a package from Edible Arrangements. I am puzzled and completely surprised. This day never actually became our official anniversary because we became engaged the same year that we met and changed it to that instead for the following year. Inside are chocolate & peanut butter covered apples and a note that says "Do you remember what day today is?...I do." And of course I remember. It was only one of the best days of my life. And I smile because I am lucky and happy. And because I remember all the times it felt like there was nothing worth living for and thanks to Mj I now know without a doubt that there is.
I'm Gettin' Chair Covers
When I saw that the ballroom chairs at our venue were gold not some ugly maroon or green color I decided that chair covers were not a must have. It's a nice cozy ballroom on it's own. I would table it and see where we ended up budget wise everywhere else AND what kind of deal I could get and make a decision then. Aside from my little simple centerpieces that I am making and the tulle to decorate the ceremony arch I am not doing much decorating so it would be nice to do something but not at the expense of budget. When even the groom pipes up and says that it would be a really nice touch...well, then you really have to take it into consideration.
Some charge as high as $4.50 per chair but I found a lady that works out of her home who only charges $2.70 a chair total!! This is pretty much the lowest price anyone is offering them for in our area. This includes delivery, set up, and breakdown. That is a super bargain and I really wanted them so I decided to go for it. The total cost is $202.50 for 75 chairs. I also added the $11.00 insurance at .15 per chair so if any permanent staining or damage occurs to any of the covers I won't be responsible for replacing them.
I considered black covers with pink sashes because those are our exact colors but have decided to go with a white cover and the light pink organza sash instead. The black just didn't look right against a white table cloth and even if I wanted to pay for black linens which I don't. black on black would have darkened up the room way too much. I plan on choosing the black linen napkins.
I'm even getting excited about my DIY centerpieces now which will cost about $80 total for 10-11 tables. I found slightly fuller and a bit higher rounded vases at Walmart with a lip at the top for $1 each. This one is not so tiny and it will allow me to tie a black organza bow around each one. I'm adding a single floating pink carnation to each. It will be lit up with a submersible LED light and have pink stones at the bottom. They will sit on top of the round mirror and be surrounded by 3 votive candles and I'll scatter pink and black silk flower petals around it. So far, I've only found black ones online and the best price is 500 for $6.00 at It's all coming together!
I am so thrilled to be adding such a pretty decoration to our venue that actually fits my budget. Our reception will be transformed into this beautiful display of whimsy and elegance. I am so not the girl who has always dreamed of a fairytale wedding. Not that I didn't want one. I just never imagined it would be possible for me and it's so exciting to feel like I am getting one now.
Bridal Bouquet & Dress Size
Did anyone know that the size of the bride is supposed to play a role in the size of her bridal bouquet? I surely didn't but come to think of it the florist did mention something about my size and that the bouquet should not overpower me or overshadow my dress. I guess it makes sense I just never thought about it. In doing some internet research I actually came across a formula.
Also, you are apparently not supposed to toss your actual bridal bouquet. The florist asked me if I wanted a throw away one and I decided not to for budget reasons. If I do a throw away bouquet you can bet that will be one I buy at the grocery store and put together myself! I am not even sure I want to do a bouquet toss. I think I will see how many single ladies there are going to be and decide from there. And, the more I think about it the less I want to throw my $110 bouquet away. It's going to die anyways and I will be throwing it away eventually but I guess for sentimental reasons I would like to wake up the next morning and still have it around.
- Dress size 1-10=12 roses
- Dress size 12-18=18 roses
- Dress size 20+ =24 roses
Also, you are apparently not supposed to toss your actual bridal bouquet. The florist asked me if I wanted a throw away one and I decided not to for budget reasons. If I do a throw away bouquet you can bet that will be one I buy at the grocery store and put together myself! I am not even sure I want to do a bouquet toss. I think I will see how many single ladies there are going to be and decide from there. And, the more I think about it the less I want to throw my $110 bouquet away. It's going to die anyways and I will be throwing it away eventually but I guess for sentimental reasons I would like to wake up the next morning and still have it around.
Flowers Aint Cheap

I would love to have flowers for centerpieces but I simply do not want to spend the money that it would cost to do it. My centerpieces will be DIY and each have one pink floating carnation. There is a beautiful elegant white arch with multiple columns at the ceremony location set against a wall of greenery that will be in full bloom with flowers in July so I have decided to leave well enough alone. I will only be dressing the arch in tulle that costs $100 from the hotel.
