Ode to Blogging

Linking it up with Leslie @Blonde Ambition
Blogging, blogging.  Oh, how I love thee.  I wanted to take a minute to say how much I absolutely love blogging.  I've had this blog since 2009.  In the beginning I had things to say and a desire to share it with others but I was basically just blogging into cyberspace. I don't think anyone read it.  I didn't get any comments and I had no followers.  But so what. I didn't care because I loved to write and now I had my own little spot on the internet in which to do so.  Ever so slowly I started getting a few followers.  Then there was a comment every now and then and that was just a bonus.  Now I still don't have a lot of followers but my blog has really grown in the sense that it has become part of a fun blogging community that I enjoy very much.  I'm not doing a lot of the things that other blogger are doing to increase their following and I know that.  I guess I'm old school.  When I first started most of us happily tapped away at our computers without giving that much thought to GFC numbers and if we got 2 comments we were thrilled.  The primary marketing strategy was posting and commenting on other posts.  I don't do a lot of giveaways or link ups and I haven't ventured into sponsorships.  I did make a blog Facebook page but I'm not very well "liked."  I guess I'm still trying to figure out where I fit in on all of that.  I don't put pressure on myself to post a certain amount.  I want to keep this fun and not burn myself out.  I see that happening to a lot of bloggers lately and I'm just not so sure I want to go there.  This blog was never about numbers to begin with and don't want that to change.  I don't concern myself so much with figuring out ways to increase traffic.  I do what feels naturally to me and if people like it they will keep coming back.  I want to allow my blog to be what it is and accordingly it has grown organically which is basically another name for very slooooowly.  A huge following isn't necessarily what I'm after so I'm okay with that.  Mostly anyways.  I have to admit that I succumb to blogger mogul envy every now and then but I think that's only natural.

I'm not a food blogger, fashion blogger or personal finance blogger.  I don't fit into any one niche so I have to call myself a lifestyle blogger.  Which sounds kinda cool actually.  I'm a mash up of all kinds of different things so I makes sense for me that my blog is too.

I've been writing in journals since I was 10 and in online journals since 2003 so I think it was meant to be that I have a blog.  I do this because I love to write.  On one hand it might seem weird that I blog because I'm more of a private quiet person.  On the other hand it makes complete sense because I love writing so much.  I keep my url under wraps for the most part.  It's hard not to mention that I blog because it's such a fun part of my life but at the same time I like to keep it for myself and not share the link with everyone that knows me.  Mj's  had it since the start but it's only recently that my older sister has it too.  Sometimes I have mixed feelings about putting so much out there on the internet.  I don't share all of my secrets of course but still; we kinda put ourselves out there every time we hit publish.   It goes with the territory.  Being part of the blogging community is such a joy to me.  I get to do what I love and interact with others who love doing it too.  I love checking in every day to see what all of you are up to.  When someone decides to follow my blog or takes a few minutes to read or comment it always means a lot to me. I may not follow every blog, comment on every single post I read or reply to every single comment I get but know that I love it that we are all in this blogging thing together. 

Anyways, I was enjoying my Saturday morning blogging and brimming with all kinds of ideas for blog posts.  I started feeling all mushy inside about blogging and so I started a new post and just had to get that out.  Here is another link about why I blog.

Blogging is Bad for Your Budget

Being part of the blogging world is so informative.   You get to see all kinds of things that people are wearing and buying and doing.  We post Christmas wish lists that makes others wish for it too and exchange ideas on home decor, beauty products and fashion just to name a few.  Blogging is great and all but it can be bad for your budget and I have a hard trail of evidence to prove it starting with what happened in December. 

Exhibit A:
Back in December I saw this Holiday wish list posted on Brown Girl blogs that included Tom's Wedge Booties.  So what did I do?  Within hours I ran to my computer and ordered them from Nordstrom's.  I also saw blue chambray shirts on lots of wish lists so I wanted that too but luckily I got that from Mj for Christmas.  Or you can bet I probably would have been out buying that too!

Well, once I had a cute pair of wedge booties in beige of course I had to have a pair in black.  So what did I do?  Within days I'd done my research and and ordered these Etienne Aigner black suede wedge booties on Amazon.

Exhibit B:
And sadly, it doesn't end there for me.  Not only that, but I dragged my fellow bloggers along with me for the ride.  I'd been wanting a striped cotton blazer for a while.  They were wearing them all over Europe when we were there and I was silly enough not to buy one.  After I got home I searched and searched but couldn't find one in any stores.  I gave up, but seeing Brittany's over at Fun With the Fullwoods looking so good in hers refueled the fire.  Isn't she pretty?  By the way this woman had a baby not too long ago.  Anyways, thanks to Brittany I had to continue my search.

So what did I do next?  In January I googled it and found them at Old Navy for a great price.  I thought about it for exactly one day then went there and snatched up the last size small.  Faith at Life, Love & Marriage posted this cute outfit with a striped blazer she saw on another blog so I knew she wanted one too.  It was my blogger duty to tell her  about it so I e mailed her and what did she do?  Within days she ordered it online.  Here we are in our must have striped cotton blazers styled in two totally different ways.

