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Blind as a Bat

People who were born with good eyes are so lucky. Mine are so bad my retina detached.  For a while I was scared that I was going to actually go blind. 

Going to the eye doctor is probably one of my least favorite doctor visits. When I go to the dentist I'm usually a star. They compliment me on my no fillings molars and perfect enamel.  I've heard that my teeth are sooo white more then a few times and even though I don't floss they grudgingly admit that I am getting away with it but that I won't forever.  Paps are no fun of course but I'm over it.  I do it and it's done.  Blah.

The eye doctor is a totally different story altogether.  We do the initial exam without glasses and it's like taking a test that I can't study for and am designed to fail.  What's the smallest line you can read? Uh, I can't read any of them.  Which is better, one or two?  I don't know I can't see either one.  Then driving home with my eyes dilated is comical.  I can only do it because I live so close.  They give me black shades that basically look like cheap plastic sunglasses with no arms.  I stick them inside my glasses to keep the sunlight out and I drive with my chest in the wheel like an old lady.  I avoid looking left or right for fear of seeing someone laughing at me. 

If I want new glasses which I usually don't because I typically only wear them at home and generally hate every pair that I get then it's expensive.  High index lenses don't come cheap and unless I want my glasses to look like coke bottles I have to pay the extra money to get them.  It's usually about $300 or so and even with the high index it's still a pretty thick lens. And it's not the lens itself that bothers me.  My eyes don't look tiny or too big.  It's just that blurred area where the sides of my face look mashed in because you are looking at it through the lens.  So embarrassing.  My husband is always sweet enough to tell me that I look cute in my glasses even if I feel not so cute wearing them (post about that here).  He says that he's never ever dated a girl that didn't wear glasses so it's nothing new for him.  If I don't get glasses then I put all my insurance money towards the contacts and it's not so bad.  I'm a pretty decent contact wearer but you gotta take 'em out and put 'em in and sometimes they get dry and irritated. I've learned to tolerate a lot of discomfort in my eyes.

When I went in the other day to try on my trial contact lenses for my doctor he asked the front desk lady to help me.  I followed her to the sink area and she took the contact lenses out and placed them on the counter next to the sink and waited.  She stood there hovering even as I washed my hands.  I've been wearing contacts since high school; I think I can do this on my own I thought to myself.  I took out the first contact lens and then I remembered why she was waiting there watching me.  I can't see.  She took one look at my prescription and knew that placing the lenses on the counter and walking away would not be enough.   I would need someone there to physically put it in my hand so I could find it.  And then hand me the next one.

As blind as I am I can be corrected to almost 20/20.  Unassisted I am blind as a bat.  Except bats can actually see so I wonder where that saying comes from.  I can barely count the fingers on my own hand in front of my face and everything around me blends into a gelatinous mash of blurred shapes and colors.  I know my house pretty well but if I'm in a different environment or outside I have to feel my way around slowly.  When I look at my cell phone without my glasses it's 1 inch from my face.  I look ridiculous until Mj snatches my phone and tells me to put on my glasses.  If it weren't for contacts and glasses I might have had to go to blind school like Mary on Little House on The Prairie.  Is anyone reading this old enough to remember that show?

You might be thinking that you are blind too and that I'm probably not as blind as I think I am but chances are you will be wrong.  I've been wearing glasses since 4th grade and by now they are bad.  Like -10 bad.  I haven't met a single person who has a higher prescription then yours truly.  There probably are some folks in their 60's or 70's that do.  The retina in my right eye detached when I was in college.  Normally it takes a blow to the eye to do that but mine just happened spontaneously.  I had to have surgery to repair it.  They put a band around the back of my eye so it's shaped more like a fat hot dog then a circle.  I had to have some laser in the left to fix a few holes.  With such a high prescription at such a young age I figured it would just get worse until I couldn't see anymore.  I finally asked my doctor.  Am I going blind?  He assured me that I wasn't.  What a relief.

So yeah.  Going to the eye doctor sucks because it's a reminder of how visually impaired I am.  I know some people with bad teeth.  I got bad eyes.  My husband got perfect eyes AND teeth.  Life is simply not fair.