My price quote is $428.04 and includes the following:
- Bridal Bouquet $110.00
- Attendant Bouquets 4 @$40.00 each
- Mom's corsages 2 @$17.99 each
- Groom Boutonniere $14.99
- Groomsmen, Dad's, officiant Boutonniere 7 @$9.99 each
I feel just a little bit indulgent and excessive at the thought of carrying a $110 bouquet. I mean, do I really need a prop that expensive? One I will carry down the aisle then toss over my shoulder and send home with someone else. I did not order a "throw away" bouquet. I was hoping for $80 and do not feel that I have requested anything too elaborate. I don't like cascading. Good thing because they cost even more. I chose a round bouquet with all light pink roses and baby's breath throughout which I love. It will have some ivy around the edges for finish and a white satin ribbon around the stalks with white pearls running down it. And that's all folks. The range she gave me for the bouquet was $110-$140 so of course I asked for the lower end. However many roses $110 will get me should be enough. The attendant bouquets have a lot more greenery and a few different kinds of flowers in it with names I can't remember, including Carnations in different shades of pink and will be tied with a black ribbon. One benefit of having a smaller bridal party-less flower expenses.
I didn't originally think about all of the extra corsages and boutonniere's for the mom's, dad's and officiant/friend but I want each of them to have one and as with everything else it just adds up. The thought has crossed my mind to try to do DIY some of it. I don't know if I am ambitious enough to do it all myself but if I throw the attendant bouquet's together myself I'm pretty sure I could do it for less then $160.
I have a co worker who does flowers on the side as a hobby. I might be able to have her do all bouquet's and then I would only have to order the boutonniere's and corsages from Allen's which might save me money if she could do it for less then the $270 quoted. Fifty has some DIY Wedding combos I could play around with. I have also found some reasonable priced wholesale flowers online at Growers Box and Blooms By The Box but I will ONLY pursue this route if it will save me significantly more money otherwise I might as well save myself the time and worry and just leave it to the professionals.
We shall see. Either way I am still under my original budget and overall $428 for bridal party/parent flowers doesn't seem to be all that bad considering what it could be. I am really happy with my selections. The lady who helped me didn't seem pushy and it was not some high end boutique shop. After browsing online I think the prices are reasonably low and competitive.
Can't Miss Gymnastics
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Rebecca Bross |
I love gymnastics. It's my favorite sport in the whole world. It only comes on about 3 times a year and I wasn't about to miss this one. Mj has learned not to mess with me when my sport is on. He gave up the remote without me asking because he knew I absolutely would not tolerate flipping back and forth between channels on commercials.
Rebecca Bross won first place as expected. She may not have the artistry of Nastia Liukin but very few do. What she lacks in artistry she makes up in power, difficulty and consistency a la Carly Patterson. She narrowly missed being a World Champion last year and even though the Olympics is two years away she is expected to contend for the All Around title there. When you think about it she's actually next in line. In 2004 Carly won. In 2008 Nastia Liukin took the throne. What do these gymnasts both have in common aside from winning Olympic gold? Both trained at WOGA in Plano Texas and so does Rebecca. She is also trained by Nastia's dad/coach Valery Liukin. 2012 is really Rebecca's turn to win the Olympics when you think about the lineage of Olympic champions in her gym. She got to watch Carly and Nastia train their butts off, kick butt at the Olympics, and cash in on all of the wonderful rewards that come to those who win Olympic Gold. She probably wants it so bad for herself she can taste it. It seems as if it is her destiny to win it next and she is on her way. Carly and Nastia are among the many great gymnasts who have won the American Cup and now Rebecca is too.
So much pressure goes along with all that destiny but she is a solid competitor and if she stays injury free it can be hers. There are world class gymnasts all over the world training day in and day out for that very same goal. The competition will be fierce and destiny or not she will have to fight for it just like everyone else.
I thoroughly enjoyed watching the competition even though I had to blow off my eye doctor appointment to do it. It's all about priorities.
Invites/RSVP's En Route & Website DONE

After extensive research I decided on Invitations By Dawn. I immediately liked "In The Pink" online and knew it was perfect when I received the free sample. I could have gotten some cheaper ones but they would have looked that way too. It is a fold over design printed in raised black script on pink heavy card stock paper. There is a pretty black and a pink pearlized flower embossed on the front and our first names are visible from the front through a little cut away. They match our wedding colors, they look elegant and are of good quality. They come with outer AND inner envelopes. The cost is $121.80 for 100 invitations and $65.80 for 100 Response cards. We also got invitation tissue for $2.00 making the grand total $189.60. I was able to customize everything online. I was able to view a mock up of the invitation but not the RSVP. I did not order proofs. They were $15 each. I liked the invite sample and I proof read the invite so I think it will be OK that I didn't.
I also got to working on our wedding website because we are going to print the website URL on mailing labels and stick them to the outside of the inner envelope. This is the online digital age. There is a website for everything so why should my wedding be any different? We are using Guests can RSVP and choose their meal here. They can view our wedding registry, city information, wedding and hotel information, view pictures of us , sign our online guest book, contact us, and find out a little bit about how we met. It's totally free. I LOVE the way it turned out and it was really fun doing it too.
I will plan on sending them out early March and request RSVP by June 1st.
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