Top: Express // Blazer:  Old Navy 
Jeans:  Joe's Jeans // Boots:  Aldo

Too bad Mj noticed that the sensor tag was still on it when he took these pics.  Thank goodness I'd stuffed the receipt in the pocket so when I finally went back they knew I hadn't stolen it.  I also noticed that I forgot to put on a belt and that these other ladies are miles ahead of me as fashion bloggers.  Good thing I'm not a fashion blogger, but still; I need to work on my skills.

Faith- Top: Alloy// blazer: Old Navy  // Necklace & Earrings: F21 //
Jeans: Old Navy // Shoes: Zara's

How cute does she look? I love the way she styled it with pink shoes and rolled up the sleeves. A big thanks to her and her photographer husband for braving the snow for these shots. It just dawned on me that she came down with pneumonia not too long after these shots were taken. She's all better now thank goodness.  I hope this photo shoot didn't bring it on.  Oh the sacrifices we make for blogging.

 Exhibit C:
The story of woe continues.  While I was in Old Navy getting that striped cotton blazer I saw the gingham shirts that everyone in blog land has been rocking lately.  I told myself I wasn't shopping anymore, well except for that cotton blazer that got me there in the first place, so I didn't get it.  Then, I saw this post over at Because Shanna Said So about buying the black and white gingham she finally found at Old Navy after an exhaustive search.

I stayed strong and told myself I didn't need it but it was Emily's post at The Sweetest Thing that pushed me over the edge; and I quote. I own gingham button-downs in several colors because of the versatility. They are layering essentials, they look great alone, and they are multi-seasonal.  Well clearly Emily was telling me that I should go back for the black gingham.  I commented on her post that I'd probably be going back to Old Navy to get one in black and white.  She emailed me back that she didn't know they had them there.  I think that might be the one color she didn't have!  Well, it's a good thing I told her because within days she posted this pic.  And she's posted this shirt styled in two other amazing ways since this post.  Can you believe that I haven't even worn mine yet? But I will.

And here is Shanna rocking her black and white Gingham.  I'm learning from the best apparently.  This girl is so fashionable that she's in the running to be the first official US Wallis Blogger Ambassador.  She's in 1st place!  You can vote for her here

And that my friends is how blogging is bad for your budget.  I do believe the evidence that I have presented speaks for itself and proves that this kind of domino shopping effect is absolutely sweeping the blog world.  You better watch out.  Those fashion bloggers are dangerous!

Exhibit D:

See anything you like here?  Who knows who's posting what tomorrow.  I hate to say it but there is an excellent chance that you have already fallen victim to blogging budget busting or that you will be next.  In fact, I've been struck again.  I bought some red skinny jeans two weeks ago...something I would have never considered even buying before!  Thanks again Shanna!  All I can say is DON'T break the bank and DO exercise some measure of self control. As much as we'd like to we can't buy everything! I love checking out blogger fashions as opposed to fashion magazines or runways because it's much more accessible and realistically presented to me.  Their influence has inspired quite a few shopping episodes but as long as I'm only spending what I can afford that's okay.  It's fun to like what I see in my closet and get excited about getting dressed.  I will never be a fashionista like some of these ladies but I think my wardrobe choices have definitely improved since I've started blogging and I like that...even if my bank account doesn't!

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How I Celebrate April Fool's Day

I really couldn't have asked for a better Birthday weekend.  Five day staycation.  The weather was perfect and filled with simple things that I enjoy and a lot of me time.  Friday was Yoga in the morning, a coffee shop in the afternoon where I made some good progress on my novel and happy hour in the evening.  All things I love.

Saturday I woke up and cleaned house while Mj was at football and then we went to a local Farmers Market down the street.  It was a really small one so there weren't a ton of booths but so many of them had things that we wanted.  We went expecting to buy some fruit but ended up finding a whole lot more then that plus, eating some delicious foods too.  We might go there again for lunch next weekend!

Me and my nephew
My Chocolate on Chocolate Birthday Cake from Ralph's Grocery Store
My mom, sister and nephew came down and spent most of the day with us.  We spent some time outside in the backyard enjoying the sun and then went to dinner at Sammy's Woodfired Pizza.  I hadn't been there in a really long time.  I'm not sure why because their Pizza is really good.  All of our eyes were bigger then our stomachs.  We each ordered an appetizer when we found out they were 1/2 off and then ended up taking more food home in boxes then we actually ate in the restaurant.  But that's okay because we love left overs.  I've had so many Birthday's that having my mom, sister and Mj sing Happy Birthday to me felt kinda lame so I skipped it.  I did not however opt out of cake, ice cream and presents.  I got the same chocolate cake that we had on my Mom's Birthday because it was just that good.

Clinique eyeliner from my lil' sister

Mom, me, my sister

I'm an April Fool's baby.  Mj was at work so I spent all day Monday on my own.  I went to the gym first thing in the morning and did one very sweaty hour on the elliptical.  I was so excited to use my new Polar FT4 Heart Rate Monitor that Mj got me for my Birthday.  Then I went into recovery and relaxation mode with a manicure pedicure.  My nails were a raggedy hot mess.  It's been way longer then I care to admit since the last time they had any grooming.  My toes are this really cool pearly grey color.  I'd show them to you except I hate my feet.  I stopped over at Starbucks for some coffee and blogging time.  Then, I went over to the spa for an amazing 1 hour facial.  My skin was glowing and I felt so relaxed when I walked out of there.   Dinner was left over five cheese Pizza from Sammy's and wine.  I even fit in a random Indy chick flick.
Started the day with the gym //  New Polar FT4 HRM // 532 calories burned on the Elliptical

Nails Did // Blogging at Starbucks // Fresh from my facial // Left over's for dinner
It was a leisurely day where I had time for everything I wanted to do because the only thing on the agenda was ME.  There was no traffic.  No rushing around.  No fatigue.  No stiff neck and back from sitting at a desk in front of a computer for eight hours.  Just me in my yoga pants and flip flops wearing no make up with my hair slicked back in a wet bun and a day totally committed to doing whatever the hell I wanted when I wanted to do it.  Working on your Birthday is for the birds.  I am so glad I skipped out on it and focused on me instead.