Why I Blog

I've been blogging officially here since 2009 but unofficially I've been doing this since about 2003 in other places before it was even known as blogging.  You see, I'm a writer.  I don't get paid to do it.  I didn't major in it in college.  I'm writing a novel that may never get published and frankly I have no idea if I'm even any good at it.  All I know is that I love doing it and I have for as long as I can remember.  I've been keeping journals since I was 9 and I still have them all.  Something in me just always wanted to read words and write words and share words.  When I'm inspired I write.  When I'm sad I write.  When the world feels out of control and guessed it.  I write.  I write better then I speak.  I find it so much easier to articulate my thoughts in feelings with the written word rather then verbal.  Not to say that it's always easy to put my thoughts on paper.  Sometimes I draw a blank.  Sometimes I write something and I'm frustrated because it's not what I meant to say or how I meant to say it but I always feel a huge sense of satisfaction when I finally get those words arranged and out of my head the way I intended.

Aside from the writing part of it connecting with others similar to and different from myself is just one of the many reasons I love blogging so much.  At some point it wasn't just enough just to write anymore.  I found that I also wanted to share my writing and engage with other writing as well.  I'm not a journalist or an author so I blog.  I get to have my own little space with my words on it that belongs to me and anyone else that chooses to read it.  So many wonderful memories are here for me to look back on.  I think it's so cool that we all just put ourselves out there on the internet often for no other reason then just because we have this desire to do so.  I love it that there are so many of us in all different stages of life doing this thing we call blogging, connecting and learning from each other in ways that we never would have otherwise.

Blogging has changed so much in the last three years.  When I first started out it seems it was just about writing, sharing and getting a few comments along the way.  Then blog  awards with Q and A's and tagging started going around.  Back then you might see a giveaway here and there usually by one blogger at a time but now you hardly see a day when there aren't any.  There are group giveaways, linkups, sponsored posts, guest posting, blogger gift exchanges and social media linking.  Button swapping, blog sponsoring and buying and selling add space is all the rage.  If you haven't had a blog make-over yet you really should be looking into it.  The focus seems to have shifted to getting your blog noticed and increasing traffic.  Some blogs boast thousands of followers and more bloggers are generating an income.  Like everything else it's evolving and I think that's a good thing but there are lots of blogging trends I choose not to take part in.  Yes, I want people to read my blog but I don't view it as a business enterprise and I don't want generating followers to be my focus.  Blogging is truly an industry now which is great.  I'm just glad to be a part of it in some way.

Every now and then I get caught up in the numbers.  I compare myself to other bloggers and start to feel that what I do over here is pointless.   There are sooo many blogs out there with sooo many followers that I wonder how it's possible for me to stand out.  There are days I feel like I couldn't pull a blog post out my butt even if I wanted to and the next thing I know I'm inspired to do a silly confessional post or something will happen that I can't wait to write about.  I exchange some fun e mails with a fellow blogger or I see a post with this pair of shoes that I didn't know I couldn't live without.  Someone leaves a comment telling me that my post really resonated with them or a blogger writes something that tugs at my heart and makes me learn a little something about myself.  Then I'm reminded.  I do this because I love to and the way I stand out is just by being myself.  I can't be another blogger I can only be me.  I didn't start this to make money or to gain the most followers.  When I disentangle myself from blog stats and the never ending barrage of social media I remember that none of that really matters.   I do this because I want to and because I enjoy it and there doesn't need to be anything else.

 Why I Love Blogging  

Popularity and Blogging

Why I Like Being a Small Blog 

You Are Enough

I didn't realize how much it would mean or that I even needed to hear it at all until I did.  As I sat in my car outside work and finished listening these powerful words brought tears to my eyes and touched a place deep within my heart.
You are beautiful.  You are enough.  The world we live in is twisted and broken and for your entire life you will be subjected to all kinds of lies that tell you that you are not enough.  You are not thin enough.  You are not tan enough.  You are not smooth, soft, shiny, firm, tight, fit, silky, blonde, hairless enough.  Your teeth are not white enough.  Your legs are not long enough.  Your clothes are not stylish enough.  You are not educated enough.  You don’t have enough experience.  You are not creative enough.

There is a beauty industry, a fashion industry, a television industry, (and most unfortunately) a pornography industry: and all of these have unique ways of communicating to bright young women: you are not beautiful, sexy, smart or valuable enough.

You must have the clarity and common sense to know that none of that is true. None of it.

You were created for a purpose, exactly so.  You have innate value.  You are loved more than you could ever comprehend; it is mind-boggling how much you are adored.  There has never been, and there will never be another you.  Therefore, you have unique thoughts to offer the world.  They are only yours, and we all lose out if you are too fearful to share them.

You are beautiful.  You are valuable.  You are enough.

I'm smiling up at my husband
I know how it feels to be that girl who feels worthless and does not believe she is good enough.  I never believed in myself and felt I had nothing to offer.  I've come such a long way towards accepting and finding the good in myself after spending so many years tearing myself down.  I am not the same person I was in my teens and 20's and that's a good thing. Some measure of peace and acceptance has come with age, life experiences and a wonderful husband and for that I am grateful.  Had I heard these same words back then they would have made me cry but I probably wouldn't have believed them for even a second.  Today they not only made me cry but I actually believe them to be true.  I cried for the sad and depressed teenage girl I used to be but then I smiled at the more confident and happy woman I have become.

This is #10.  You can find the rest of Ten Things I Want to Tell Teenage Girls on Kate Connor's blog Lilly Pads.  Thank you Kate for writing this and thank you AJ of from Star 94.1 for seeing the value in this and sharing it on the radio.  I'm sure I'm not the only girl who needed to hear it.  I'm not a teenager anymore but I can still relate.  It applies to women of all ages.

If I Ruled the World and 11 Things About Me


Tiffany over at Knot Chocolate tagged me with a very deep question.  If I ruled the world....fill in the blank with three statements.  You can check out her post on this here.  This is a really hard question.  How could I possibly narrow it down to just three things?  Then I realized I was thinking way too much.  Duh, this is never going to happen and so I came up with this.

If I ruled the world.............
1. There would be no mean evil people doing mean evil things to others and hating others for things like race, sexual orientation or religion.  So much energy is spent on hating people for no reason at all and I'm so tired of seeing senseless crimes and murders on the news.  It is so sad that humans are capable of such cruelty and I want it stopped.   This is the modified version of total world peace.  I'm trying to be somewhat realistic.

2.  The standard work week would be four consecutive days instead of five.  Every weekend would be a 3 day weekend.  Even if it meant tacking on just one extra hour per day to the four work days out of the week to compensate a bit this would be huge for overall quality of life.  Two weekend days are simply not enough to have time for yourself and relax.  I'm sure everyone can agree with me on this one. 

3.  There would be no more terminal illness or disease (or murder based on rule #1).  The only way to die is by accident, injury or old age.  Period.  If I could get rid of all death I would but again...being realistic here and when I think about I'm really not so sure I want to live forever anyways.

I was also tagged by another blogger Abs to state Eleven things about myself, answer Eleven questions that she came up with and come with eleven questions to ask another blogger.  Whew....that's a lot of Q & A.  So since I have a tendency to make up my own rules on these things I decided to post the 11 things she stated about herself and answer the questions she passed onto me.  No one is getting tagged and I'm not making up new questions.   It's been going around quite a bit so I'm sure everyone has already done it right?  Right?

Eleven questions and answers about me:   
1. What was your favorite cartoon growing up?  The only cartoons I can remember watching are The Smurf's, Scooby Dooby Doo and Inspector Gadget.

2. Do you think kids had it easier back in the day (when you were a kid) or now and why?  Yes.  The internet and even texting is a game changer in terms of bullying and overall mischief that kids can get themselves mixed up in.  Kids seem to have gotten taller and meaner!  Things weren't perfect when I was a kid but everything just seemed simpler and less complicated.  I'm sure every generations says that.

3. In one sentence, what do you think makes a good mommy?  A good mommy is someone who is supportive, kind and knows when to put her foot down.  Just like my mom who has been the best mommy I could ever ask for.

4. Is the glass half full or half empty?  If I were asked this question 5 years ago I would have said half empty but now I say half full.  There are too many good things in life to only see half empty.

5. What makes you smile when you are feeling upset?  Thinking about my wonderful husband, what a good thing we have going on and how much happier I am since he's been in my life.

6. What is your absolute favorite food in the world?  Pizza.  I wish it were something more sophisticated but it's not.

7. What was your favorite 2011 Christmas gift?  My brown leather jacket from H & M.  I picked it out myself but it was a gift from my husband.  And my tan Uggs; also a gift from Mj.  I adore them both so I can't just pick one.

8. If you were given a shopping cart and 1 minute in your local supermarket, what would you put in your cart?  Tons of meat and cheese.  That seems to be the most expensive thing we buy at the grocery store.  I wouldn't overdo it on the fruit though.  It is also expensive but spoils...and I don't know how well it freezes.