I'm NEVER going back to work.  Now that's an April Fool's Day joke.
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Spring Break

I wore jeans to work all week just because.  We don't really have a dress code per se at but I typically err on the side of business casual.  Forget casual Friday I went with casual WEEK. 
I ate an assortment of chocolate for breakfast yesterday.  Don't worry, I had coffee too.  I tell ya, it's just been that kind of a week.  Or should I say that kind of a month.  After eating said awesome breakfast I had the nerve to go to the gym after work for one of my quickie 30 minute elliptical sessions.  I basically only burned off a few pieces of chocolate but it was better then not going at all.

Sometimes you just need to eat chocolate for breakfast
In my world there is no Spring Break.  I don't even really know what that is anymore.  We get Cesar Chavez day so I am off today and I'm telling you, the timing couldn't be better.  I really need it! So why did my co workers have to convince me to take Monday off too because it's my Birthday and I've earned an extra day off?  Things are so busy that I contemplated coming in anyways or at least doing a half day but now that I'm sitting at home in my pajamas blogging I'm so glad I decided not to.  It felt good to sleep in today and I might as well do it an extra day.  My Birthday just so happens to fall on the Monday after a holiday? This five day weekend was meant to be. I better take it!

The last time I worked on my Birthday was four years ago and I had a Microsoft Access training workshop that day.  It was awful!  The workshop was not for a beginner.  I spent the day on the verge of tears, didn't learn a thing and basically wasted my job's money.  I told myself NEVER again!   The work will be there when I get back.  It's not like I don't have a million vacation hours that I've been hoarding since I started working there.  In an hour I'll be heading off to Yoga.  I made my own Spring break and it starts today.

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Movie Madness Rant

I've been with Blockbuster for the last eight years.  Back in the old days when I was single, living alone in a studio and broke watching movies was the highlight of my week.  Who am I kidding.  It was one of the highlights of my life.  Between in store exchanges and movies by mail I was watching a new movie almost every day and spending a lot less money then it would cost me to rent them individually.  I still remember the day I walked in and found that the supply of VHS tapes was very limited that the movie selections had dwindled.  I was forced to upgrade to a DVD player.

Mj and I both love to watch movies.  When I met him he had a Blockbuster online account too so he cancelled his and we kept mine.  It was fun to still have the option to rent movies the old school way by going to the actual store and picking it out.  We still had the mail movies and there were no due dates so it was all very convenient and cost effective. 

Over the last year the store nearest to my house finally shut down.  It was one of the last to go.  It's a sign of the times and I accepted it and as long as I could still get new release movies conveniently, and I was but apparently those days are over.  The service at Blockbuster pretty much sucks right now.  I've had House at the End of the Street at the top of my queue for months.  It's on Very Long Wait along with everything else we want to see so they keep sending me filler crap from the bottom of my queue.  Everything at the top is either very long wait, long wait or short wait so we're hardly getting any movies that we really want to see.  I don't want to buy it on demand or go to Red Box just so I can finally see the darn movie when I'm paying for a service that's supposed to send it to me.  The turnaround time on receiving movies is excellent; the problem is that I'm not getting the ones I want.

They have some on demand service for TV, tablets, computers or phone that I could look into.  Netflix may be a viable option.  I don't know how their wait list situation is but I think they are more expensive.  They are $7.99 per month with $2 extra per month if I want Blu Ray and that's only for 1 movie out at at a time per month.  I can't even find a price list for any other options.  We already have Netflix streaming but most of the movies are pretty old.  I don't want to do Red Box because I've been spoiled and haven't had a due date on rentals in years and I don't want to start now.  It just feels like a hassle to actually have to drive somewhere to pick it up and bring it back at a certain time.  I have a hard enough time just getting my mail movies out to my mailbox.  I definitely don't want to get movie channels because our cable bill is high enough and they show the same movies over and over.  We DVR what we want during the free weekends.  We could get rid of Blockbuster and just order movies On Demand but at $4.99 per movie Blockbuster is a much better bargain at $18 monthly for 3 movies out at a time unlimited.  When it works.  

I have no idea why Blockbuster won't increase their inventory so that they can meet customer demand.  That's the obvious solution right?  Unless they don't want to spend the money or just don't care.  When I tried to send them an e mail to complain I couldn't even get the darn thing to send.  I just kept getting a stupid circle going round and round saying submitting when that clearly wasn't happening.  So I can't get the movies I want OR complain about it? Sigh.  What's a movie loving girl to do?  Complain here on her blog that's what.  Maybe they will find this post and call me up to offer free service for life with preferential movie access to win back my love.  Not likely, but at least I get to vent.  So that is my rant for the day.  If anyone has any suggestions on how to rectify this problem I'm all ears.