9. What is your absolute favorite dream car?  I wrote a whole post about  my dream cars of years past.  I'd have to say my favorite dream car is the one I have now.  It's a Honda Civic that I'm hoping to keep forever.  I only care about what matters most and that is quality, reliability and gas mileage.

10. Are you a dreamer or a “go-getter”?  I'd like to say I'm a go getter.  Who wouldn't?  But I'm thinking I am more of a dreamer. 

11. What is your dream holiday destination and why?  Europe!!!  Particularly Greece.  Because I've never been and I hear it's beautiful.  I want to see all of those age old buildings and monuments that I've only seen on TV in person.  It's the kind of place you might get to go to only once in a lifetime and I hope I get to go.

Eleven things about Abs
If you want to learn even more about her check out her blog at Nabstural.
1. I absolutely love Jesus Christ – he is my “bestest” friend
2. I am a first born and honoured by my siblings respect of my role
3. I have 2 brothers
4. I have a weakness for chips (French fries) and crisps (chips)
5. I have never had a cavity
6. If I could re-decorate every week I would be one super happy girl – I love love love it
7. I am gifted in event planning
8. I am an internet surf-aholic
9. Bargain is my second name and I can smell it from a mile away especially on the internet
10. I am a lover of Mary Kay products and have been using them for 13+ years
11. My favourite shop in the whole wide world so far is “Bed bath and beyond”

Seven Things

One of my favorite bloggers, Faith from Life, Love & Marriage tagged me last week for a seven things post.  She came up with all kinds of fun and witty things to say about herself but it's always a struggle for me.  At least it's given me something to write about!  I wracked my brain and this is what I came up with.
  1. I purposefully avoid getting interested in new TV shows during the Fall TV premiere week because I'm afraid I might find something I actually like.  I don't have to worry about wanting to watch them every week.  I stick to a few old faithfuls (mostly short term reality shows) and have ditched a bunch to cut down on TV time.  I don't want catching up on TV shows in my DVR to feel like a job.
  2. My favorite color is Pink.  I even had to use it as one of my wedding colors.  It reminds me of all things beautiful like ballet and dainty pink flowers.  So delicate and perfect.  Maybe it's cliche for a girly girl like myself but oh well!!
  3.  I started kindergarten when I was 4 so I was always a year younger then all of my classmates.
  4.  I have two great sisters but always wondered what it would be like to have a brother.
  5. Ive only been eating Strawberries for about the last five years.  I was too afraid to try them because of the way they look.  Boy was I missing out!  I've always been sort of a picky eater but have greatly increased the foods that I'll eat as I've gotten older.
  6. I had a detached retina when I was in college.  This is something that often results from a blow to the eye but mine just happened.  I had to have eye surgery to repair it or else I could have gone blind.  My vision in that eye worsened (as if it wasn't bad enough) but I haven't had any problems with it ever since.  
  7. I am a cheese junkie.  I love all kinds.  I love it by itself and it's the main ingredient of some of my favorite foods which include Pizza, lasagna, and Quesadilla.
I have almost fully recovered from my crash on the ice rink last weekend.  My knees are still bruised and tender but getting better.  I seriously can't believe how banged up I got.  I must have hit that ice HARD!  Have you heard that B of A is going to start charging $5 per month for debit card usage?  I don't bank with them but if I did I'd be closing my accounts faster then that $5 could post to my account.  How ridiculous is that?  We have USAA (love them!) and I'm pretty sure they would never even consider doing such a thing but I hope other banks don't jump on the bandwagon and follow suit.  What a week this has been!  Work, school, gym, errands.  Life can be so exhausting.  It's gone by fast AND slow at the same time.  I'm not even sure how that is possible but I'm just really glad it's finally Friday.  I'm meeting my wonderful husband for a lunch date and then after work I'll be off to happy hour with friends.  

Happy Friday!!

Dear Diary

Even after you get the kids out you are still stuck with their stuff.  Thank goodness mom hasn't been charging storage all of these years.  Thirteen years later I have finally been reunited with many precious mementos that I just didn't have space for until now.  How crazy is it that so many childhood memories fit into two plastic bins?  It's like my own personal time capsule.
My first two Diaries
Among the treasures, most prized are my journals.  All 16 of 'em dating back to 1986 when I was in elementary school.  The Cabbage Patch Kids Diary was my first and the last spiral bound ends in 2003.  That's 17 years.  Half of my life is documented between those pages.  As I skimmed a journal from 1990 my Freshman year high school schedule fell out.  It's all there.  Every dream, every hope and every fear.  The tears I shed and the joys I felt are all documented in my bubbly cursive writing which actually hasn't change all that much.  I lived for Pizza, slumber parties, reading books, cheerleading, and gymnastics.  I believed that having a boyfriend and getting asked to homecoming would somehow change my life.  There are so many things I'd forgotten about.  I had a pen pal from Michigan and I used to sleep with my little sister when she was two years old to make sure she got to sleep.  We had Pizza for dinner a lot, I went to a million slumber parties, and there always seemed to be some big to do between my parents about if I would be allowed to go camping again with Beth or go to Chelsea's house. 

17 years worth of written journals
Oddly enough, as much as I've changed over the years I also haven't.  I can see plenty of thoughts of today reflected in my childhood musings of yesterday.  I'm still terrified of spiders, always my own worst critic, and enjoy being physically active.  I have however, discovered there are other things aside from Burger and Fries on restaurant menus, and acquired a greater sense of confidence and love for myself, that I didn't have as a child.  It's almost painful to read how harshly I berated myself for not being skinny enough, popular enough or pretty enough.  Having documented everything all of these years has really allowed me to recover long forgotten memories and keep them forever.  It's like reading a book except it's the story of my life written with my own hand.  I've had so much fun getting re acquainted with my adolescent self.  Here are some word for word quotes taken from my journals. 

May 19, 1986 
Dear Diary, Today was ok.  I got in trouble because I didn't want Jennifer to ride my bike.  My mom made me go to my room and I went upstairs and listened to music and I felt like running away.  Bye.

April 5, 1987 
Dear Diary, For my birthday I got a pound puppy, doll, Cabbage Patch clothes, Uno game, school kit, barbie clothes, two pencils, a ball and perfume.  My party was fun.  We played games.

January 2, 1990
In Family Life we're studying Human Sexuality.  It's kind of embarrassing.

January 13, 1990
Mommy and Daddy got doughnuts when they went grocery shopping.  Yum!  I want to have a slumber party for my birthday.  I worked the whole thing out on paper.

November 25, 1990
The things I want most for Christmas is a bedspread set for my day bed, head phones, overnight bag, Caboodle, Gymnast series books and my own room.  

May 20th 1991 
I MADE IT!! I'M A CHEERLEADER.  I have been waiting all year for this.  I'm a JV Cheerleader!  I'm so happy.  

September 19, 1992 
We had to pull over at a gas station so that Ryan could finish throwing up.  I'm never getting drunk.  NO WAY!! It is not worth it.

September 24, 1992
I want him to ask me to dance sooooooo bad.  Then maybe he'll like me.

April 21, 1993 
I'm a major teacher's pet in History.  It's embarrassing.  Today he said everyone had to put away their news paper but me because I could do whatever I want.

April 26, 1993
It's probably going to be too scary for me to ever kiss a boy.    

March 9, 1994
What's the point of me having my license if mom's too afraid to let me drive anywhere?

May 22, 1994 
My body was hurting so much.  It was an awesome gymnastics meet though.   It was sad when they called all the Seniors walk out.  I almost cried.  This was my last meet.  It felt so good to go up there and get medals.  Then to be CIF Champ is amazing.  I can't believe it really happened.  I worked so hard for this.

I never stopped writing.  I just stopped doing it on paper and started doing it online because it has always been something I wanted and needed to do.  In 2003 where the paper journals end I started a private online Diary.  I skipped over to My Space in 2005 and started blogging there before it was even called blogging.  In 2009 I discovered Blogger and have been happily settled over here ever since.  I migrated all of my old Diaryland and My Space entries into a private blog over here so all of my thoughts are now in one place.  I have my public blog that is open to the public, but I still have a private blog for my eyes only where I continue to record my thoughts.  It's amazing to read how far I've come and almost scary that there are so many things that I simply would have forgotten about had I not written it all down. 

I think I missed my calling.  I should've been a writer.  Or, maybe I already am.