May Update:  I contacted them on twitter a few days after this post was written.  They got  back to me right away which was nice.  They could not get me House at the End of the Street but did give me a one month credit on my account and I very much appreciated it.  However, the problem remains.  We are still only getting movies at the bottom of our list.  Last week my husband signed up for a Netflix free trial.  I put House at the End of the Street at the top and we got it immediately.  I could not get Blockbuster to send me that movie since it got released in January.  That's a long time to have wait for a movie.  Looks like we will be switching.  I don't know why, but I'm sad about it.  I've been with them for so long.  They were the first ones doing this movies in the mail thing so I don't understand why they can't figure this out.  If they can't increase movie availability to serve their customers better I won't be the only one leaving.

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My Car is Old and other Weekend Happenings

On Friday night we went back to that fancy pants Luxury Cinema that charges you $19.50 for the pleasure of watching a movie in a giant recliner, ordering dinner at an additional cost and access to a button that calls someone over if you asked for 7 Splendas with your coffee but only  got 2. I know 7 is a lot and it could be causing bodily harm but I guess I just have other things to worry about.  Like making my coffee tasty with as few calories as possible.  I really didn't think we'd be back to Cinepolis so soon but Mj made plans for us to meet another couple at the location that's a little bit closer to us.  They live really close so they go all the time.  I didn't even know what movie we were seeing until we walked into the theater. Well, Mj told me a few weeks ago but I forgot then I was so busy enjoying some pre movie champagne that I didn't bother to ask.  I had no idea what Olympus Has Fallen was about and it was fun to be clueless going in and then watch it unfold. It was really good. Gerard Butler was so bad ass.  I ordered a Chicken Quesadilla not the salad and Mj stuck with the same burger he got last time. 

My car is so old I have to get a smog test to renew my registration so I did that on Saturday morning and then headed over to the mall to get my shop on and oh am I ever glad I did.  I found a coupon in my Marie Claire magazine set to expire in a week for $10 off a pair of their Crosby Street pant at New York & Company while supplies last.  It takes me forever to get to my magazines so I'm lucky I caught this one in time.  I went in, tried them on and loved them.  They have the perfect amount of stretch and flare.   The tag said $52.95, but I paid $10.00.  You so cannot beat that.  Later that night we met friends at a Sushi restaurant downtown called Katsuya for a Birthday dinner where I did not eat sushi but did discover a tasty low cal cocktail.  I prefer my food cooked thank you very much and I don't do seafood so I went with the grilled chicken.  The new discovery is Evergreen Fizz and it has Moscato, Gin, Lime juice and crushed rosemary.  I'm thinking maybe the reason it was $15 is because the bartender had to go to the trouble of crushing the fresh rosemary in the glass right there.  Downtown prices are ridiculous.

I felt bad because on Saturday Mj was heading downstairs to go to his homework and I lured him into cuddling which turned into a 3 hour nap....so he ended up doing homework for most of Sunday afternoon.  I finally watched Breaking Dawn Part II.  Soooo good!!  I loved it.  I got all teary eyed at the end.  Never mind Kristin Stewart's seeming inability to open up her mouth when she speaks; the thing that gets me about those movies is Bella and Edward's deep love for each other.  It's the kind of perfect love that you dream about when you are a little girl and watching it played out on the screen gets me all mushy inside every time.  I'm a sucker for an epic love story.  We capped off the night with Walking Dead.  Only 1 more episode left!!  I'm so sad season three is almost over.

I didn't spend one second thinking about work craziness or do any housework. 

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Tostada Pizza Recipe

We made this for dinner on Sunday.  It's one of the first things I remember Mj and I making together when we first started dating.  I made the 1 1/2 hour drive up to his apartment in Orange County for the weekend.  He suggested we make dinner together so he got out his cookbooks.  I was quite impressed that this young guy actually had cookbooks.  I on the other hand, had not a single one or even pots and pans for that matter.  We flipped through the pages and this one stood out to both of as fun and easy to make.  We went to the grocery store for ingredients.  I distinctly remember we HAD to get beer to go with it.  Our mutual love of beer is actually what attracted me to him.  Totally kidding, but it was definitely a plus.  We went back to his apartment, made dinner and watched a movie.  I can't believe that was five years ago.  We haven't made it in a really long time so it was fun to do it again and think back to the first time.

Pizza is my favorite food and I like it that making it hardly feels like cooking.  It's not a traditional Pizza but it still has cheese and therefore I love it.  Adding cornmeal on the pan gives the crust a nice crunch.  The beans and ground beef are a tasty combination.  We've never tried it with re-fried beans but if you don't want to mash up the pinto beans it would also be a tasty alternative.  We used a canned Pillsbury Pizza crust.  If you want another lower calorie and carb Mexican style pizza option check out the flatout version here.

Pinto Beans:  Mashed ones on the right

1 pound lean ground beef
1 4 ounce can diced green chile peppers, drained
1/2 0.5 ounce envelope (about 2 Tbsp) of taco seasoning mix
1 tablespoon chili powder
1 tablespoon cornmeal
1 10 ounce package refrigerated pizza dough
1 15 ounce can pinto beans, rinsed drained (or refried beans)
1 cup shredded cheddar or Monterey Jack cheese
1 cup shredded lettuce
1 medium tomato, chopped
1/2 cup green onions, chopped
bottled taco sauce (optional)

1.  In a large skillet cook meat until brown.  Drain off fat.  Stir in 3/4 cup water, chile peppers, taco seasoning mix and chilli powder.  Bring to boiling; reduce heat.  Simmer, uncovered 15 to 20 minutes or until most of the liquid is gone.