Weight of the World

When I was a kid my best friend and I were gymnasts.  Her mom was a stay at home mom to three and most of the other parents had to work so she always ended up being the carpool go to person.  She picked us up, and dropped us off at daily practice and hosted many a slumber parties and camping trips.  We seemed to spend a lot of time in the car.  I'm not sure why I remember the things that I do but I still have this image of her driving with one hand on the wheel and the other hand holding up her head while her arm rested on the door with her elbow just slightly sticking out of the window.   She sighed a lot and often looked sad and tired.  Just looking at her like that you got the sense that the weight of the world was on her shoulders.  I remember clearly thinking to myself with the innocence of a child that I would never be that way.  As a kid sitting in the back seat chatting with my gym buddies I had no comprehension of the menagerie of worries she could possibly be struggling with and simply could not understand what could make someone appear so beaten down.  How could I?  Childhood is such a wonderful little bubble of joy.  I was young, full of energy and had no responsibilities beyond household chores and going to school.  My biggest worry was if I would get my back handspring on beam or if my dad would let me go to Disneyland with the other girls. 

As an official adult for the last sixteen years I know better now.  I can think of a million things that could have caused the sadness in her eyes and the weariness in her face.  I often times find myself assuming that same pose with my head in my hand on my way home from a long day of work.  A worried head racing with thoughts of this or that.  Funny how that is.  I know now what I couldn't begin to know back then.  As we grow older our world broadens and along with that comes a million other things that make us grow up and make us grown ups.  Some things we like, and some we don't but we don't get to pick and choose.   I remember the excitement of going off to college, the thrill of ordering my first drink in a bar and the pride of moving out into my first apartment on my own after college.  I remember how excited and responsible I felt when I got my first "big girl" job with salary and benefits.  Along with each step comes things that need resolving, bills that need to be paid and obligations that need to be tended to.  It goes on and on with each new milestone.

Life can be as hard as it is rewarding.  I know that I've not seen the worst it has to offer and can't complain too much but there are days when I just can't see that proverbial light at the end of the tunnel and my inner demons threaten to knock me down.  Moments where I feel tired and worn out by the day to day struggle of making it and figuring out where I fit in.  Times that I wonder where I went wrong and what, oh what can I do to fix it now. 

So what do we do?  We keep going because as grown ups that's what we are supposed to do.  We hold on tight to the good things and do our best to fend off the bad.  We gather strength and joy from the ones we love.  We keep working, growing, and learning.  We bask in delight wherever it finds us, because surely and thankfully it will.  We do this because life can be hard but it is still good.

An Award for Me

I got an award!!  Adorably Distracted gave me the Versatile Blogger award.  I love her blog because it's real.  She tells it like it is and that's that.  No sugar coating required.  Getting an award for being versatile seems sort of ironic at the moment because lately I feel like I never have anything interesting to write about.  Well, at least now I do!  I love it that the questions do not require soul searching or totally profound answers.  I always get stumped on those and never know what to write.  These I can do.

1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award
2. Answer 10 questions*
3. Pass it along to 7 blogs you've recently discovered and enjoy*
4. Leave your recipients a note, telling them about the award
Disclaimer:  I must add this note because I don't want anyone to feel obligated to answer the questions and/or pass it on.  Awards are great and all but not everyone is into it.  I will not be offended and will still happily read your blog!

The Questions:
1.  Why did you create this blog?
I didn't do it for a specific purpose but just because it's what I do.  I can't help but write.  As soon as I discovered blogging I wanted in!  I love writing AND I love it that here I get to share my writing and read the writing of others as well.  I have diaries dating back to age 10!  I journaled all through middle school, high school and college.  That's a lot of writing, a lot of spiral notebooks and a heck of a lot of secrets.   I always joke that I want to have them buried with me.  It's hilarious to go back and read them and I love it that I actually have a running narration of my whole life.  To satisfy that need I still have a secret journal online.   I will always be writing something somewhere.
2. What kinds of blogs do you follow?
I tend to follow blogs of people who I can identify with and who are in a similar state in life as me.  It's fun to see the goings on of others all over.  There is reality TV where we kind of get to peek inside the lives of others but that's actually not reality.  Watching the Kardsashians jet off to New York or Miami and buy things I can only dream about isn't the real world for me. 