2.  Grease a baking sheet and sprinkle with cornmeal.  Pat pizza dough into a 12x8 inch rectangle on the baking sheet.  Bake at 400 degrees for 5 minutes.

3.  In a bowl mash pinto beans with fork (or just use re-fried beans) and spread over partially baked dough to within 1/2 inch of the edges.  Spoon meat mixture over beans.  Bake uncovered for 10 minutes or more until crust is just golden.  Sprinkle with cheese and bake 1-2 minutes or more until cheese is melted.  Top with lettuce, tomato and green onions.  Serve with taco sauce if desired. 

[From:  Better Homes & Gardens 75th Anniversary Edition Cookbook]

Nutritional Information: (1/16th)
Calories:  151
Total Fat:  18g
Saturated Fat:  3g
Cholesterol:  24mg
Sodium:  181g
Carbs:  19g
Fiber:  6.5g
Sugar:  1g
Protein:  12g

Long Short Weekend

This weekend seemed to last for a lot longer then a ridiculously short 2 day weekend normally does. Usually I blink and it's over but for some reason on Saturday I felt like the next day was going to be Monday but it wasn't. I still had one more lovely day.  The last two weekends have been packed with social outings but this weekend we didn't have much planned which was nice.

Saturday I woke up and cleaned house.  I dreaded it so much but was so glad when it was over.  I also got the laundry finished.  That night we went to dinner at a friend's house for an Irish meal.  One of them is actually Irish.   The corned beef and cabbage with potatoes was really good.  I drank some wine, Mj had some beer, neither one of us wore green while doing it and that was the extent of our St Patty's day celebration.
Laundry is Fun-NOT // Grocery Shopping // Watching Figure Skating & Blogging // Mj doing taxes
Sunday we did Insanity first thing in the morning.  Insane right?   I was hanging in there okay with the cardio until the drills.  That's when it got REALLY hard and I had to stop a lot.  It's a tough work out and that's only the first one.  Mj is planning to do it for 60 days but I'm not that crazy.  I'll probably just jump in there and do it every now and then until he gets to the harder ones and then I probably won't be able to do it at all.

Next on the agenda was the ordeal that is grocery shopping.  We haven't really been on a proper shopping trip in about two months.  We've only been picking up little things here and there so it was time to make that trip to the commissary.  We spent $170 which sounds like a lot but would have been a lot more had we not been on base and it should last us for a while.  I really don't like grocery shopping but it's not as bad when  we do it together.  Our pantry was a mess.  Mj totally re organized it as we put everything away.

The tax man finally did our taxes.  It was just Mj and Turbo Tax gettin' it done.  He's been our tax man for the last three years and each time he gets better and better at it.  We don't owe!  We are actually getting a nice chunk of change so that's cool.

For dinner we made Tostada Pizza.  I love this Pizza just as I love all Pizza in general.  I'll be posting the recipe soon.  We had Margaritas on the rocks with it.  I used a skinny margarita mix that has only 10 calories per 1/2 cup left over from my trip to Vegas last year!  It's about time I finished it up.  We watched an episode of Breaking Bad and Walking Dead.  Then watched The Office while eating Jello.  I forgot how good that stuff is. 

We got a lot of quality time in together just being at home and getting stuff done.  It was nice not to have much to do.  I really need that every now and then to re group. 
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I Confess!!

 I don't know about you but I like the time change!  It's dark when I get up but I start at 8am so by the time I hit the road the sun is out.  I haven't had any problem with the 1 hour loss because that extra daylight at the end of the day is so energizing.  I did way worse when it went the other way and we gained an hour because it felt like the darkness sucked away my day and my energy.  Now, let's get to my confessions.

I confess that I have no clue what's going on with the whole death of google reader.  I read blogs in my dashboard on Blogger.  Is that the same as google reader?  I also don't understand what the point of GFC might be without the reader when the whole point of following with GFC is that the blog shows up in your reader for easy following.  I have no idea how to import my blogs to Bloglovin' with that weird download thingy so I'm probably going to add them  manually one...by one....by one.  Woe is me.  I knew something was up when people started following me on Bloglovin'.  No one follows me there!   Who needs a giveaway to raise Bloglovin' numbers when the end of Google Reader does it for you?

I confess that I'm a new clothes hoarder.  I will buy something, stick it in my closet and wait months or even a year to wear it.  I've had this condition since I was a kid.  Obviously I'm not concerned about what's in season right now.  I guess I just love knowing it's there for me to wear more then I love the idea of jumping right into it the next day.  I have gotten much better about it.  Most of the things I bought over the last 6 months have been worn but I will admit I have a few tops with tags still on that I can't remember exactly when I bought.  And no I'm not a shopaholic.  Not technically anyways.

I confess that I was super excited to see this awesome mouth wash dispenser in the bathroom.  Nice touch don't you think?  And it totally worked out that no one was in there at the time so I didn't have to look like a freak taking a picture of it.  Aaahhh the perks of dining out at a fancy schmansy- read way over priced yet delicious restaurant where all they offer for parking is valet.  Truluck's is a sea food restaurant which I don't eat but their sliders are better then any I've ever had.

Link up with Leslie @A Blonde Ambition
I confess that I HATE making left hand turns out of driveways without a light onto semi busy streets.  I'd rather drive in circles then take the risk.  I'll make a right turn and then a left down another street and then a right to avoid it if I have to especially if there is someone waiting behind me.  I simply can't take the pressure.  I also suck at parking.  And driving in general.

I confess that I pretty much ate this whole bag of tortilla chips by myself in less then a week and I got busted for it yesterday when Mj couldn't find them in the pantry.  What can I say?  Anyways,  I always get a kick out of buying these because the homeboys made 'em and it says jobs not jails on the bag.  Homeboy Industries has books, T-shirts and even a restaurant.  The homegirls have their own stuff too. 

I confess that I usually don't know how old my parents are.  I did ask my mom on her birthday but I will forget in a few months and that's fine with me.  I don't ask, they don't tell and I don't keep track because I really don't want them to get older.  Not that not knowing stops aging but it's just my way of dealing with it.

I confess that even though I absolutely was not interested in picking up any new shows Mj got me into Breaking Bad.  It's about a Chemistry teacher with a cancer diagnosis turned Meth manufacturer.  We've been watching it on Netflix over the last few months and are on season 3.  It's sooooo good and it's soooo easy to get sucked into new shows.  We usually watch 2 episodes at a time.

I confess that I was really happy to see a few anonymous readers come out of the wood works to leave a kind comment on my first outfit post.  It's always so strange to hear someone say they've been reading for a long time and yet I don't know who they are.  I tend to think if 5 people commented then those are the 5 people who read the post which is completely silly.  Thanks to everyone for for your encouraging comments.

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Mom's Birthday

Birthday season has begun.  Saturday was my mom's Birthday.  She really wanted to do something besides hang around the house all day but I vetoed the Zoo idea because it's just too cold.  Is that mean?  I knew I would be miserable so they would have had to go without me and it just makes more sense to wait and go on a warmer day when it will be much more enjoyable for me everyone.  We are planning to make a day of it sometime before my older sister moves away.
Cheddar Bay Biscuits
 Mj and I drove up there and we hung out at the house and then we went to dinner at Red Lobster.  Those Chedda Bay Biscuits are to die for.  That's the best thing about that place if you ask me.  I ordered a Cobb salad so I splurged and had 2 but back in the day I used to eat 3 or 4 or probably even more.  I never kept track.
Me and Mj

My nephew DJ
This kid ate about 5 croutons pulled from the extra salad we got by accident and called it a night.  How sad that he does not yet know the joy of Chedda Bay?  How sad is it that I ate most of the fries that were intended for him?

Mom and Dad
If you aren't sure what cake to get or you want to have variety get both!!  My mom, sister and I went to Ralph's to pick out a cake and they sell them in half sizes which is a genius idea.  Mom wanted Carrot cake and my sister and I got to have our chocolate.  This was seriously one of the best chocolate cakes I've ever had!! There is no shame in a grocery store bought birthday cake.  They've stepped up their game and I think I want the chocolate for my Birthday.
Chocolate Cake or Carrot Cake?

Mom and sister
She is another year older and just as beautiful as she's always been.  I love my mom so much!!  I don't even like to know how old she is because I don't like to think about her getting older.  

Me and sister
We were there pretty late.  We didn't leave until about 11:30pm so I could barely keep my eyes open on the drive home.  My mom had a really nice birthday and I think we all had a nice time together even though we didn't do much of anything.   Next Birthday up is mine.  

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My First Outfit Post

I've never been all that stylish or trendy.  I either didn't have the money or I didn't have the eye to know how to put things together and you definitely need to have one or the other.  Looking stylish doesn't have to be expensive but you at least have to have that good fashion sense to know what to look for and how to put it together on a budget.  Since I've started blogging and following fashionistas like Emily, Faith, Yasi, Britt and Shanna I've become so inspired to do better when it comes to my wardrobe.  Seriously, these ladies put together some awesome outfits and having them pop up in my news feed every day is starting to rub off on me.  I'd read fashion magazines and still be confused about what to buy when I'm out shopping but reading blogs by real girls with real budgets shopping at real stores I can afford to shop at who look really fashionable has made such a huge difference.  I'm a casual girl.  You will not catch me running around in stilettos very often and I like to be comfortable and hate being cold.  I'm not big on wearing make up every day and if I must do errands chances are I'm going to throw on yoga pants and Sketchers.  I'll never be a bona fide fashionista but I am making more of an effort because it feels so good to feel good about what I'm wearing.

 I've been terrified to do an outfit post.  I've taken a few outfit pics, hated them and then decided not to post them.  I looked awkward, my hair didn't look right or my shirt was crooked.  It was always something but this time it's really happening! I tried so hard to do these on my own with the timer because I thought they might turn out better if I didn't have to worry about anyone looking at me.  The problem is that my camera can't focus the way it should without me in the frame. The focus happens when the shutter is pressed but when the shutter is pressed I'm out of the frame pushing it so every single one turned out blurry. In the end I broke down and had to have Mj take them for me anyways.