3. Favorite make-up brand?
Mac and Clinique.  I also like my Rimmel London mascara.
4. Favorite clothing brand?
I love Express and The Limited...when I have coupons.  I haven't been to H & M in a while but I like their clothes too.
5. Indispensable makeup product?
Blush.  Even on days where I wear nothing else which is most of the time I sweep some blush over my cheeks and it gives me a nice glow.
6. Favorite color?
7. Favorite perfume?
I LOVE Burberry and Glo by J Lo.
8. Favorite film?
Some favorites are Brokedown Palace, Return to Paradise, and Texas Chainsaw Massacre (the remake with Jessica Biel in it).  I'm a horror movie nut.
9. What country would you like to visit and why?
Italy and Greece.  I would like to go to both if I ever get the chance to go to Europe.  They both look so beautiful in pictures and TV.  I want to see it and experience it for myself.
10. Would you rather forget to put mascara on one eye or forget blush on one side of your face?
I'd rather forget blush.  It's easier to wipe off the other cheek.  That is if I realize it!

I really haven't added too many new blogs to my blog roll lately so I will pass this award along to some I think are somewhat newer then others at least!

Kristin in America:  She just did some awesome recaps of her awesome backyard wedding and is now making the transition from living in Japan to being back in the US of A.
Fitting Back In:  This is actually my newest addition to my blog roll.  She is a married gal who exercises regularly AND she cooks up a storm.  Basically, an inspiration!  If I ever am at a loss for a recipe I KNOW I can find something on her site.
The Chocolate Knot:  A fairly new newly wed like a lot of my readers.  She blogs about a lot of relationship stuff even with her busy schedule.
Lovely Little Details:  I've actually followed this one for a while but Jacin has totally revamped her website and has turned into quite the wedding blogger.  She even created the love for planning her own wedding into a business and she styles weddings now.  Amazing!!
In Sickness and In Health:  I have followed her other blog for a while and she recently created this one to document her husband's fight with cancer.  They are both so young but they have an incredible attitude about what they are being forced to deal with.  My heart goes out to them and I wish only the best for her husband's quick recovery.

2010 Was Amazing

Feb 2010-Valentine's Day
As we begin a new year I think back to what a magical year 2010 was.  I had orchestrated my little life into a tiny neat little box that was my condo where I had re built my life for the last five years.  I had my independence, my budget, and my habits.  I knew what was what and it was safe.  I had finally managed to form some semblance of happiness and now everything was about to change and fast.

We lived together for the first time in my condo for 6 months.

We went through the house hunting roller coaster.

We booked a wedding venue in December 09 and went under contract for our new house in January.

We waited 6 months for our house to be built and finally got to move in on May 26th. 
We started out with dirt.......
And ended up with our first house

I actually made an effort to start cooking. 
The Cabbage, Rice & Turkey sausage turned out pretty good
except for the crunchy rice.

We settled in, organized, painted, and started to make our house into our home.
    painting was harder then we thought

    I rented out my condo.
    Something I was (and still am) terrified of and NEVER EVER wanted to have to do.
      My condo became a rental property

      At the end of May my big sis moves back home for good at least the next five years.

      After months of planning we got married on July 10-the most  magical day of my life. 
        I do!
         In August my adorable baby nephew is born.  The first grandchild in the family. 

          DJ.  Just a few hours old
          At the end of October we jetted off for our perfect 8 day Hawaiian Honeymoon
            Hiking Diamond Head

            As soon as we got back from our honeymoon I started a new position at work in November after getting promoted.

            In December Little sis' will take her last college final and finishes up college.

            We enjoyed our first Christmas tree and Christmas in our new house.

            The only thing left to is to have a baby and I do believe we are out of time on that one which is just fine with us!!

            2010 in a word was amazing.  In two words, it was amazing and expensive!  So many good things happened.  Life changing things.  From January until July our lives were a whirlwind of house hunting and wedding plans.  There was stress, anxiety, pure joy and everything else in between.   Then, once things calmed down we got the chance to relax and just BE without a million things going on at once.   My big sis came home to stay and I love having her nearby and being able to see my nephew.  The wedding was wonderful and our honeymoon was our reward and celebration for everything that we had accomplished together.  I will always remember it as the year that my life changed for the better in ways that I never dreamed possible for me.  The year that I conquered my fears again and didn't let them overpower me as they had before.  The year that I truly believed for the first time in a long time that life is good.  It feels so good to be happy and it makes me sad to think of all the years I spent in misery hating life and hating myself even more.  I loved 2010 and there is a possibility it can't be topped this coming year but that's fine.  I'll gladly settle for happy.  It really is a new chapter for me.  I am looking forward to many more happy years in 2011 and beyond with my husband and wishing only good things for my family and yours.