Sweater:  Merino Sweater, Banana Republic // Shirt:  Soft Wash Plaid, Banana Republic 
Jeans:  Straight leg, Joe's Jeans // Boots:  Perchinski, Aldo
Outfit posts are hard for me because I don't always get done up and when I do it's usually just in time to walk out the door and get where I'm going.  I feel like I don't have time, but maybe as I get more comfortable I won't need that much time.  These actually just took a few snaps and it was done.  If I hated them I just wasn't going to post it.  I'd rather it be something that I can do by myself just so I can do it on my own time and don't have to bother Mj about it but I don't know that I want to invest in a remote control for the camera.   I don't know how often this will happen but I knew that I wanted to get at least one down in the books on the blog.  Good thing I'm not a fashion blogger. This is my first outfit post and it could also be my last but here it is.

Amazing Quest & The Guys

Team #9 AKA Lay off my Biscuits (long story...inside joke)

I could hardly believe that we were doing this again.   Last year's amazing quest took us about 3 1/2 hours, involved a trolley ride to an entirely different part of town and had really hard challenges.  This year it was definitely watered down.  It was only about 2 hours, kept us right in downtown and had much easier challenges.  The take off point was a bar called Barley & Mash.  When they yelled GO we opened our first clue and took off running our little hearts out and trying to get through each challenge really fast.  It was in the 80's so we were HOT, sweaty and out of breath. 
They had us break at the half way point back at Barley & Mash.  Big mistake for us because we found out that even with all of our hustling we were still in 13th place!!  How did the #1 team do it so fast?  We couldn't figure it out so we took it easy in the 2nd half.  There was no way we would win or even come in the top 3...or even 5!  We took it so easy we skipped the last challenge because we were already over time and finished dead last.  We were tired, hungry and all we wanted was our free happy hour.  By the time we got back the other teams were probably on their 3rd drink.  The last round of the food was being put out and devoured within minutes.  I got a glass of wine and for the first time ever ate french fries so sloppy they required a fork.  Awesome by the way.  While everyone else was still partying it up in the reserved area downstairs the four of us ordered some food at the bar upstairs.  We were THE losing team so we got ran out of there.  No not really. We just got there so late we didn't get enough food. I was so worn out that night.  By 8:30pm I could barely keep my eyes open.  I felt so bad for Mj because he got busy writing a 10 page paper while I got busy falling asleep on the couch.
One of Mj's good friends L is moving out of the state so we planned a day at the park on Sunday for one last time all together.  It would have been nice if we could have flip flopped Saturday and Sunday's weather but even in California you can't always get the weather you want when you want it.  Saturday was in the 80's while we were running around the city but Sunday at the park the temperature dropped to the 60's.  It was still high 70's where we live but this was closer to the coast.  We ordered Pizza and ate this yummy cake with L's face on it.  I'm not even gonna tell you how many pieces of pizza I ate.  I was freezing for most of the day but I zipped up my hoodie, sucked it up and had fun anyways.  I got some laughs when I busted out the gloves but I didn't care. If I was smart I would have joined in on the volleyball and wiffle ball games so I could burn some calories AND stay warm. 
The Guys (L is the one on the right with the baseball cap)
Mj has a really great group of friends.  They don't just stay in touch on Facebook; they make sure that they hang out and see each other in real life too.  They bike, do dinners and take trips together.  I don't have friends like that.  Gosh, I can remember meeting all of these guys and their wives five years ago and hoping that they would like me and now I feel like part of the group.  L is really the center of the group and so good at bringing everyone together for Bar B Q's and gatherings at his house.  It's a part of life that things change and people move on but it's so sad.  It's going to be a good move for him but he will be missed by everyone.
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Confessions for the Week

I confess that my nails are jacked.  I am terrible about maintaining them between mani/pedi's and it's been a while since my last one.  I wish I enjoyed grooming them but I don't.

I confess that I pretty much froze my A** off at Mj's flag football game in 54 degree weather a few weeks ago.  This may not be very cold to some of you poor people who have had your cars buried in snow but it was miserable for me.  After an hour of these dreadful conditions my feet were actually numb in some parts by the time I got home.  Another 30 minutes and I swear I could have gotten frostbite.  When I got in the warm shower I had painful prickly's in my feet.  I'm just not made for any weather below 60.  All that suffering and the pictures turned out awful!  The lighting on the field was terrible and most of the shots were blurry.  I did better at this weeks game and even shot in manual mode!!  Super exciting considering when I first started with that setting all my pictures were black.

Reunited and it feels so good
I confess that I hate being without my wedding rings for even a day.  I finally dropped them at the jeweler to get all polished up and I was only without them for about 7 days but I felt naked without them.

I confess that we don't make our bed.  Ever.  When we first moved to our house we both used to then Mj stopped and it was just me and then I stopped.  During the week I get out of bed and don't come home for 10-12 hours.  By the time I get back it's practically time to get right back in so I don't see the point.  And forget about those decorative pillows.  Even when I was making the bed they were on the floor half the time anyways so I got rid of those a long time ago.

I confess that I am now one of those people who only likes HD and Blue Ray.  I started watching a new show on Oxygen and I was a little put out that they don't have an HD channel.  I can tell the difference in a second.

I confess that I'm terrible at remembering to take my vitamins.  It's not that hard but I have the hardest time sticking with it.  I'll do really good for a few weeks and then start forgetting again.  I was doing good up until last week and then I fell off the wagon again.

I confess that I got another box of Girl Scout Cookies because 6 wasn't enough.  One bite of those Peanut Butter Patties and I knew that 2 boxes wouldn't cut it.  They are soooo good so I had to have one more.  We have gone through about 3 or 4 of them already.  I lost count. 
Link up with Leslie @A Blonde Ambition
I confess that there are certain foods that I literally cannot control myself around.  Cereal is #1.  The serving size is so ridiculously small that I'd rather not bother because if I stop when I'm ready I'll have eaten 2 mixing bowl size servings instead.  My #2 no self control food would have to be chips.  It doesn't matter which kind either.  I will gorge myself equally on any kind that I like.  I have gone through an entire bag of Tortilla chips by myself in less then a week.  

I confess that I've never decorated a cubicle or an office in any place I've ever worked at.  The most I've ever done is put a picture on my desk. I want to but typically the sterile office environment is not at all inspiring.  That should motivate me to spruce it up but it never happens.  I don't get around to it and the next thing I know it's years later.  I guess it's that whole me not being creative thing.

I confess that work has been so crazy this week that I'm about ready to lose my mind.   We were joking that we needed a Margarita to get through yesterday's meeting.  I'm not sure how well that would have actually worked out plus I don't want to get fired so I'm glad we didn't but I definitely plan on having an alcoholic beverage of some kind this weekend.   Maybe two....or three. 

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Click Chicks Photo Challenge // Water

 I live less then 30 minutes from the Pacific ocean so you might think my water photo challenge would be something awesome like the beach with a beautiful sunset in the distance.  I would have loved that but my weekend outings did not quite take me all the way to the coast and with gas prices being just over $4 per gallon and all I went with what was in my own house. My own refrigerator to be exact.  I'm probably going to feel really lame when I check out other awesome water shots on the link up.  Maybe I should have gone back to the archives from our trip to Europe where we spent 7 days on a ship in the middle of the Mediterranean Ocean.  I got plenty of breathtaking water shots but that was last year and this is this year so I'm gonna go with what I got.  And what I got is the water that I strive to guzzle as much of as I can every day in my lovely Tervis Tumbler.  I like my water cold and I love it that these cups don't sweat and leave annoying water rings all over the place and have handy lids for travel.    

60% of the human body is water so I guess it's kind of important that we keep it hydrated.  I used to be terrible about it but about a year ago I made it my mission to drink more and I think I've done pretty well.  It helps a lot that it comes right out of the refrigerator.  I still don't understand how that happens but it's nice not to have to keep running to the store to stock up.  It feels like an unlimited supply so I drink it accordingly.  I do not get in 64 ounces every day.   Sometimes I barely make it to 32 oz but every single day I have a giant water bottle by my side most of the day and have definitely increased my intake a lot.  I'd like to say that I'm experiencing all of these wonderful side benefits from it but I really can't.  Maybe I am internally in ways that I'm not specifically aware of but overall the only side effect has been that I sweat a little more at the gym and to be honest I really could do without that one.  I haven't seen a change in my skin, energy or anything else but if everyone says I'm supposed to drink it up then drink it up I will.
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Oh, Monday's

Oh Monday's. I try not to hate you but you just make it so hard. Yesterday was crazy. I felt like I was rushing from one thing to the next all day long. Nobody wants to get out of bed on Monday after a nice weekend of sleeping in to your heart's content.  I hit the road by 7:20am and sat through a 1 hour 40 minute commute to work that normally takes 30 minutes. You know those trucks that carry sheets and sheets of glass? Well one of them got into an accident and there was glass all over the road causing a morning commute nightmare. I got to work about 40 minutes late, rushed around getting my breakfast and coffee, then took a moment to read a few blogs dove headfirst into work.  There is so much work right now with no end in sight that I wanted to cry!  Things are just really busy for us right now and the database that we use to facilitate all this work is perpetually broken so it's a little bit overwhelming.  I barely took a lunch break.  Work, work, work.  Eat a granola bar, drink some water.  More work.  The upside is that the day flew by.  Then I realized I hadn't even taken the time to get up to use the bathroom all day and I had to go BAD.  I rushed to the bathroom then rushed back to my office and locked the door so I could do a quick change into my Pilates gear.  It's always weird taking my clothes off where I work.

At 5:01pm I was running out the door.  I have 30 minutes to get there but if anything goes wrong traffic wise I'd be screwed because there are no refunds on missed classess.  It's Reformer Pilates so it's just a tad bit more rigorous then the regular kind.  It felt good to stretch out those stiff muscles in my back and neck from sitting at a desk all day.  Definitely the highlight of my day.  Fifty minutes later I jumped into the car and headed home.  I rushed into the house and put my things down so I could start making dinner right away.  It was 6:45pm by then so I wanted to get it going.  I'm no chef on a good day but especially on a busy Monday it was just Mexican Pizza on Flatouts.  Tasty and easy.  I popped them in the oven and set the timer for 10 minutes then rushed upstairs to take a quick shower.  No shaving involved so I could get back downstairs and eat while it was still hot.

At 7:45pm I finally got to sit down.  I started watching Teen Mom 2 and everyone except Chelsea was annoying the hell out of me so I found myself talking yelling at the TV.  Which is weird because normally she drives me crazy too.  Maybe I should have picked a different show to watch.  Maybe I should just quit watching this show altogether but we've already discussed my addiction so that's probably not going to happen.  Whew.  There was some cuddle time on the couch with Mj while he watched one of his shows then before too long it was time for bed.  And that was my long busy exhausting crazy Monday. 
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